Chip Chipperson Pilot

128  2016-02-11 by simorulzzz


Oof. That was bad.

It truly is the Chip of cartoons.

Truly pathetic and painful. Only made to 2:07.

Jim, Jim, Jim...who told you this was a good idea?

Hijacking top comment to say he's been working on this for over 5 years now.

I'm a reddit faggot and I think this is awful because I think shopping out someone's hair is hilarious. Oh and man tits.

Now to what's important, firefly was the greatest show on TV and pokemon gold the greatest DS game of all time. Also I'm latently homosexual as indicated by my suspenders, wooden bow tie, 1880s haircut and waxed moustache.

Reddit sucks but if you don't think this sub is funny then kill yourself

How about I overdose on cum

I never thought about it before but the reason Jim's character's worked is because they were lightning fast reactions to live conversations.

Chip having a bomb in the middle of a great O&A riff sesh was hilarious. Chip telling a bad joke in a scripted cartoon is just a bad joke.

What would work better is a "Jim Norton & Friends" show. Jim should be the main character, like Jerry in Seinfeld. Chip, Edgar, Uncle Paul would be the Kramer, George, Newman, etc.

Yes, this was the worst way to use Chip. Normally it works because you're in on the joke, so you can laugh and cringe at the unfunny shit he says.

This pilot just gives you Chip straight up, on the nose and with a laughtrack so it becomes just unironically bad. It's like David Brent without the other characters to show the audience what an ass Brent is.

It's been said 20 times in this thread, but this is the best summary of why it doesn't work.

Slice of life with Jimmy's characters as animated extensions of his mind.

We can see them but others cannot. Keeps conversation natural and allows with interjection from the characters while Jim tries real hard to ignore them and occasionally slips up.

Herman's Head, only disgusting.

The premise of the show could be Jimmy going about his daily life at home, work, at gigs with a film crew and he tells people he's got a crew following him to do a documentary about his life and career. I am sure his core group of comedian friends would play along and be on it for scale or nothing at all and he could do Chip the way he does it on the radio show and at comedy clubs. Group of people standing around talking and he throws out a Chip comment or Uncle Paul, and get the genuine reaction to his character. Be funny I think to get Bill Burr, Colin Quinn, Bob Kelly and others reactions to Jimmy's multiple personalities.

Call it Jimmy's Voices or as an homage to a comedy thief call it The Mind of Norton.

I totally agree, and that's what I thought he was going for initially. I thought it was like a Jim Norton world, with all of his characters together. That I think could work, not just a....stand alone....Chip...

that is a much better idea.

Yeah, but it's understandable that Jim didn't have the same idea. He's just the guy who's been trying to do get something going for years and literally is those characters. I'm a big shot random internet dildo who thought about it for 5 seconds.

It's really weird he went in this direction. I can't imagine he doesn't know there are a million better ways to do it. Most of them wouldn't involve that ripoff ren & stimpy art style with community college senior project level of animation.

Main character, like you said, Jim. All his tranny-chasing, Kiss-loving, Ozzy-humping, awkward gym moments life.

Side characters: I'd like to see Kenny vs Uncle Paul. Uncle Paul always has a ruse to lure kids. From ice cream trucks, to building an unauthorized and underground child care facility ring. Substitute teaching, very amateur photographer for kids sports.. etc. Instead of running into Paul on the streets for random yuck yucks, he's part of Kenny's ongoing investigation.

Any time any character needs something, they hit up Ted's store.. which is the same place (art/location), but changes products as needed - easy enough, 5 seconds worth of material. Chip is Jim's annoying neighbor who mostly ruins Jim's social & work life. "Oh you got a girl over.." or pitching bits for his "shock jock radio life" .. In and out with the moment-ruining "jokes". and Edgar is a bit part (maybe he's Jims building super)

Write the characters as actual characters..I hope he does something like that.

/just spitballing here


Yours would require developing the characters to the point that they have a life complexity. After all, each of his characters are really just one joke. How many times can Regular Joe show up in a scene and tell everyone "eh gimme a cuppa coffee and I'm working" before it gets grating. But if he developed them, there's a chance of him ruining his delivery. Your way is harder and riskier; I don't blame Jim for going a simpler route. Comedy often lives in simplicity.

I think its the exact opposite. Newman on seinfeld has no complexity. If it was the Jim Norton & Friends show, Chip could be his annoying cousin who wants to be a comedian and we see him for 30 seconds per episode chippin it up. Giving Jim bad advice on jokes. Trying to do standup himself. Ruining Jim's chances with a lady. The other characters could be neighbors in jim's apartment building who are never the focus but add to the show. Jim could be walking out of his building and pass uncle paul putting up a sign in the lobby that says "Free Babysitting! No tah-uhll tales." This shit writes itself.

How does The Chip Chipperson show require less development than that?


I agree with most of that but the laugh track is an intentional joke. The premise that it's live is silly and it gives chip someone to yell at when they don't laugh. It's not used the way big bang theory uses it, for example.

The laugh track isn't a particularly GOOD joke, but it has a purpose.

Yea I think the laugh track can work perfectly if it laughs at other character's jokes and never laughs at Chip when he tries to punch up their jokes.. It can be used the same way with Paul, Edgar, Kirk, etc... The thing is, there has to be "normal" funny characters.. Not everyone can be a one dimensional exaggeration.

Chip goes to Comical Con was pretty funny, I would watch a show like that. Sort of the cringe humor of Nathan For You

I think a lot of people, me included, have a limited tolerance for cringe stuff.

The comical con videos were good but I don't know if it would work in more than 5 minute chunks. It would be an OK segment on a sketch show. Just off the top of my head, I'd call it "Inside Jim NortonĀ®".

I totally agree, that's why Chip TV was fucking spectacular.

