Norm Macdonald - Gay Pride Joke

35  2016-02-05 by CCRed95


But Brock Lesnar is more interesting to interview, right.. Jim?

Jimmy really is closeted.

If Jim at least had good taste in men he would have preferred Norm's cum.

I would not at all be opposed to a Norm clip of the day on this sub. Or at least clip of the week.

me either. Ive been binge watching norm appearances on talkshows for the past 5 hours

I love his "That guy was a real jerk" jokes that he does on his show

His best is on the Dennis Miller show. As boring as I find Dennis Miller, at least he has the common sense to set Norm up and let him be funny. I'm dying for Norm and Colin to be on a podcast or radio together, and the one time they had the stars aligned fucking Brock Lesnar had to ruin it.

You mean jimmy.

Not a bad idea. He has a ton of material. Funny fucking canuck that guy Norm

im sure numerous fathers of gays have to say they're proud of their sons but secretly wish they would have just jacked off.

All parents secretly want their children to be miserable

the best audio on the internet is the compilation of all the norm appearances on Dennis Miller's radio show.

the ventriloquist thing? that was hilarious

don't call them puppets, man.

ok, norm, so what do you call them?

me? I call them friends.

Oh you're talking about a pickle!

I'm triggered.

Even as successful and well known Norm is, he doesn't seem to be caught up in the rat race. He's probably the same person now as he was 20+ years ago and I'm basing that off no evidence.

don't call them puppets, man.

ok, norm, so what do you call them?

me? I call them friends.