This douche bag wore his hat like this for a whole 2 hour podcast.

0  2016-02-11 by goldstandard32


and fat big jay plucked his eyebrows, gelled his hair, put in his nose ring, various earings, and the fingerlings gloves for his whole rotten life

He just forgot it wasn't a yarmulke.

"Oh, good morning, Johnny!"

"Hiya, Mrs. Murphy! Here's your paper!"

Who cares


This is a strange thing to notice or give a fuck about. By the way you just watched and listened to this guy talk for 2 hours and then posted about it. I think you are the real douche in this scenario

I hate feeding a troll like you, especiallily since your more thirsty for my attention than my girlfriend, pets, and nieces and nephews combined but Jesus Christ give it up. I'm smarter than you, and my unabashed love for the pro wrestling industry isn't good "diss" material. I enjoy being a dude that gets bitches and is WILDLY popular and cool yet watches professional wrestling. We get it, I wrote it then and I'm writing it now so I don't get why you follow Me around reminding me.....actually I do get it, you're a pathetic loser and you really are e-obsessed with me.

But okay, if you want to continue with that shtick it's okay, you're the one that has to live with yourself. You are 100% guaranteed to be embarrassed and ashamed of your behavior when you grow up. It's a shame I can't block you cuz that would drive you insane and force you to make more aliases, but I guess I have to just go back to ignoring you. Have a good Night and keep up the good work champ!

You seemed really obsessed with maynard and other squared circle folk. You are a faggot indeed!

That's big talk coming from someone who made a parody account of /u/FootThingOnHisFoot . What kind of faggy weirdo does that.

You're all REALLY gay.

Who is that?

His name's Dave Smith from the Legion of Skanks podcast, he fucking blows.

That's a comfortable way to wear a hat, douche.


All of the skanks are lame ass bros