Yeah.....if Jimmy wants a cartoon featuring his characters so bad, he should just pay some flash cartoonist (with better skills than cokelogic) to make a short every couple of months. I enjoyed this pilot as a one-off, but with a few drops of sincere storytelling, this isn't gonna succeed. Perhaps they should have made the pilot different. I think Chip could actually work as a protagonist, if he had some kind of quest he was on besides just being wonderfully unfunny. Anyone remember Chip goes to "Comical Con"? That was better than this.




This might have ruined chip for me. It sucks.

that was a rough go for me. including Kenny didn't help

Yeah, I love Chip, but this definitively stains that character. He needs an environment that contrasts him. In a room full of funny people, he's hilarious, especially when he can play off something that is actually funny, and in that stark contrast he provides. Though, I also thought those comic-con videos were pretty great.

I've listened to an unhealthy amount of Jim Nortons characters on YouTube. I've watched them all, and I've watched most of them several times. I desperately want more content like that, but this pilot sours that too.

The Comical-Con....Tsss...videos were funny as all hell.

It really is not meant to be a scripted character. Chip annoying people is pretty much the whole gag.


Good to see a Jerry Sandusky reference. So that means he has now talked about this vaguely topical story from 2009 on stage, on the radio, on his TV show and now on this. He really is the new Carlin.

Don't forget about the john wayne gacy reference.

anything to work in kidfucking

Hey buddy it was 2011.


he used to be


This was horrible, and I do agree with you that Jim is best as a 3rd mic, but to say he lacks "work ethic and effort" is not fair. Norton is always out working on a new idea or bit. They may not all be successful, but that is not for lack of effort.


Is your job so amazing that you don't do it for the money?

He is making a very solid living doing this shitty ass show.

Norton is not perfect, but I don't be grudge him taking the easy money.


I agree. His superpower is his lightning-quick reactions to other funny people. That's why he was enjoyable and hilarious on OnA and Tough Crowd, but could never deliver the same laughs in standup or acting.

He's a shitty version of Vos with AIDS and characters.

I still want to believe he is. Just.

Agreed. It seems more like a case of laziness if anything, he's definitely capable of being funny off the cuff and has potential for funny and interesting dialogue.

This should have been Chip interacting with real people, then animated. A bit like The Ricky Gervais show. The beauty of Chip and Karl Pilkington is how they interact with real people. Fuck this shit

Maybe this is the plan for it. I'm sure the pilot is simply to showcase all of the characters included in the show in order to sample it and get funding. He hasn't given a plotline or much detail on what the episodes would be like.

Karl isn't a character though...well, not entirely (he exaggerated his 'manc buffoon' traits after he left radio), but there is a serious delineation between those two.




What original ideas?


Are you kidding? Chip is a total rip off of a saturday night live sktech where daniel craig told bad jokes. They're like the exact same thing. I'm surprised lorne michaels didn't sue.

He wouldn't be ripping anyone off, characters interacting with real people has been a genre of comedy for a long time and it would work better for Jim's characters. Having them say written lines feels forced.


Yeah, and if he made an entire animated show out of those types of interactions then it would probably work.

The people he screened that for who told Jimmy that the pilot is "great," "hilarious," or "terrific" clearly do not care about Jimmy and do not want him to succeed.

Jimmy can be absolutely brilliant and hilarious but this pilot is not a good representation of either.

but his ex girlfriend likes it

Which one? There is this bitch with a podcast called camel centre or something, she's awful

Edit: Alright I just watched the clip and that camel bitchs name is in the credit, she's the writer for this garbage lol

She just needs a paycheck and his sex addicted ass just wants to fuck her one more time so this is the result.

It's brilliant, some truckers are paying him to impress that chick

uh, no this pilot is incredibly indicative of what this mutant finds funny, it was so hard to watch.

this is what happens when you don't have anyone in your life being honest with you.

Kenny and Jen Carmody LOVED it. They also love their paychecks.


Her name might be Jen Tell Jim Whatever He Wants To Hear And Fuck Him With A Strap-On So I can Get A Paycheck And Not Have To Get A Real Job Like I Should

Jenny Golightly?!


Jenny StopI'mShittingI'mShitting?

This is what happens when you don't take criticism well. People stop being honest with you.

You'd know.


So should I.


Made it to 0:52...fucking oof.

Also, fuck kenny.

God damn it is that rough.

I can't believe this is worse than I thought it was gonna be.


No thanks.

I'd much rather have a black guy play Lamar.

I'd rather have a black guy play Sherrod.

Poor Jim. As much as I like the guy, he really is an asshole when it comes to this stuff.

The animation company he's decided to work with is terrible. Look at their website The show reel doesn't work, and I can't find a copy online. He either got impressed by the credits, or is trying to be a cheapskate. The people involved in the animation festival created work that is streets ahead of this shit.

Also, the sound is mixed poorly (like the cartoon released the other day by Big Jay et al), the timing is way off, and the studio audience thing is plain bad.

Whatever manager or agent he's got who let him take a good piece of intellectual property and waste it like this should be fired.

Edit - - Their dogshit production reel.

Why the fuck is there a laugh track anyway. It's animation not a sitcom. Of course Jimmy has never seen animation for adults he just heard it has a sort of sitcom format.

he wouldn't want it to influence his creative process

The laugh track is there to show chip is bombing and not just telling terrible jokes.

hes mocking lucky louie or something?

It's really frustrating. He has this incredible stable of funny characters, and he is wasting them on a shit project. Maybe he should have teamed up with a solid writer to hep him out. The material just isn't good, and the awful animation isn't helping. He supports Schumer to no end, and for what? She puts him in a sketch or two, and gives him a tiny part in her movie only to be cut out. You can't tell me that having Amy Schumer vouche for your project wouldn't help. Call in some favors dummy. Don't settle for mediocre shit.

It's the same manager/agent that has allowed him to do tranny jokes for 20 years.

