Jim gets awful career advice, the only workable format for a Chip show is a "man on the street" type show.

163  2016-02-11 by [deleted]

Jim should've spent the last year going around with a camera man and a microphone, filming himself interacting with unsuspecting members of the public and edited that down into a pilot.

The shit he did at Comic Con, where he's messing with random strangers is the best and probably only workable format for this character.

Why was he wasting his time and money on a fucking cartoon?



Exactly. Jim with time to prepare = Jim with his neurosis's taking over and putting out mediocre shit.

Agreed, it took me a bit to figure out that I didn't like his specials but liked him on the show and on "man on the street" bits. I'd probably like him live, but any of the prepared stuff (specials, Vice, etc.) just doesn't make me laugh.

uh... Seeing him live = his specials

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Comedy specials in theaters suck. They are always better in a club, it's. More intimate .


I would assume so, but so many people on here say he's great live, it's hard to tell.

Chip only really "works" as a character when he's using the character to make real people confused and uncomfortable. You can't replicate those kinds of moments in a cartoon.

You could but it would take someone with animation experience.

If he did live bits a' la Chip at comiccon, recorded them as faux interviews (You could do this with celebritys for example, or just random people) what then you could do is edit the audio into an animation. Edit out parts that don't work, and insert the interviews into a sripted world where outside characters react to the interview. Link several of these interviews together and write in reactions for the animated characters to create a story from start to finish.

The improv mixed with scripted jokes would probably reflect the chip persona very well and would give the cartoon a surreal vibe that would make the viewers not feel as uncomfortable as the interviewees.

Sounds like what they did with the ricky gervais show with karl

If Billy on the street can work, why not Chip? Chip is way less hacky.

Billy on the peckah

Only way it'll maybe work is if it's like a Mr.Bean type cartoon. Hard to say if it'll work any other way.

I don't know, I for one would love at least one episode where its like a "meet the Pyro" type of thing where we see the world through Chips eyes.

I might pay out money for that.

I think the cartoon idea is solid but like I said in the other thread, Chip shouldn't be the main character.

Jim should be the "straight man", like Jerry on seinfeld. The characters could be minor players in his life. Neighbors, relatives, imaginary friends, whatever. The Jim character needs to exist as the thread connecting these random weirdos.

It would at least be novel because we've never seen Jim interact with the characters, at least from what I remember.

Jim is hitting on a chick at the bar and chip comes over and says "why don't you suck his pecka already" and jim has to apologize and etc etc etc

This could work as an idea where it's like the first couple seasons of Louie or Maron where it's Jim being Jim with these characters in his head like the angel and devil on the shoulders but with actual situations everyone goes through.

Jim meets twinks who've adopted and Uncle Paul comes out or before a big HBO show he's nervous about, Ted fucks up everything.

That's a good idea. So good Jim will never do it.

Yep this is the only way it would work. It needs to revolve around a normal guy who is living his already dreadful life and on top of it has to deal with all these characters who are somehow associated with him.

Jimmy always used to talk about how he hates cartoons and how animation is for children

He'll say it again when this bombs. Then he'll blame fans for asking for it and not supporting it. Because we're hateable, scumbags, babies, etc.

When has he ever said anything like that before? He's self hating about his work and mediocrity constantly.

Yes he has, and you tell by that stupid fucking promo he made that he watched a half hour of adult swim and said I guess this is what people like, and threw it together in a day . 200,000 for a heartless project in a medium he hates. The guys a fucking asshole.


I dunno, I think he's been jealous of how uncensored and free animation (namely South Park) is allowed to be.

Whoever told him that this was a good idea is probably the same person who said he should do that huge smile during his specials.

Joe Rogan said to do it


And buy the newest line of Onnit high performance supplements. Invest in it, even.

Pretty sure it was already in production when he told Rogan about it. Unless you're referring to Rogan telling him to mug to the crowd with his huge gaping smile.

People on this very sub were clamoring for him to do this instead of his Vice show, and every time I would insist on what an awful idea it is.

Jim should try "man on the train tracks" type show.

Lady Di's husband already tried that...

And it was successful, hence all the reason for the Worm to do it too. At least for that one day that it was in the news he'd finally be more famous than his former opening acts.

100% guarantee people here would say he was ripping off Sacha Baron Cohen if that was made into a real show.

