The LouisCK subreddit is a vile den of ball-washing hipsters and autism.

19  2016-02-06 by [deleted]





Excuse me they 'prefer to "vape" clouds up each others assholes...' It's 2016 bruh

Please no truth bombs

Bombard them with clips of Louis making fun of retards on O&A and they'll stop liking him.

He was just playing Devils advocate, exposing the other hate filled guys with his excellent case study turned character.

Well, that is where I first saw "The feels on the bus go round and round."

That sentence is still worse than anything Opie has ever done.

I remember when my grandfather died and shit himself at the hospital every time I hear that phrase and I think it has something to do with the fact that they're both some of the worst things that ever happened to me

So its like this place but with more hipsters?

We were hated Opie before it was cool.

"As a fan, you just have to trust in his brilliance."

Wow I will never watch that show

It's very difficult to identify with an adult who takes entertainment on faith.


Cop Show was funny. Funny pales in comparison to boring. Boring's where it's at fam.

well, let's be honest here. a place where fans of someone assembles is allegedly for the purpose of sharing how great that person is.

it's a strange and foreign custom, i know, but not everyone was raised to assemble in bloodthirsty tribal war parties the moment someone steals a pig like we were.

that being said, warm pats on the back disgust me.

it's a strange and foreign custom, i know, but not everyone was raised to assemble in bloodthirsty tribal war parties the moment someone steals a pig like we were.

No one stole a pig, the pig is the one who did the stealing.

It's almost poetic that a fat ginger horrid human being that oozes jizz and desperation like Louie has gained a following that regards him as a great mind.

There's this video on YouTube that I see in my "Recommended" section all the time where the thumbnail is him sitting on one of those primetime network talk shows (it might be Letterman's) and the title is "He may have the greatest mind ever".

Tesla can lick my balls. Did you hear this shit Louis said about doctors giving up on you at age 40. He reinvented the wheel with that one.


Top comment on a thread about Horace and Pete: "Can we take a moment to appreciate how unique this is?" FUCKING EWW.

That person has to be a millennial or severely retarded.

"Can you imagine anyone but Louis CK making a show about foul-mouthed, fringe people in a bar? I don't drink, I mean I'll have a glass of wine with dinner but-"

Holy shit that fucking show is terrible, so fucking pretentious and kurts overacting is laughable. Complete shit

Jimmy doesnt know what to do his hands. He should watch Kurt. Do everything with your hands.

I'd rather watch fucking Gap than that shit.

That writing is atrocious.

I thought this was very good.

Kurt is such an over-gesticulating scenery chewer. Horrible.

To be fair doing massive amounts of coke doesn't lend itself to subtle movements.

I doubt Kurt does coke.

No I would 100% believe those scenes sound exactly like his fans talk because his fans are fucking boring.

The only funny thing I found in this video, was noticing a coked up Kurt Metzger in the background, twitching, as he tries his hardest not to yell over the conversation.



Hating on the louisck sub is one of my favorite threads that have sprung up here...they get so pissed. The last one I recall is the one about the fat chick complaining to louie.

So is any subreddit devoted to just one person

And that's the best scene? What a pile of shit.

You just don't get comedy like us connoisseurs of ck comedy. He is akin to none but the legends Carlin, Pryor ( who you should research, I definitely recommend their brand of humor).

I can't tell if this is a bad joke or if you're just a human douche cringe. Either way you are pollution.

horace and pete is brutally bad. half way through ep 1 i had to bail.

I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Lasted about 20 minutes until I had to play the rest of it in 16x. Thanks VLC.

its fucking brutal.


Just because it's Louis's shit doesn't make it taste good. This thread is actually more creative in inventing what they liked about this than the show itself. I can understand some biased opinions but this is some cult shit. "Take a moment to appreciate"....jesus

I like Louie CK cause he's one of the funniest people in the entire world and simply don't give a shit what his fans say or think. I do know that there are several groups and fan bases that are 100000x worse than a group of Louie fans that deserve to be berated and picked on and battled way more than these people

Yeah... people with particular interests which may not align with your own congregate in certain subreddits and then talk about the thing that that subreddit exists to talk about... If anyone goes into a sub that they disagree with they are going to think everyone in there is a retard/asshole...

That is genuinely fucking embarrassing. People think it's hyperbole when I say Opie is more talented than Louis CK but it's just the truth.


I don't think he's trying to be anyone, that's why I respect the dude. Horace & Pete might not be funny, but I enjoyed it. I'd rather he make the shit he wants than go out on stage and play the greatest hits. I might not love everything Louie does, but he certainly isn't a shill or a hack. Even his distribution method is pretty awesome for the average fan.

Yeah, I think he's the kind of person who just want to do want interests him and now that he has been so successful with his standup and his TV show he has the money to just spend his time messing around behind a camera. That's all he is doing. It's just annoying that he has attracted a shitty hipster fanbase.

I haven't lost faith in his stand up. I hope his newest special will be good.


He's never been a funny comedian. Just because O&A told you he was funny doesn't make it true.


Nope he's never been funny. Did you teeheeheeheehee when he used his comic genius to ask if Donald Rumsfeld was a lizard?

Listen to him make fun of Bob Kelly or the raped retard and come back to me.

What in seven hells are you on about?

I'm not really sure I can make it any clearer than that. Which part didn't you understand?

Well i just feel that i must be missing the irony of your initial comment because you can't seriously mean Opie is more talented that CK...But you knew that already i'd bet.

If you can link me to any clip where you actually believe Louis is funny I'd be more than happy to listen.

I could respond to that a few ways... 1.Turn it around and ask for a clip where Opie was deliberately funny 2. (Rumsfeld-lizard CK) 3.Did you ever see Louie/Lucky louie? Can you honestly say there was nothing humorous about either series? 4.

I get the Louie hate here to an extent but to suggest he is not as funny as Opie (who is funny either inadvertently or strictly in the negative sense) is either wildly inaccurate or simply madness. I'd love a real conversation about this as opposed to the usual shit on this sub, so i wait hopefully. EDIT:Horrific spacing i cannae be fucked sorting