I see from the reel, these guys also had a hand in the Dante Nero pilot that didn't get picked up - .

Chip's pilot makes that look like The Godfather.

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holy shit. watch the reel. at the end of it they use jay z music over their clips. do you think they are paying a royalty for that?

Tsss... Yeah why not a royalcoffee or sumpthin

That website for that company requires flash. If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.

If that isn't a red flag I don't know what is.

Created using Wix

Nothing says professional like 'This Site Was Created Using . Create Your Own Site for Free >>'


Jesus. What kind of reel is that? It doesn't convey exactly what they're selling. No matter what it is, the production value of everything is terrible. You had teen on newgrounds making better shit a decade ago. What the fuck are these people thinking? What the fuck is Jim thinking using these guys? How the fuck do they have enough customers to keep that embarrassment in business?

shaky cam, zoom cuts, clips that cut out before you can actually make out what they did, low quality video.

Even the web page design is shit.

he's getting played. and his agent or whoever is a scumbag. $200k?

this is a flash animation that one 16 year old kid would have done in a couple of weeks 10-15 years ago to post on newgrounds or albinoblacksheep

They went for cheap and called a graphics and clip editing company for local news and public access tier crap.

From their own testimonials

"Big Hug has been helping to make our Job Easier. When we need to fill time with a short segment, they always have the ability to provide us with a feel good, spoghtlight or cunsumer advocate story"

Wow this is bad.

They must have the same agent or something.


Describing it as dogshit is far too generous.



You guys don't think this is going to change animation as we know it?

I like the parts where he keeps asking for money so we can hear the same jokes over and over.

Really? I didn't like that at all.

YeS iT WiLl

It will?

ApRel FAhLLs




I had zero expectations and i was sorely disappointed

Chip is not a main character. He's Kramer or Newman. He's a scene stealer. Regular Joe is a straight man you base a show around and then have all these weird characters somehow situationally imposed in his life through work, family, neighborhood, whatever. He wants to just do and say Regular Joe shit but these degenerates keep fucking shit up and fucking with him.

I think Jimmy believed he was making a show that was proudly raunchy and despicable, so he didn't have to follow those conventions. So Chip is just there as an inexplicably annoying main character.

That might be the best shot he has at bringing his characters to life. I can see that working very well as long as he gets someone to write it.

This pilot should be called Mohammed Atta.

That's the best pun I've seen in years.

That was absolute garbage.

Garbage is better then what i just watched. I was almost fucking unbearable.

Tsss...yeah what is that for homeless bums or sumpthin

Even if you ignore the college student level animation and the unfunny; the biggest obstacle was always going to be that he is incapable of coming up with a coherent and structured story. Tangentially related vignettes isn't going to work unless you have something like Beavis and Butthead on the couch tying it all together. It's embarrassing that a professional would put his name on this. He doesn't strike me as someone who has ever studied the actual craft of storytelling. Just tell a couple of tranny jokes and cash a check, I guess.

yeah it just jumped right to Lamar fucking Chip's mom with absolutely no background at all. what the fuck? it's terrible.

It's embarrassing that a professional would put his name on this.

So not embarassing at all.

I think you hit the nail on the head. All of the great animated shows, like South Park, have a legitimate story with jokes scattered throughout the narrative. I couldn't make it through a minute of this, it's cringey.

He only had to put out a 5 min trailer...he could have done MUCH better than this. Or, maybe he can't?

I feel bad. I actually want Jim to succeed, and we know how funny these characters are.

Maybe if he made the show it'd be different. The humor of Chip and the others is them interacting in real world situations. But them just doing their catchphrases to each other is weird.



Maybe jim should watch a couple of cartoons first. I know he has no respect for the medium, and it shows.

He should be ashamed for ever talking shit on even the worst cartoons.

I tossed him $20 before seeing it. I now regret my decision more than if I had sent that money to Isis.


Hired as a writer

laugh track Mention about how tight the budget is and where people can donate.

That joke blows any one in that pilot out of the water.

Jimmy: I have a character that is a pedophile. He'll try to molest a child in the first episode.

Producer: Not zany enough. Could you have someone bite his nose off?

Jimmy: Absolutely! I also have a character, Edgar, that has dry teeth. He speaks slowly and is just generally creepy.

Producer: Can we make him shit his pants and walk around barefoot?

Jimmy: That's what I was thinking! Lastly, the main character, Chip, always thinks he's making great jokes but he really bombs. Badly.

Producer: I believe this only works if give the cartoon a laugh track.

Jimmy: Do cartoons usually have laugh tracks?

Producer: They do now!

The Flintstones originally had a laugh track.

This stinks and I don't like it.

The campaign is to fund 5 more eps, like the pilot. He needs 200k to make 5 eps of that? Who put this campaign together, Von?

No, she's busy putting the Patrice O'Neal Grave-Robbing Gala of 2017 together, also known as the Patrice Benefit.


Jim, we know you're reading these comments. You know this is shit. No amount of money will make it better.

Yikes. I'm not even saying this to be mean, but that was a real piece of shit. Bad mid 90's - early 2000's animation, dialog that would be throw away lines on the radio show, and uninspired characters. Jim should retire this to the dustbin.

This was shockingly bad.

Why is Jimmy so bad at preparing material, but so good at being off-the-cuff? Dat don't make no sense!

When he's prepping his neurosis's overtake him. When it's off the cuff it's pure reaction.

I guess he overthinks it when he has time and in his case with stand up, over rehearses it.


Damn, I really missed a Chip opportunity, didn't I? I'm going to edit my comment and pretend like I thought of it at the time.



A Sandusky joke? Still going to that well jim?

I liked when uncle paul called the kid flirty.

Jesus Christ Almighty that was the worst thing I've ever seen. I really hope that Jim has some friends who will be honest with him and tell him to abandon this project ASAP.

