Just who could dani be talking about?

49  2016-02-07 by Dennyislife


Is she still pretending to be a comedian? Because I know the reason I follow comedians on Twitter is so they can quote decade old lines from Family Guy.

Thought it sounded familiar. Fuck I hate that show. And that cornball Mcfarlane.

yeah she can't even write in her own comedic tone. that's not even something 'danigolightly' would say


Because I know the reason I follow comedians on Twitter is so they can quote decade old lines from Family Guy.

Yeah? Do ya? Really?

No, stupid.


"Baby, sweetie, let's sing karaoke!"

That's what made me think he was guilty.

Wendy! WENDYYY. Wendy, put the bat down!

Light of my life

But to his credit, Anthony valiantly protected his lady from that dreaded ottoman with a 50-year-old TV show reference. (Then choked the shit outta her)

Who cares?

She's acting all high and mighty for playing into the fetish of an older and much more successful man, this is really sad. "Oh yeah? I may be retarded but you're still friends with me!" Nice one, you unremarkable condom.

Condom? Lol

You could've just upvoted, ya know.

sShettt EppPp

You could've just downvoted, ya know.

Jared from Subway?

This boring junkie cunt again?

So sad. Around comedians all her life, and she never developed a sense of humor.

Reminds me of someone else that used to be close to Ant...

Stop! You're ruining it!



What's with the last name "Golightly" ? Is that a stage name? The only reason anyone knows of her is because she put out for a rich radio personality older than her own father.

Holly Golightly is the name of Audrey Hepburn's character in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. (Also the name of a current semi-popular singer.) Guess Dani Branmuffins wanted a stage name to separate herself from dear old dad so she stole a character's name from that famous movie.

Ugh she's one of those girls, huh? I know when I think Breakfast at Tiffany's I think a skeletal meth addict who looks like she is covered in slime.

It's almost kind of fitting. From Wikipedia:

"As such, [Holly Golightly] has no job and lives by socializing with wealthy men, who take her to clubs and restaurants, and give her money and expensive presents; she hopes to marry one of them...."

Well at least she's honest about her shittery. I can't say that I know enough about Breakfast at Tiffany's other than the fact that obnoxious twats look at that movie in the same way that fratbros have that Animal House picture hanging in their room.

It's kind of overrated, but Audrey Hepburn was a Natalie Portman-esque babe in her time so that's sort of the lasting appeal.

As for Dani: I agree 100% that she was an obnoxious, blithering dingbat. But somehow Ant's diehard fans think that something that was obvious to us anyone after 30 seconds of her yammering warrants her death, despite the fact that Cumia created and willingly funded the situation.

I really hate her now. Used to fuck around with one who'd eat like two crackers and some grapes, and obsess when I eat something after 8pm. Fuckin nutjobs.

You could say she was trying to distance herself from the family Brand. Amiright?

What she goes hardly not lightly right guys what a weird name

Fuck that cunt.

Anthony's a fucking creep but this nothing did pretty well out of it playing to his perverted whims. She can play the innocent all she wants but she's as low as him. If she had an ounce of moral fibre and meant what she said she wouldn't be living gratis in his apartment.


Sound logic

I'm guessing her father

Ted Nugent?

I hope she harasses the ADA and makes him go to trial

Damed? There's nothing like a dame.

That worthless bint is clinically insane.

I'd diddle her butt.

The host looks like Doug Benson.

it looks like one of those fake euro tv thing trying to be shocking

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Family Guy - Peter is a child 1 - she's being unoriginal and quoting family guy
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the guy who was asking to follow her. cunt innuendo is abound.


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Because I know the reason I follow comedians on Twitter is so they can quote decade old lines from Family Guy.

Yeah? Do ya? Really?

Wendy! WENDYYY. Wendy, put the bat down!

Thought it sounded familiar. Fuck I hate that show. And that cornball Mcfarlane.

Light of my life
