It suddenly hit me how fucking surreal O&A are in 2016

39  2016-02-10 by LouieBeanz

I'm sure this has been alluded to multiple times here, but I just had the horrible impulse to check out Opie's YouTube page and see, among other atrocities, the "Dancing Trump" video. I felt like I was just having a dream; there's no way that one of the most successful radio personalities ever, no matter how hack he may have seemed, could post such lazy, unfunny Morning Zoo dogshit on his own site. If you had shown me this video 10 years ago and said it was Opie's, I never would have believed you. Now, I'm just waiting for his next video to be more douchechilly than the previous.

As for Anthony, I suppose it's slightly less surprising, but still....the man has gotten himself fired, arrested and essentially shunned from the comedy world, all in the span of 18 months. Again, even in spite of his on-air personality back then, I never could have envisioned this outcome 10 years ago.

I guess truth really is stranger than fiction, right group?


Pendulum will swing at the center of attention. Just another day, another condescension. Mock you, shock you, gonna Lock you down. Pendulum will shift with a little bit of pressure. Move too slow and the pendulum will get you. Show you, mow you, gonna throw you around.

My heart’s getting heavy, my blood’s getting cold. You changed me into something that I just can’t control. If you see me comin’ best get out of my way, ‘cause the pendulum is swinging back the other way.

all this whining and crying and pitching a fit get over it get over it

Both of those singers are dead now.


I disagree. Ant's transformation is incredibly surprising. I would have never thought the funniest guy in radio (including Jackie, Artie, Norton and the rest) would purposefully create a podcast so utterly dull and become go full Limbaugh on us. Nobody could have guessed his demise.


Didn't Opie predict that back in 2009? They had a big fight about grapes or yogurt or something that spun out of control and Opie said something like he'll just go do morning radio and Anthony can go do a Fox News radio show and talk politics.


What a dumb made up shit story


Stop being a nigger

Just cuz he's stupid don't make him a nigger. You racist or something?

After Obama got elected there was this smoke hound outside the bar I drink at. I said something like "Hey, we got Obama man! A black man's in the white house." He slurred: "Fuck dat nigga! I want a MILLION." True story.

After Obama was elected a group of black youths paraded down the streets tipping over cars and yelling "'Bama gonna give us money NAW!" True story.

Really? Mine seems more plausible.

Well it DID happen, turkey!

I was too busy playing COD 4 all day when Obama got elected because I was in 7th grade and didn't give a shit

Now we know.

I deserved an "ok terrific" for that horseshit anecdote

too peppy for my taste. I prefer creepy or inscrutable.

ME: Viral Spiral did a vury good job on the "dancing trump" video and it's actually doing good numberrrzzz. Nice try on the hate tho.

ME: The show passed you by. And your hating. It's okay. Go listen to something else. Me and Jimmy have a successful thing over here and am amazed how we've rebuilt our brand. Management is happy sniff...


Where does this come from? Context?

Yeah, That one passed me by as well. I'd like to laugh at it but it requires explanation.

opie used to use ME: on twitter to indicate he was talking in response to something.

Thank you for your service.

edit - that fucking waterhead used up three, i mean four characters for that?

i really could not believe he would do that. i thought i was going crazy because that don't make no sense

ME:.......SNIFF...........PERIOD! (Now that's opie!)

I really want to like the guy. He makes it hard.

Apparently, that's how Tits would start his tweets just when he started using twitter until people made fun of him and he stopped. But the haters don't bother him.

They were both hopelessly co-dependent. Their relationship, as rocky as it seemed, was the only thing keeping both from flying off the deep end.

Also regarding all of Opie's political tripe: he made a playlist out of it and titled it Silly goofy crap with politicians. This infuriates me because you know that's his idea of a get out of jail free card, "Hey man, it just a goofy video, why get so worked up about it?"

He enjoyed his Dancing Trump/Psy video so much that he re-used it as the background music for his Political supercut a few uploads later.

"Why get so worked up about it?" should be a comment on every topic in this sub.

My opinion of Opie has really McFallen over the years.

It's really depressing. Listening to 2008-2013. Ant gone. E-Rock gone. Sam gone. Stangels or whoever the fuck there. It seriously depresses me to not have the show around. I use to download it every day and listen to it when I was driving or just doing something boring. I miss it...

E-Rock left??

He isn't on air anymore. On one of his periscopes he said, "I'm not going to be the glue anymore. That's not my job or problem." Clearly referring to the Stangel hire.

Classic vague E-Rock.

Erock is not gone

Oh. I thought he was for some reason. I've only listened to a few hours of the O&J show in the past year and a half...

Show clearly passed u by bro..

remember opie used to smash those buttons 20 times in a row

I agree. Two years ago, I never thought this is where they'd all end up.

However, in hindsight it's obvious with the Elevator Show and How to Train Your Dragon shit that this is what Opie has wanted to be doing all along.

what are those things you just said? please tell me he tried to make some sort of bit out of a children's movie

Oh dear, are you not familiar with How to Chain Your Dragon? Next thing you know you'll be telling us that you don't know how the Philly Crew does it!

please explain what that asshole did.

I remember in like 2012 thinking - "Stern is going to retire soon, and these guys will have the entire satellite radio world to themselves. Then people will see - Stern is old news, O&A is the real shit." Nothing is funnier to me than the fact they managed to fuck it up.

They fucked themselves over in many ways. They in no way have the foresight Stern had. They got lazy as fuck and just phoned it in. I remember Anthony bragging about how he couldn't bother to meet with the bosses, and yet he wonders why they shit canned him to the curb.

based on his behaviour, i think it's possible that opie has a degenerative brain disease

i plumped up a little

We can only hope.

sure whatever

Opie and Anthony FINALLY expressing their true love for each other and getting gay married would only be the next thing to make me raise my eyebrows while muttering "huh, no shit"

I wouldn't be surprised, I've seen couples act like they are towards each other right now

I was thinking the same thing today.

when you're right... you're right

youre always right jschon

I commented on Ant's chinese new year video that the butterfly effect is just fucking mindblowing sometimes. Ant taking a picture of a black chick in Manhatten led to O&A becoming this mess. What the fuck?

Wow. I never really thought about it. Without that, obviously the show would still be around. No O&J fight. No fallout between O&A to begin with. The Ant and Dani thing may have not have happened since Ant wouldn't be home all day, every day. It's crazy...


No, sir.

the hilarious part with ant is, that he seemed to be turning TACS and his network around a couple of weeks before the dani incident and was legitimately getting praise on this and related subs (/r/AIDS)... ant puts work and thought into his projects; needless to say, he is to drunk to keep the flow.

opie is just showing his true face. all has been said about him.

What the fuck is the aids subreddit?


If you had shown me this video 10 years ago and said it was Opie's, I never would have believed you.

Where the FUCK are all these newer listeners coming from?! You do realize this is the guy who came up with the idea for 'Bra Bombing' right?

yeah all those new listeners from 10 years ago. Fuck them!

State of the shoe 2016

stfu : D

You lost me at "one of the most successful radio personalities ever"

Considering the off-kilter talent-to-success ratio Opie has, that statement is unfortunately correct.

What a dumb made up shit story

I wouldn't be surprised, I've seen couples act like they are towards each other right now

yeah all those new listeners from 10 years ago. Fuck them!