How much do I have to give to take it out back and shoot it?

I know a lot of people say this but I think I'm done for a while. Nothing else got me - not the racism firing, not the woman beating, not even the bad radio. But this video is causing me to question the O&A thing. This is it folks, take a look at this video then take a look in the mirror.

Opie was terrible from day one, Ant started sucking ass a couple years before SXM fired him, and Jimmy's been slowly circling the drain since then.

Outside of a few choice clips that we endlessly rewatch on Youtube, perhaps none of this O&A shit was ever really worth a damn.

What in the fuck are we doing with our lives?

God damn it that was horrendous.

Matt and Trey are shitting their pants.

Because they both had strokes and lost bowel control?

ppl are tricked to like southpark

I am embarrassed for Jim, this is terrible.

This isn't very good.

God damn it I want to like this but it's so fucking bad. Ted doesn't even sound like Ted anymore. Even with my extensive and autistic knowledge of the show and all of Jimmy's characters, I barely laughed at this. How the fuck does this have 10 grand behind it already?


Just watched a man kill off the last redeeming part of himself. If I wasn't already dedicated to hating everything left of the O&A show I wouldn't know how to feel about this.

If all of us pitch in 15 dollars we can buy the Bam-Lynsie sextape instead.

I'm pretty sure it's self explanatory why this is bad but since Jim probably thinks it's good I'll say this

  1. A pilot is a full episode

  2. The animation is better than the simple "Videomation" family guy shit but based on your price point they're probably laughing at you behind your back for believing this is even somewhat reasonable

  3. There's no storyline at all. It just seems jokes were written and then you built a shotty storyline around it

  4. The funny parts. This is important to a show like this. They were minimal, and I'm an O&A fan. This shit wouldn't make Jimmy Fallon laugh. Chip is normally funny because he will mercilessly stop whatever energy is happening. The problem here is the show had no energy. He's the least funny part of the show but it's his show.

  5. There should not be a laugh track. It doesn't mock or mimic a sitcom so why is there a laugh track? So you can pull out a couple easy jokes from the audience booing Chip every five minutes?

Jim I love you want you to succeed, but I do not think this is in your best interest. Some of the jokes were funny but they seemed like shit that you wouldn't even write. It seemed like a mixture of gross-out humor mixed with your dumb ā€topical jokesā€ from your stand up.

Good luck bro


So many bad artistic decisions. Too many to list.

There is not one salvageable moment in this wreck.

number 1 being the casting Club Soda Kenny as a voice actor.

Calling Uncle Paul "Sandusky" kind of cheapens the character.

Dammit Jim!

How could Chip Live at Comic-Con be so fucking hilarious while this is difficult to watch.

Constructive Criticism
1. Chip is way too old.
2. The nostrils vibration is a poor visualization of the sound effect. We have seen Jim do this live and that doesn't happen.
3. Chip with his pants down watching Lamar fix the floor boards and Edgar's shitty fingers were the only things I reacted to where I wasn't thinking "this is awful".
4. I understand this is the pilot, but there needs to be more Chip in normal situations fucking things up and shocking people.
5. I get that it's hard to bring these characters to life, but you need to work with a better studio. I actually prefer it if you do this live action. How much is a camera-man, costumes, and security for you do walk around NY and film it?
6. Lose the laugh track.

I'm sorry Jim. I love you. I laughed my balls off the last time I saw you at Cobb's.

I think this sums up how everyone feels about this. Love Jim, hate that cartoon.

In an age where shit like archer is being produced he made this... Good luck

Forget Archer, after Rick and Morty the bar has been raised to an insane level.

One of the Adult Swim misfires called Superjail is still funnier than this Chip pilot. You need LSD to even begin to understand Superjail cartoon.

The Ted Scheckler emporium was worth it.

wow. I actually had expectations for this. This is garbage

How the fuck did he reach the conclusion that this shit is "the one"? I really need to see the ideas he rejected before settling on this as the product that would entice people into handing over actual, honest to god money. The art style, the jokes, the line readings...I hate literally everything about it.

But for some strange reason the thing I hate most of all is how it looks like he's sniffing when he's supposed to be snorting. It's the complete opposite intended effect and Jim just said "fuck it, good enough, people will pony up for this". And not a single person in his life was decent enough to stop him.

I'm not sure he knows what pilot means

Tsss...yeah maybe he's flyin China Airlines or sumpthin

wrong way

" how the hell do you know which way I'm going? "

I'd rather see a Jimbobo animation.

Im a big fan of Jimmy and the chip character but that was brutal. Save your money Jim, this isnt gonna work.

jokes on you, hes wasting other ppls money

I really wanted to like this. I swear I did. It's just absolutely awful in every way... I know it's just a clip begging for money, but there was nothing remotely funny about this. How sad.

Ouch. Not funny. Not uncomfortable. Just bad. Really bad. But not the so bad it's funny. Just sad bad.

I agree that it doesn't work, I like all of Jim's characters and they're great on the show but they're just in a weird vacuum here.

does harry hater make a cameo?

It looks like "Shorties Watchin' Shorties".

Which isn't a compliment.

It makes Shorties Watchin' Shorties look like seasons 2 to 9 of The Simpsons.

Fawkin peace a gahbage

I'd rather listen to the first 5 minutes of O&J than watch that again

'Written by Jennifer Carmody'. There's problem #1.

Hasn't Jim made fun of Yoko Ono over the years?

Jennifer Carmody is Jimmy's "Brother Joe".

Oh my god. The video already has almost 50% downvotes. I've never seen such a poorly received crowd funded project.

Uwe Boll's crowdfunding efforts haven't exactly been welcomed with open arms either.

That was absolutely awful. Those characters values are high in radio form. Terrible terrible cartoon.

