Opie has no idea what he really wants his show to be.

53  2016-02-10 by SentrySappinMahSpy

Make up your mind, Opie. Do you want to do an edgy comedy show, or do you want to do a mainstream pop culture and news show?

He wants big celebrity guests, but hangs up on a major Hollywood director.

He wants to talk politics but is massively uninformed.

He wants to talk about having kids as an older gentleman, but spends 10 minutes this morning talking about shitting. Which was an almost carbon copy of a discussion they had before with Bob Kelly.

He apologizes for saying faggot, but then makes a "you people" joke about black people and free college. And don't forget the "juh".

Opie, please pick one type of show to do and do it well, instead of doing 2 shows poorly.


The only thing Titty has any knowledge of is queer Celeb Gossip, and no one gives a fuck what some old ugly mush-mouthed functionally autistic 60 year old man has to say about the Kardashians.

In the old days he brought up stupid news stuff and Jim and Ant made jokes about it.

All new direction no destination.

Remember when Opie would talk about how he and Ant had to 'reinvent' themselves over the years, and that he could do it again over night? Pretty sure Ant didn't say a word during it as Opie was sounding like a fuckign moron

Anybody who says they've reinvented themselves, whether it be just lifestyle or career, is a fucking loon

It's the same kind of person who says "brand" a lot. Someone who tells everyone everything that they have to offer, when they actually have nothing to offer.

We've been manipulated..

It's because Opie has always succeeded on the backs of more talented people. Because of his Down's Syndrome, he doesn't understand that funny doesn't just happen when he's in the room. He's probably extremely confused why things no longer work like they did with Ant around. His ego is the most important thing to him. That's why he's surrounded himself with subordinate beta males.

the left tit leans edgy, the right tit leans morning zoo. the opster is stuck in-between

And he's in the middle like "What do you want from me?"

Guys got a nice head of white hair

He was hoping that Howard would retire. After Jimmys " In October I'm gone" and Howards huge re-signing he has to be really afraid that hes really gonna lose his job. Or take an insane paycut.

Honestly the best thing rating wise that could happen to him, is Anthony coming back.

I bet that day has already come with their last contract. None of them are at the top of their game and shock-jockery is dead. Every comedian has a podcast now.

Hearing someone on Gavin's show say how there are too many comedians now and that's why people are being accused of stealing jokes made me happy that someone finally said it. When all these comics started jumping on the bandwagon of podcasting I knew it would be the death of O&A and it was because they all stopped coming on the show regularly. Ant was gone and Jim couldn't do that much heavy lifting and now we are left with this sad excuse for a pile of shit.

If there is a god, Opester will have to visit the Compound, and invite Anthony back. I guarantee Opie's ego would NEVER allow Opie to admit he needs his partner to do a good show. He'll flounder until SXM realizes the show is worthless, then he'll be a stay at home dad.

I can't imagine a scenario where sxm let's Anthony back. They would just move on.

The show is much worse than it should be. Opie just wanted to prove he could do something different but he can't, he's the frat guy hole who needs funny people around him. I think there's some self destructiveness going on too, he knows the fans hate him so he refuses to give them what they want. There's a lot of anger & resentment going on, I'm just waiting for the next big fight/crying breakdown. That's the only time O&J is good radio.

he wants to be able to leave sirius, and have the ability to transition into other mainstream media and continue to justify the size of his paycheck. none of which are going to hire anyone who calls someone else 'faggot' on air....much like how comics have to work clean to be mainstream. . hirability. its too bad he dosent have friends to listen to for good advice. too bad all of radio everywhere is a wasteland

The best thing for him would be to take some off air job at Siriusxm. I'm sure they'd let him run some shitty music channel.

I can picture it now, the Alice In Chains Unplugged channel... can you really hear it maaaan? No you can't understand how deep this album is.

hes copying closely to what howard is doing, opieraqio is the retarded version of what howard is putting out

Opie stinks at doing radio.


I'm most amazed at how dull he is.

When it was O&A, he picked his spots and came off way better. Now front and center, he's really got nothing and leans on callers and Trump talk like crutches.

Anthony is pretty much in the same boat without Jimmy but he's got more talent, so it's not as painful but it's far from great unless he has a good guest.


I'm most amazed at how dull he is.

I really found this out when they had a snow day and Opie stayed on the air for the rest of the day. I had to tune out after an hour of him just talking about nothing. Can't remember the date but it was a few years ago and he was proudly declaring, since there was a snowstorm, he would show everyone he could rattle on for 8 or 9 hours straight. For me that was the day he exposed himself as a hack.

It's like what my grandma used to say, 'You can't have your cake and eat it too.'

Lord keep her.

I really think that the guy is just trying to get through the day. He's not trying to make a radio show. He's trying to just make it until 10:30 so he doesn't have to think about this again for another 18-or-so hours.

and he makes fun of Denny. ironic huh

At least Denny doesn't have identity issues. He's a classic rock and oldies DJ, and he knows it.

opie has never understood where the line is or where the comedy is in being borderline offensive, so he has always simultaneously apologized while saying over the top offensive things. just to cover his bases.


Well it's his producers giving him all this content and he just can't string a show out of it. He has a good staff trying to make a show while he flips through their shit incompetently.

He wants his show to be Howard's show. But that damn Howard won't retire and let Opie be Howard.

And he still wears button-fly jeans.


The show is a perfect representation of the real inner opie.


he's simply an empty vessel, a MANNEQUIN.....clamoring desperately to construct a "WHOLE PERSON " from those he interacts with .

I'm laughing at your name.

How the fuck do you fuck that up?

I shouldn't talk, though: I only have a Batch degrees from a State Universal.

What's so bizarre to me is that on a level playing field, Opie wouldn't even make it as an intern, yet, inexplicably, he's the "top" guy on the show.

At best, he'd be "Opie, the intern who fucks everything up and can't stop lying about the dumbest shit". A total goof who would be constantly and justifiably ripped apart.

He would literally be the first one fired, fragged, or eaten, depending on the circumstances, yet there he is, front and center, steering the ship.

This can't continue beyond October, can it? Throwing Tits' salary out a high window of the Sirius building would generate more interest than anything he could ever muster up.

They don't even have a name, two years later. Seriously, what is the name of the radio program? Is it Opie and Jim? Opie with Jimmy? Opie featuring Jim Norton? I swear, I have no idea. How do you not have a solid name for your radio show after 2 years?


i kinda like the Juh part . :(

He's sitting next to a guy who "takes the shape of any container he's poured into." That's the direction that the show has gone (really since before Ant left) since O&J begun. He wants to be viral and will conform to whatever he thinks will help him do that. He's a suit with a mic.

the thing is he's stuck, hes trying to take on a lot of different news and media to stretch to newer viewers but the thing is it's not him, i don't know if the Stangels are just there to put a cleaner show together or just there to get guests, Eric is fine but Justin Stangel tries to chime in too much and no one really wants to hear his shit, he's very suspect with his comments, meaning he comes off faggey, Jimmy is having a hard time because Opie usually doesnt stick with his characters or jokes, Opie likes to get to the news but he needs to figure it out quick or he'll end up with a station and be just a morning show somewhere else

I haven't listened to this shit since the firing and gave it a go the other night because there was a sirius unit in my truck. I came up with a great title: Diversity In The Morning with Opie & Friends.

Leakin' hammers