Norm vs Burr

0  2016-02-07 by cuntbudday


This is just coincidental. The fact that Hitler was a yammering buffoon is a common observation.

a yammering buffoon

Sanders or Corbyn?

Tss, good one chippah!

Oh fuck, i forgot you guys are now obsessed with joke stealing, just posted it cause they were 2 funny jokes

Don't act like this juxtaposition was just you posting funny bits, and wasn't a joke thieving accusation. Nigga, you ain't foolin' no one.


Its okay, we're both cunts.

Nope, i was being sarcastic

Oh, you little rascal, you.

So Bill Burr stole the part where he doesn't know how to speak German so he made sounds? The joke itself was completely different but the part where he can't speak German is what was stolen?

Why do you waste our time with this horse shit?

you guys are insufferable at times

Burr's Hitler impression made me feel embarrassed for him.

i'm sure he's losing sleep over your opinion

I certainly hope so.

seeing a picture of Burr's wife made me feel embarrassed for him

I googled Bill Burr's wife and this is the first result