If a caller sent this into the show, they would destroy it, and rightfully so.

the only person who can possibly animate Chip properly is Cokelogic, and the fact that Jimmy didn't use him is a sin

Cokelogic has a great eye for detail, but his actual animation is unnatural as all hell.

better than the giant pile of steamy shit presented before us currently, though

I actually haven't even watched it yet, you could very well be right

I mean, if you've seen Jay and Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie it's basically the same thing - completely ruins the character(s)

It's the mouths. Everything looks really good but the way the mouths look when they talk is just weird.

i dont know why everyone trashes cokelogics animations. i think theyre great. theyre much more comfortable to look at than whatever shit that pilot was

yeah I like the simplicity of them, sure it's not crazy animations but he gets what is truly needed; the lip-sync, facial expressions and the hilarity of the situation. I remember the vid that got me into him I still laugh my ass off anytime I watch it

yeah I loved them. just the eye movements always made me laugh.

Chip works as a quick ad lib when someone says something in studio, not as a tv show/cartoon.

Wow, that was awful.

Wow. I made it until Edgar started talking. I would go into everything that was wrong with it, but I don't want it to consume any more of my time than it already has.

Piece of garbage

What a monumental letdown.

JIM NORTON: I AM A PERSON WHO ANIMATES AS A HOBBY - THIS WAS DONE IN FLASH, AND POORLY. You could be getting an episode made for less than 2,000 dollars in terms of paying for animation, and it would be better.

I'm surprised that he didn't crowbar Baily Jay into this shit heap.

Bailed at 01:15 Awful....

I made it to 1:20. I lose.

Holy shit that was fucking bad!

This was awful even for a pilot.Jimmy you want 200k for this shit! Go fuck yourself

would have worked far better as a real story and not a reel about begging for money

Good example of Flanderization.

Give it a rest Jimbo, nothings going to pull you out of the grave you've been digging since you "sobered up".

Was there really any need to force every character into the first 45 seconds of this?

I see it's not getting a very good reception in the youtube comments, I wonder if they'll all just be written off as anonymous baby boy haters.

I'm gonna be honest with you.... I didn't find that funny.

It stinks and I don't like it.

Was that already used?

Yeah, by Amy Schumer when she first saw her pussy.

fuckin buried that fat cunt

Fucking horrible. Another Norton project that will go nowhere.

Really feel bad for Jim. This shit is really bad :(

Ok this is LEGITIMATELY bad. Bad timing, bad dialogue, bad references. This is something Opie would make. This is just so out of touch.

Couldn't make it through that.

I tend to feel like Jimmy's characters work best in audio only. Also, many or most of Jimmy's characters are exceptionally funny as inserts into a dialogue.

Just like with Ant, his shit works best in the ol' "theater of the mind".

I wish Lamar was voiced by DJ Who Kid

Can't afford him.

why cant jim do anything right?

because he's a lefty. tsss

That's how you use a quick stab...not this horse shit.

Fawkin' homerun, kevin1214142541612!

Fuck..that sucked

If someone else made this and came into OnJ to plug it, Jim would say that he hadn't had a chance to watch it yet.

I made it to around 40 seconds. I can't watch anymore. It's on par with edgy Newgrounds animations.

I really wanted to like this but it isn't funny.

this was embarrassingly bad. this is going to flop badly. i feel bad. this is hard to watch.

Ugh. I got 30 seconds in to it. Un-watchable.

What a terrible concept.

I was really hoping for this to be good but it wasn't. I'm actually embarrassed for Edgar.

jesus... what an incredible piece of shit that was

i liked the pilot. I like theres a lot of characters and they all interact in freaky ways (like it probably happens inside jimmys brain during the whole day).

the only thing that bothered me is the nostrils moving when he does the chip noise. that is going to get old really fast


Wow. I was actually pretty interested in this until I heard both Kenny and Sherrod in the span of five seconds. Jesus Christ, Jim, I know you don't have many ACTUAL friends, but could you put SOMEONE fucking likable in this?

I can understand a character based on Kenny....but to actually use him for a voice?? The laugh track is annoying, particularly because the jokes aren't even funny. I made it about a minute in and turned it off, it was really bad. I understand this is just a pilot, but he should of at least polished this turd a bit.

I made it until I heard Sherrodd. what a fucking disaster this is. I don't know shit about animation, but I honestly think I could hire a team of Indians or Pakistanis or whatever heathens over the internet to create something far better than this for much less money

"It's Afghanistanimation"

Holy shit that was embarrassing

Horrendous production values, bad early 90's toilet humor centred around a cast of totally shitty characters.

And the investors and TV networks aren't lining up to put this on their channel ?

I don't think he's looking for a TV deal.

Judging by the quality of this product he's not looking for any deal.

Just imagine sitting in a pitch meeting and having to witness this shit with some twitching worm guy sweating flop sweat and yapping about pedophiliac characters he used to do for his girlfriends.

Holy fuck, everything about this is terrible. Chip Chipperson has jumped the shark. :(

Also, whoever animated this should look for a new line of work: perhaps flipping burgers is more their style. Jesus H. Christ.

edit: my favorite/worst part was when Chip landed on shit... for some reason. Also, should have held off on showing Uncle Paul. Too much, too soon.

It doesn't work scripted. It has to be off the cuff.


Did any of his celebrity friends retweet the link, or is he going to get pissy and unfollow everyone on Twitter again?

Love Chip, love Jimmy, but this isn't good....

why does everyone pause between their dialogue? this looks fucking awful.

Probably because all the lines were recorded separately. It would have probably worked a little better if they recorded together, played off each other, and built off each other's readings.

No one barely ever records stuff like this together. Anyone whos used any sort of audio / video software for more than a week can easy fix this


Wow...just wow. Can't think of any words to describe how bad this was.

90's Cartoon Network level of animation with dick and shit jokes.

Jim will need all the Viral Spiral manpower behind this campaign, if only he had someone with connections there...


