Jim should have made this cartoon during the height of O&A

2  2016-02-11 by Jessica1997xxx

Back when there were like 5 skilled animators that were doing O&A cartoons in their free time. He could have just sent them audio and he'd have had a free cartoon. This whole Chip cartoon is too little too late.


It's a little alright, am I right fellas

Jim should just never have contemplated making a cartoon out of his characters, they don't work at all in that context.

Ted would make a better main character than Chip.

He offers more on an episodic level than Chip ever could.

Chip depends on failed one liners that need to be excruciatingly setup.

Ted hatches awful scams and business ideas. There's more there to work with.

I think Coke Logic would have done an awesome job. Im not sure how others feel bt I think hes a pretty unique and interesting animator.

I loved Cokelogic's shit. Im not sure if I could watch it past maybe 5 min long skits, but I liked what he did.

The height of O&A was way before Chip was ever even a thought.