Opies mulitple personalities

18  2016-02-11 by DButler1979

Have you noticed the douche become a different person depending on who is in studio?

Some examples:

Florentine= Opie becomes Florentine and thinks everything is stupid, makes up stories about getting laid and just adopts a tough guy persona.

Sam/Erock in studio or hes on thier show= He becomes the old cool guy that taught them everything they know. Hes unfunny Yoda.

Bobby or Vos= Opie feels the need to turn up the insults and try to go back and forth with the "guys"

Sherrod/desteffano= Becomes as uninteresting as them and it just turns into a pop culture show.

New comic=He goes in to show off mode, brags about lots of things and has to be the cool guy. I.E. Theo Von and hanging up on a hollywood director. and today talking about getting in fights in college.


Travis: opie turns into the deep tracks guy or the sports guy, trying to spit sports stats that he's briefly read before the show or heard his father in law say.

This may be the worst one.

But he listened to Vitalogy like 20 times. He's pretty much related to Vedder now

Don't forget about the rare A-list or known guest who does the obligatory 15-min interview, in which Opie acts deferential, kisses ass, and says "WOW" in an obnoxiously staccato, hushed, reverential tone. "WHAOW".

Ah yes, that is "please like me opie". And he wonders why his only friend in hollywood was GreG Brady.

Every guest= opie continues being a fag

How can a man have all these personalities and still have no personality. He made 0= >1, truly a math genius.

He was a rockstar in math in high school!

Unfunny Yoda. Vurrry good that was.

Honorable mentions:

  • "Thats so Brave of you" - Big movie star does something slightly different (or not really) and Opie mentions it 400 times during the interview. "Thats just so brave to do that".

  • "Classic Rock expert" - Whenever Ronnie B is in, Opie starts with classic rock talk and acts like he knows about the Stones, Dylan, etc. "I go deep with the Stones", but then doesnt know the titles of major songs.

As noted time and time again, Opie is a sociopath, trying to mimic others personalities because he doesn't have one of his own.

Pretty sure that's borderline personality disorder.

Names for these things are really just what we call a collection of symptoms, and the symptoms can have co-morbidity with other disorders. I'd say he's more NPD (Narcissistic) than BPD, which is a lot less calculated and more extreme. If he had full on BPD, I doubt he could hold a corporate job like that, he'd be too unstable, instead of just a more "calculated" edgelord.

"New comic/person" Opie is the fucking worst. Bragging and rehashing old bullshit in a forceful way, fucking up flow even more than he normally does.

Florentine= Opie becomes Florentine and thinks everything is stupid, makes up stories about getting laid and just adopts a tough guy persona.

Don't forget how he even tries to vocally sound like him.

Opie hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a radio host. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying.

and every single one of his multiple personalities are talentless hacks who lack self-awareness.


yuck. Opie's fake tough guy/fight stories always make me incredibly angry. I would bet big money that he has never once thrown a punch, but has likely been beaten up a few times. Redhead virgin faggots don't do great in white trash high schools.

He has borderline personality disorder.