Why did they animate 'Tss' so that it looked like he was just blowing his nose?

Was hoping this would be good, but it was absolutely BRUTAL.


Worse than I expected and I expected utter dogshit.

I can't say anything made me laugh out loud, but I enjoyed it. As introductions go, it was fine.

I'd like to see what a 20 minute long episode in the middle of a season would look like. Chip is really funny when he snaps on someone hapless, and if you were to build it up for 15 minutes of him being humiliated then have him take it out on somebody and be over the top mean - well I'm no writer but can see the potential.

I want to see what a 4 hour mini-special at the beginning of the season, with a laugh-track so loud that the viewing audience starts bleeding from their ears, would look like.

Why the FUCK include Kenny? I don't get it at all, no one outside of the O&A fan-base will understand that character, his terrible slow cadence isn't funny, it's annoying and fucking retarded, why waste a main character on your fucking lurch bodyguard instead of maybe including one of your FUNNY comedian friends

No one outside the OnA fanbase will understand a child molesting uncle or a guy with a dry mouth. This, like his comedy, is for OnA fans.

I don't think those cheap animators give a shit about how any normal human mannerism works, let alone Chip's.


The only redeeming feature of this is the visualization of Edgar.

Can people withdraw donations on Indiegogo? I want to see the total go down for releasing that piece a gawbage

That wasn't too horrible


I couldn't even finish it. I thought I was just in a bad mood until I saw all these comments agreeing with me. This was just terribly written, poorly animated, and overall pointless. It feels very rushed and hastily put together.

Between an uninspired radio show, daily standup gigs, and a cartoon, Jimmy is spreading himself too thin. If he wants to have a show in some format other than radio, then maybe he should quit his radio gig to focus on it. Just a suggestion.

The cartoon was horribly unfunny, but what's even worse is the IndieGoGo Campaign has madeover $18,000 in 11 hours currently. Who are these morons donating?

The type of people that still listen to the Opie show. They aren't all that bright.

poor character design

Jim should have done a Borat style film as chip visiting like local events all over the country doing interviews. it be funny to see him at some church bbq in south carolina doing interviews (not breaking character once) and very subtly dropping in references to lamar and his mudda. helpin do the carpeting etc. but playing it off that is completely unaware of what is really happening.


chip is unrecognizable in this. scripted chip is not chip.

Not a a huge fan however, hearing new material from his characters is refreshing. I feel like all I've heard is the same rehashed lines since July 2014.



I'm all in with the Chip!



The cartoon dave and luis made is way better then this. It's not great but it at least introduces characters more naturally and tries to tell a story. I see promise in that one this is just horrific.


The animation was bad but I like it. You guys are mean.

Do you feel that the pilot is a good representation of the innovative, hilarious comedian that Jimmy has demonstrated he has the ability to be?

I liked the familiarity of all the characters. I will say, except to fans of the show, no one will care. Which is a problem moving forward.

Do you feel that the characters you enjoy hearing on the air adapted well in animated form?

Do you feel that the characters were introduced in a manner that would allow someone completely unfamiliar with them (like an executive screening a pilot) gained an understanding of each and their role in the "plot"?

Would it have been far more beneficial if the "pilot" was used as the fundraising pitch and a plot-based vignette was produced and used as a real "pilot" to provide some notion of what the show is about?


I had a smirk on my face while watching it. Why am I being interrogated for enjoying something? Holy shit this sub has become so miserable that we hate any enjoyment.


The one glaring problem is that this will only be funny (ostensibly) to people already familiar with Jimmy's characters. Otherwise...yikes.

Went in expecting Clerks cartoon-level animation, dick jokes, and Jim Norton characters. So my expectations were very low to begin with. Home run, Chippah.

Dum Dum!

Ouch. Not sure what to say. I was really hoping to say "Guys, it's not that bad." If anything, Big Jay's shows promise but it also needs some work (audio-wise).


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This isn't an abortion like everyone is saying it is, but I would think about redesigning uncle paul and edgar.

tss he should change the title to N is for Not Picked Up or somethin

Read all the comments before watching, maybe you guys lowered my expectations, but it wasn't that bad. Kenny was the humor killer.

Was it spectacular? No. But I thought it was Ok.

Ooof. I had (misguided) hopes for this project too. Poor li'l Jimmy...might have a full breakdown once this tanks.


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The laugh track. Is he trying to be ironic like Louis with that piece of shit HBO show?

This wasn't so great, but you have to hand it to jim: he's a talented voice actor. All these characters are vocally distinct and he could carry an entire show with them (if it were better).

Does Kenny have to be with him everywhere he goes?

Know why this is bad? This is Jim sabotaging himself again. He is afraid of success. He knows the Pilot sucks. He greenlit it because subconsciously he WANTS it to fail.

Wasn't all... least Ted showed up, that made it worth while for me, I dunno about Chip though

Every time I try to think of a reason to like this, I remember that Kenny is in it, which makes it impossible.

I thought Jim was getting a talkshow on IFC?

13k so far. What are we setting the o/u at?

I never realized there are such things as good and bad voice actors but Jimmy is god awful at this. This pilot fucking sucks


Wow that was painful with a few amusing moments

It isn't all bad. I really like the animation. Reminds me of Ren and Stimpy, but without the lush backgrounds. The story is just stupid, though. Gilbert Gottfried was a pleasant surprise, though.

I can't put my finger on what all the things are, but some things are missing to make this good. I think we all know the potential of all these characters and want to like it so bad, that anything less than amazing is not acceptable....I'm guessing. It should at least seem more quick and improv like....maybe a little more like a cartoon version of always sunny? But yea, this is so far a let-down; hopefully he'll figure it out

No comment.

