33  2016-02-05 by RockCoatMon


Some how this is more entertaining than an entire month of o&j episodes


Maybe more than that...

I like Chip. Period.

How nice. You went to Queens Center Mall...


Nice orthopedic shoes, grandpa.

I love it, but I jut want to also remind everyone that this is a man nearing the age of 50

What's going on with Norton's hair? Looks like he has a really low tonsure or a reverse skin fade or something.

Just think, if Kenny wasn't there to film this we wouldn't be able to share this wonderful experience. Worth every penny.


Imagine this mutant slowly rolling towards you in a dark alley


what the fuck m, an all sweats outfit in public. I thought this worm made 6 figures

He's also old and is traveling. Plus, he's from fucking Jersey. Let's not act like he's Mr. Wall Street.

This is really getting played out since he hasn't had Ant to bounce it off of. I'm starting to feel embarrassed for him.

Yea, Sam played off Chip pretty well. Travis does too, but Ope keeps him locked in the screeners room.

Nah, Chip rules.