If there's one thing that should be taken away from this and the Patrice thing, don't ask this show's fans for money. They do not react well.

It could be somewhat derivative but not a blatant Schumering.

Borat, Ali G, Bruno. Chip, Uncle Paul, Edgar.

Im all for shitting on ideas, but to say he's ripping off Sacha is stupid. Like Sacha is the first guy to do this style of comedy...

Of course. It's the monetizing that seems to cross the line for people.

He's not even the first to monetize it. That's his job. He does funny shit for money. Anyone complaining should go pound sand.

Technically no one has complained about anything. But the "that was awful" vibe reminds me a lot of broads saying "I'm not offended, I'm a cool person, and I laugh at jokes when they're funny. But that rape joke Just Wasn't Funny".

It reminds me in other words of a cowardly way of complaining.

Not to split hairs here, but isn't saying that something was awful basically complaining? Not really sure what you mean.

I meant that this sub would be awful.



Maybe if Jim were closer with Opie, he would lend him the money...

You are right. That would be great.

Yeah, Chip at comicon are the funniest usage of Chip there is, I've shown it to people who don't know who Jimmy is and don't listen to O&A and they love it.

He's not wasting his money, he's another millionaire wasting the money of the poor people who donate to his fund.

Just look at Billy on the Street.

I don't think him doing Chip would be enough to build a whole show around.

It would've been a great idea for a segment on his Vice show.

He could have used that vice show to launch all of his characters and work out all his skit ideas. Instead he tries to be Conan with a tranny Andy Richter. Jim's interviewing skills aren't nearly good enough to warrant a talk show - there's nothing worse than over-serious Jimmy.

I wish he didn't feel the need to be self-deprecating 100% of the time.

"Hi how is everyone tonight? Omg I'm asking that like I'm a real host, I suck!"

What about when he talks about wearing a suit huh?

Netflix is in talks debated whether to replace f is for family with chip as we speak

A better use of money would be for Jim to make a book on tape: "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" as read by Chip Chipperson


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Good job on letting his chip youtube channel get hacked by a Nigerian prince

I think the animation would be funnier if there were more "straight" characters that were disgusted by Chip. Something more like Rick and Mort (cept Rick and Chip)

Sasha Baron Cohen did it with an Immigrant, Billy Eichner did it with an over-the-top gay man (aka himself), even that Kyle guy did it with his painfully awkward persona. Now is the time for Jim to bring the lovable sociopath to the streets, one that has already went VIRAL, and instead he makes a goddamn cartoon (which buy da wayy he hates cartoons buy da way)

It's like watching Norm doing those fucking KFC commercials instead of using his time to do more podcasts. I understand Jim's schedule is tight, what with a radio show on weekdays and standup on weekends, but goddammit a show is his best bet to achieve the mainstream attention he wants.

I feel disgusted with myself devoting this much time to write these shitty jimspirational words.

Billy Eichner

Who on earth thinks Billy Eichner yelling is remotely humorous and why does he keep getting cast in things.

My friend and I were approached a few blocks from Radio City to be on "a talk show." Being typical New Yorkers, we were skeptical. Plus, she refused to tell us which one because "that ruins the surprise."

We started walking with her (she was hot) and my friend said, " Is this for Billy on the Street?" She nodded yes.

We both walked away from her without saying a word.

I have no idea who watches that awful show or why anyone thinks he's funny.

I like it.

I've never seen his talk show, but he has ruined every Parks and Rec and Bobs Burgers episode that he's been in.

Because Bill Burr did it....

he is desperately trying to do something to catch the same fame as basically every comic friend of his that is leapfrogging him and he sits around and listens to SNIFF

He's old as fuck. No country for old men

Maybe if he put in the work/effort over the years that Bill Burr did he wouldn't have to act like such a needy, panhandling faggot.

this is 100% true. there's all kinds of popular shows about man on the street stuff, he even used to do that sort of thing when he did leno appearances. it's perfect, cheap, just need a cameraman and you could talk about literally anything.

everyone loved watching chip in that van with the driver in cleveland, even people on fucking worldstar.

I still go back and watch those fucking retarded and hilarious comic con videos, I will never go back and watch this cartoon, that right there says something

Jimmy doesn't understand physical humor or why people react a certain way to something.

If he did Borat, he'd have him in one of those statue of liberty novelty hats while making a stupid face the entire time. Because that's the funny part, right? The goofy hat and stupid face?

