Bill Burr Brilliantly Explains the Context of Offensive Language

19  2016-02-10 by HeyYoLessonHereBey


Col totally fucked Caroline Rhea that night.

Colin's line about Bill figure skating, completely understanding what Bill was saying and setting him up. fucking brilliant

I changed the title of the video to:

"Bill Burr Brilliantly Explains the Context of Offensive Language to Other Comics"

English is not my first language, and the title sounded a little weird to me. Or is it ok, what do you think?

If you can think of anything better for the title, please tell me and I'll change it.

You're doing fine you filthy foreigner. Funny find

Thanks man.

Your addition of "to other comics" almost seems passive aggressive. Like these other comics should know, but are too dumb and Bill Burr has to explain it to them.

That dumbshit broad apparently is

Ok, you're right. I just wanted to point out that it was a conversation between several comics. But it sounds like Bill is schooling them, right? I'll change it back then.

Edit: New title:

"Bill Burr Brilliantly Explains the Context of Offensive Language (with support from Colin Quinn)"

Lizz Winstead is just an awful, insufferable, unfunny woman.

I watched a few seconds on mute and I realized that just the facial expressions she makes make me want to strangle her until her dumb awful haglike head squeezes off.

Seriously, she should be prohibited from any public speaking event. That default liberal apologist shtick couldn't make her look any more fucking retarded. It's worse than her holocaust of a voice.

She is quite the cunty faggot not understanding context is quite the huge thing in comedy especially with her co-creating The Daily Show where context is EVERYTHING.

Burr explained it perfectly in that this guy said this, let's look at the chart, it means this, this guy is that. I mean growing up, you get called out for your femininity and masculinity consistently until you grow up and understand who the fuck cares.

Calling people faggots and tomboys is just apart of the culture and isn't necessarily bad unless its done in a demeaning, derogatory hate filled manner which you can easily pick apart and tell who is deserving of being such a bigot.

Can I say that I fucking hate "comedians" today having to take a god damn philosophy and psychology class not only to explain their stance. Seems somewhere in the past decade anything stand up wise and you're automatically a messiah for the masses.

She co-created the Craig Kilbourne Daily Show (which was more like SNL weekend update than a politics show). She was long gone when Jon Stewart took over

Wow. Lizz Winstead is fucking insufferable. Shut the fuck up.

why do people shoot and edit video like this, it's awful.


I actually enjoyed it :/

I didn't expect the guy in the "We are All Africans" t-shirt to side with Burr over that tranny.

You're doing fine you filthy foreigner. Funny find

Your addition of "to other comics" almost seems passive aggressive. Like these other comics should know, but are too dumb and Bill Burr has to explain it to them.