What happened to Ant in court today? Fill me in.

3  2016-02-04 by [deleted]

What happened to Ant in court today? Fill me in.


His career got the death penalty.

His mug shot doesn't look so good

I posted an epic bomb on this thread and even I am saying oooooooof to this

Looks like your reply is another bomb.

fawk yeah cawksucka!

It was a short hearing. Like a Chinaman accused of stealing a tourist's camera, he was taken out the back and summarily executed by a single gunshot to the back of the head. And his family had to pay the glorious and all-knowing State for both the price of the bullet and his unmarked grave.

I'll fill you in alright.



Mimi Beardsley

They found him guilty and then killed him. RIP.


Likely the lawyer had it continued again. You wait forever them the lawyer goes and talks to the DA saying they need more time, DA looks at all his stacks of papers and tells him to come back next month. Happens over and over until everyone has all their stuff to come to a deal or go to trial or drop it all.

No one knows. Said he sat around for two hours, lawyer went to the back for a few minutes, then got to leave.

He had a lovely mystery date with Sam Abernathy after the show :) so he's fine

Show is stacked today with guests. He doesn't seem too distressed. Perhaps he mentions it more at the end, or maybe he'll let it sit over the shows 3 day break, and hopes folks forget about it.

Show is stacked today with guests.

is it

You better believe it! We're talking two, that's right TWO, stand up comedians!!!

Be Dialing

Levy and that other Jamoke?

I was at the trail (live nearby and am off work this week). It was the usual bullshit trail stuff; the bailiff read everything out, the judge didn't bang the hammer, the lawyers talked shit and in the end the prosecution attorney started tuggin on my fawkin peckah and said Chippah why downt you becum a fawkin loyer or summin yewd bee fawkin grate at it or summin and i sed naah I gotta go

say trail again

hahaha I want to edit it but fuck it I really am dumb and the world should know

You better believe it! We're talking two, that's right TWO, stand up comedians!!!

Mimi Beardsley