In my humble opinion, Jim's standup stinks. Unwatchable. On the radio off the cuff there is NOBODY that is better. Same thing applies here.

There's a lot of money in cartoons and he's trying to figure out what he's going to do with his life when OpieRadio is o-v-e-r.

Could you imagine how enraging it would be to have a job you hate, but also be handcuffed to that job because there's nothing else that will pay remotely as much?

So he's like most of us? Boo hoo.

I 100% agree that chip is best improv'd but that doesn't mean this can't be good. I just watched it a second time showing my girl and I liked it better. My thoughts and critiques are....

*i do not like the nose flaring when he TSSSSS'S at all

*im not a big fan of the animation style, hopefully he tweeks and improves it

  • obviously he needs to build the characters and establish them all better. I'm sure he will, this is just a brief promo asking his fans already familiar with the characters for money.

  • I don't know what his plans are but he should hire writers. The greatest thing ever would be getting on Adult Swim (which seems impossible since he's funding this himself) but getting on Adult Swim would just be tremendous. The money, experience, and personnel both technically and creatively can really turn this around and make it awesome.

  • someone mentioned this above but maybe this needs a straight man as the anchor. I'm not saying it's essential but i think it would help. Chip is best improv'd but even more importantly, Chip is best when he's chipp'n around NORMAL PEOPLE. People that realize he's an annoying, unfunny zilch.

I mentioned this before but i wonder what we would all think of this if we were totally unfamiliar with Jim and all of these characters. I've seen so many ridiculous and dumb cartoons on Adult Swim that I actually like and enjoy watching. I honestly do think that if I was blazed at 2 am and this came on I would enjoy it and be intrigued. I don't know gang, I knew you would all be hating on this the minute I saw it, but I'm gonna support Jimmy any and every way I can, and I truly do see the potential in this and I did enjoy it despite my ridiculously high expectations. Remember this is a very rough promo, basically a test. Let's all support and help Jim. I don't get how so many of you can be such dicks and be so negative. I fucking love Jim, the man has made me laugh more than anyone in the world and its not even close. I want him to succeed


Didn't he have a Gofundme for this horse shit?


Chip only works in small doses and works best when he's reacting to something. Chip can't lead, he's at best a sidekick or something used sparingly.

Really the best place for him would be interviewing celebrities or some shit but we don't need more of those.

It doesn't have to be celebrities, harassing random convention goers was great.

If Jimmy was smart he'd get his ass to South Carolina next week and start interviewing people during all of this primary chaos.

Jimmy's career is frustrating to watch if you're a fan. Why does he keep trying to be the host of a talk show or advice show? Why is he making an animated show out of these bit characters? Why is he so scared of touring outside of the US? Why does he keep smiling creepily in his specials? Why, Jimmy?

OP, that's exactly what I was thinking as well.

Man on the street...completely off-the-cuff...and above all else, REAL.

Yep, that is exactly right. Real life encounters are the best format for him.


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yeah, nothing would be worse than the outcome of a show where some other staff member of his asks "what would uncle paul say here?"

or a filthy gay porn

Doing a Borat thing might even help his career.

his money?

He paid like 30 grand out of pocket to produce that 5 minute pilot.


He's wasting our money not his.

$200k for what will probably be 4 hours of crude Flash animation.

Nigga is so out of touch.

good characters, wrong format.

simple as that.

maybe with money and a few writers and better animation I still say it has potential. I also think we're too close and familiar with it and also have higher expectations. Think if we never heard these characters and didn't know the creator and this came out on Adult Swim randomly at 2:15 am, I bet we would all think it's interesting and even kinda funny.

Jimmy is the person who is too invested in this whole project to make accurate judgements about it. We're the ones with enough distance from this project to be objective about it. Its the wrong type of show to be doing with this particular character, because it negates the best thing about Chip, which is the "in the moment" awkwardness that Jim creates with it.

I agree that Chip is best used improv'd and around normal and unexpected people

The only way this could be funny is if it was presented completely straight, the fucked up nature of everything was slowly revealed over time and Jimmy was only responsible for peppering the script with chip-isms.

That pilot was exposition.txt with a stupid sitcom premise and over the top cartoon violence like it was Ren & Stimpy's Adult Party.


Your apostrophes are out of control.


You can't be Sirius, XM!