How many people in here are gonna say "oof" before the end of the day I wonder. Is gonna be like oof town or sommthin

the pacing is horrid

Crowd funding is actually a really great option for Norton. He has a lot of fans, and he's got an reputation of being good to his fans, but this not gonna be good, and the next time he launches a project like this half the people will donate. He should have saved this for a better idea

That animation is horrid. If Jim wants to go this direction, it would work better if this was shorter too but even then, Chip comedy is best for the radio.


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Why does it matter what companies people use for animation? This really fucks over semi-famous people who think using an amazing animation company with a luxurious price tag will help them reach the next stage in their career.

I mean so long as it looks good and shouldn't matter if these fucks have an emmy background, just fucking make the shit for cheap. I mean if Pixar has a script that's a lump of shit and is just animating it, it's not gonna come out any better just because it's Pixar, see Cars and Cars 2.

As some other guy was stating in another thread these characters work because they're not in the spotlight. Jim should just do a Maron or Louie type show where these guys are devils and angels on his shoulders expressing themselves and coming out at the worst possible moments instead of putting them in the spotlight to write the shittiest jokes possible because it tailors to the characters.

I am disturbed... but intrigued. More chip please!

I listened to about a minute or so, and bailed when I saw his ex as a character. From there I just skipped to the parts where Edgar was on screen.

Do people like the animation style?

I read all the negative comments then watched, and I have to say, I thought it was way better than that. It was perverse, dark, and idiosyncratic. I chuckled. The studio laughter paid off when visible, offended members of them left and Chip threw debris at them. Before that, there were sly tips of the hat to the device, when he would unleash a dud, then pause a bit to stare at their dead air. Were you expecting Pixar level animation? It was good enough. Not too shabby for self-financed. With edgy content like this, you don't want too much polish. In short: I'd totally watch if it went to series.

Everyone is obviously entitled to their dismissive opinion. I wonder in this case, though, if people want to dismiss it just so they can come here and throw Molotov cocktails. A tendency may exist to gravitate towards a stance that further fuels the narrative of the big three's careers swirling down the toilet.

Nothing about this works. I hope Jimmy didn't spend too much money on it.

The Pilot should of been him doing the news.

Oh my god was that pure fuckin trash. And I thought the chip at comic con videos were some of the funniest things I've seen in my life. He really needs to stick to that type of thing.

This is like if Michael Jordan in his prime entered the 3pt contest instead of the dunk contest.. He would do ok in the 3pt contest, but that's not what he is great at.. Jim (and his characters) are best at quick in-the-moment jokes.. So a written format is going to yield decent results, but it will not capture what makes Jim and his characters great.

Kinda interesting that the other guy on the campaign is this guy who works for breadpig which is a side project by Alexis Ohanian, the "guy who does nothing" co-founder of reddit.

I feel really bad for little yimmy, I forget the exact figure but he talked on rogan's podcast about how much it was costing him out of his own pocket for just a few seconds of animations and after seeing it, I feel the poor little fella got severely ripped off, it seems they skipped the entire cleanup process, and a lot of the frames are just straight up poorly drawn.

The pilots a pisa gawbage. But I gotta admit, I've watched it at least 15 times now.

It wasn't that bad. I laughed a couple times.

Holy fuck was that terrible.

I love Jimmy and Chip to death. But my sweet lord was that painful.

Maybe I'm one of the odd men out, but I thought it was pretty funny, a bit dated, but funny. Animation reminded me of Ren & Stimpy.

Jesus Christ, Jimmy. What the fuck is this?

Why did she bite Uncle Paul's nose off?

Was it a micheal Jackson reference? That's all I could think of

oof...that sucked

This is brutal. I'd rather watch A night at Club Piscopo.


What about incorporating a character who is just a floating set of moobs with hairs around the nipples? Also, a swarthy, emaciated Morrocan who takes creeper pics and yells out "nigger" with a Tourette's-like lack of context.

This would have done great on newgrounds 15 years ago

Edit: $200000? Holy shit hahaha. And flex funding? What an asshole

I was happy Ted showed up

Holy shit this was bad, what a carpet bomb. When scripted it totally defeats the purpose of a character like Chip. Jim, scratch this shit and move on. It ain't gonna happen.


Not the world's #1 Chip fan, but will be the first to say that over time he did become an endearing part of the show. Even after reading a lot of comments first, this pilot is so much worse than I thought it could be.

The pace is unbearably slow. I don't get how someone with as much experience and talent as Jim can make these fundamental mistakes. Easier to be a critic I suppose.

One of the worst things I have ever seen and the longest 6 minutes of my life. The word shameful comes to mind. Wouldn't have predicted Opie or Anthony hitting the near rock bottom levels they are approaching...but for Jim to show this severe a lack of understanding of comedy, I don't get it. How much money went into this pilot?

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BIG HUG PRODUCTIONS REEL = Buddy Bolton & Adam Sietz 39 - Poor Jim. As much as I like the guy, he really is an asshole when it comes to this stuff. The animation company he's decided to work with is terrible. Look at their website The show reel doesn't work, and I can't find a cop...
Chipbacca 7 - the only person who can possibly animate Chip properly is Cokelogic, and the fact that Jimmy didn't use him is a sin
Dante Nero Bounced Part 1 5 - I see from the reel, these guys also had a hand in the Dante Nero pilot that didn't get picked up - .
Slaughter House Chickens 3 - yeah I like the simplicity of them, sure it's not crazy animations but he gets what is truly needed; the lip-sync, facial expressions and the hilarity of the situation. I remember the vid that got me into him I still laugh my ass off anytime ...

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I'm a fan of Jim Norton. He's consistently made me laugh over the years. I think he's very quick witted, intelligent, and uniquely charismatic and funny. However, I'm still reeling from the shock of seeing this yesterday.

This cartoon looks so terrible it conjures that empathetic embarrassment you feel for another as if it were your own. And it's an intense, blush inducing humiliation I felt as I watched that pilot.

It reminded me of an MTV cartoon from decades ago called The Brothers Grunt that seemed to try to pass off disturbingly disgusting imagery as somehow comedic.

I realize what you like or don't like is entirely subjective. I subjectively hate this pilot.

aaaaaa boooooooo

I wanted to like this but still didnt.

Is Jim Norton retarded?

I didn't hate it. I'm not donating but I'll watch the show if he makes it happen. That being said I do think Chip (and maybe even the other characters) would do better in a Beavis and Butthead/Mystery Science Theater type scenario. Jim "riffs" in character while watching whatever and then they animate that. Probably would be better.

If it is 200,000 for original episodes it would cost more to get the rights to something to riff on

Probably. But shit he could go to fucking Anthony's house or studio, do the "Chip Chipperson Show" and just riff on videos in character. 99% of fans would be happy with that shit. So like 27 of us.

Well... I liked the theme song. :/

YIKES that was bad.. I'm sure they'll say "IT'S CHIP IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE BAD THAT'S THE BIT".

Fortunately I'm sure that will be the only one they release. I'm not saying Jim couldn't do something funny with his characters, but that certainly wasn't it.

Jim DOES does something with the characters. He interjects them into OnJ every once in a while. That's plenty.

Wow Jimmy this sucks and it just totally ruined your characters. I can obviously see why no one wanted to back this shit

Im so fucking tired of animation and cartoons. Can anyone just get in front of a goddamn camera anymore?! What is this fucking obsession with animation.

This was a bad idea. A little Chip goes a long way. Chip is funny in small doses and quick quips, not in any sort of long form scenario. Kind of like when Dice did his own podcast; I love Dice on anyone else's show or interacting with more normal type people, but just unfiltered and long form Dice on his own is too much. I don't know what's worse, this Chip cartoon or Bill Burr's awful F Is For Family, fucking hated that too.

"Im so fucking tired of animation and cartoons. Can anyone just get in front of a goddamn camera anymore?"

There's far more live-action than animation out there, at least as far as adult entertainment goes. I'm glad there's at least a few attempts to create some here and there. But you're speaking like almost nothing is live-action anymore.

You're insane. There is a FUCK ton of comic animation out there. Every comedian either has an animated series, or one in the works, or is trying to get one made.

There's only about enough animated programs out there that you'd still have to actively go out of your way to look for them, though. Unless you've got no cable and internet and work all week but Sunday, and you want to watch Fox on your transceiver box.

Im tired of animation and everyone wanting to do animation. Or trying to raise money for animation. Stop this madness. I know 2 comics here in LA who aren't famous both with Kickstarters to try to raise funds for an animated series. Any podcast you listen to, "What would you like to do in the future?" "Id like to have my own animated series." Fuck.

Just walk away from the madness.

edit: Cartoons can't take what you already have. Animation is the lowest prioritized outlet for creatives on Jimmy's level of talent. If Jim could draw hands and fingers he'd have made a Chip comic or something himself years ago. But this won't be taking up too much of his time, I think.

I can't say the medium of animation isn't alive and well. But it doesn't come close to rivaling live action like you stated, nor will that ever happen.

Thanks, literal daveyDuo

What do you have cancer or something made me laugh. It would be a lot less awkward with a soundtrack.

I just watched this again. It's funny, fuck you people. The audience boos chip and cheers for uncle Paul and Ted rules. Im not going to give any money but I'll watch all of these

Chip was disappointing but the other ones were pretty funny

I thought it was good, fuck you guys.



You don't think it's good?




Its as good as any cartoon on today. Its Jim Norton we're talking about here people! He should get rid of Sherrod though.

Its as good as any cartoon on today.

No, it really isn't.

I love how everyone here pretends that this is a legitimate pilot and not just a way to introduce characters and ask for money for the project. Holy shit, how can you not see the "pilot" for what it is?

No shit that's what it is. And you know what it's doing - introducing shitty characters that don't work in a cartoon environment that isn't fucking funny and has no legs to stand on. It has no audience. Even the people who like Jim's characters realized it would never work in a cartoon. It's just a fucking mess and anyone who gave the millionaire money to fund his awful vanity project should be taken out to the wood shed to be wiped off the face of the planet.

I'm willing to give the guy a few actually episodes before I completely chalk it up as a failure. Coming to any conclusions about its ultimate quality based off this "pilot" makes no sense to me.

if he's asking fans for $200k then the pilot should be absolutely hysterical. it isn't.

I love it!

Then why don'tcha marry it or sumthin'? tss tss


Look at all these fags in here pretending not to have enjoyed that

Tsss...yeah what is that for homeless bums or sumpthin

It truly is the Chip of cartoons.

Hired as a writer

Damn, I really missed a Chip opportunity, didn't I? I'm going to edit my comment and pretend like I thought of it at the time.

"Im so fucking tired of animation and cartoons. Can anyone just get in front of a goddamn camera anymore?"

There's far more live-action than animation out there, at least as far as adult entertainment goes. I'm glad there's at least a few attempts to create some here and there. But you're speaking like almost nothing is live-action anymore.


laugh track Mention about how tight the budget is and where people can donate.

Hasn't Jim made fun of Yoko Ono over the years?


Truly pathetic and painful. Only made to 2:07.

Jim, Jim, Jim...who told you this was a good idea?

Hijacking top comment to say he's been working on this for over 5 years now.

I'm a reddit faggot and I think this is awful because I think shopping out someone's hair is hilarious. Oh and man tits.

Now to what's important, firefly was the greatest show on TV and pokemon gold the greatest DS game of all time. Also I'm latently homosexual as indicated by my suspenders, wooden bow tie, 1880s haircut and waxed moustache.

Jennifer Carmody is Jimmy's "Brother Joe".

Garbage is better then what i just watched. I was almost fucking unbearable.