After listening to judd apatow on opie raqio i hope these comics understand they are now making joke theft acceptable.

56  2016-02-04 by mickdti

After hearing Judd apatow ramble on about how jokes get recycled and it's just part of it and no big name really stand up to Amy I hope these comics understand that something they've railed against for so long will now become acceptable and "par for the course".


My new original character Kip Kipperson totally agrees with Judd.


Fuckin grand slam!

Double firearms, dicksucker!

that dont appear to be cogent

hahahhaahaha holy shit

This is 100x better than the original



Like "cock"tail ones. wordplay comedy

Friggin' triple bangs, Kippahson!


This doesn't make any sense!

hecckkk yeah

muh fadders a devil on erf

ya pees a rubbish VVVD VVVD

Check out my band Ill Fuckin Kittens

yeah or like my muddah is fuckin a bunch of niggers or somethin tffff

no, no, see... oh nevermind.

its yellow with pity


Hey! You're just stealing the irreverent Tippy character of SNL fame!


fawkin touchdown kippah

ssssst dem hoes can suk muh weeenah!


Fuckin double parallel thinkin, mothersucker.

I vaguely remember a interview with Apatow were he complained about Denis Leary stealing material from him, guess he doesn't give a shit anymore.

edit: here's the bit -

Denis Leary is an absolute piece of shit.

Louie Cuck King doesn't like him?

Louie Cuck King

Fucking ugh

It's always unoriginal people who say nothing is original anymore.

A movie where a doctor sews people's mouths to other people's ass holes so each person in the chain is forced to eat the others shit

That was a pretty original idea, inspired by the experience of watching a Judd Apatow movie

hahahaha brilliant

Your name is unoriginal.

Agreed. Yours is pretty original, so well done you.

you should replace hong kong with sing song if you want that to go together better

Howbout we just pop eachothers dicks in our mouths

hahaha is that really where that guy got the idea?


guess you haven't seen this is 40.

Not to toot my own horn but I do stand up and this shit is fucking infuriating. What's the point of trying to come up with original material and premises, constantly bomb trying to work out and rework new shit when some cunt can get famous doing hack material and other people's material and essentially the entire stand up community gets behind and defends her. Fuck, you dream of putting out a stand up special and then this bitch closes her special with two hack street jokes that everyone heard in 5th grade and she has 15 articles written about what a groundbreaking comedian she is. I don't know if the media purposely tries to delude stand up because it's one of the few avenues of free speech left or if the majority of people are honestly too stupid to realize what an unoriginal untalented hack that she is, either way it's fucking depressing. What's the point of going on stage every night trying to hone your act when you'd have a better chance making it if you just cut off your dick, grew some tits, adopted a feminist agenda and just read off the pages of a fucking knock knock joke book on stage. K I'm done crying now.

Nah its just the mainstream media needed a new current female comic to push down our throats. Amy fit the bill because she's fat, ugly, untalented and acts like she is some super hot piece of ass, so she empowers other fat ugly women. They keep trying to push Whitney Cummings down our throats and it doesn't work. Ellen and Whoopi are no longer relevant and were never really that funny. Lena Dunham is just too disgusting for anyone to take serious for too long so Amy Schumer gets the nod. They'll tire of her in a year or two when they can no longer hype up her moderately successful movies and her low rated sketch show and make people think she's funny. Then she'll fall back to earth and flame out and die. And then the next big thing in female comedy will be pushed off on us.

So I shouldn't cut my dick off then?

Did it work for Tits?

Go ahead and cut it off and if you survive the shock and blood loss come back on and describe the feeling you get, let us know whether you gain feminine empowerment by removing your appendage.

Incidents like this have helped me understand that when a comedian praises another current comedian more often than not it is based on the fact that they like them as a person and is not an evaluation of their material. Consider how often Jim, who essentially says he hasn't watched another comedians set since Pryor, praises someone as being "great" or "really funny" whose act he probably hasn't seen.

Also, if there are any skeletons in Judd's closet, I really look forward to them being revealed. Judd is one of the people who uses social media in place of the American justice system and it's started a trend of Twitter being used as a courtroom for people claiming to be victims, naming the person who allegedly did it and never reporting the crime to law enforcement.

Most top level comedians pretty much only know of what the other comics who they get glimpses of before and after their sets do, in clubs. At tippy top level, the ones that cross over from a well known comic to a well known celebrity, tend to not watch other comics on stage in specials or whatever. or if they do, it's usually because that person isn't likely to have similar material at all

I really hope that some young punk starts to do tranny jokes and calls himself a meaty breasted zilch. Let's see how Norton feels about that.

Jimmy has always operated under the belief that a different set of rules that let him do whatever he wants apply.

I never understood why he didn't call out the SNL people stealing his ideas more. He sounded so mad, he's in the business, he could've found out who wrote that shit.

He probably figures it is okay to recycle stuff since TV shows and movies have been doing it since they began. Half of most sitcoms storylines can be traced back to the I Love Lucy era. And movies constantly recycle and reboot crap. So in his world it is normal.

Stand up comedy should be original ideas and original thoughts but I guess that is changing now too. I think I'll become a stand up comedian. Just take some old Carlin and Pryor routines, reword them and then embark on a mega comedy career.

Good luck with your new career. I'm getting into movies and currently shopping my screenplay titled "The Middle Aged Man Who Has Never Had Intercourse."

What wacky white guy are you going to get to play the lead?

White guy? Pffffttt Hollywood is putting an end to that as we speak. Black actors need to be empowered and made relevant so look for black leads in a lot more movies as we move forward. Makes sense that someone who's race accounts for 15% of the population in the country should get preferential treatment and get about 80% of the spots in movies.

Really, out of all the minorities in America you talk about black people being overpresented? Yeah that is the problem with Hollywood, it's not that I know almost every aspect of Jewish culture, and alot of Yiddish by watching daytime television. Also friends ran for 12 something years and had 2 black people in total in the entire show, same with most TV. How many black people on Modern Family, which is one of the highest rated television show nowadays?

And while I am on a semi race rant, how many black people do Judd put in his movies? I remember almost all non jewish characters in his movies being portrayed like either dumbfucks or just straight evil. Not all jewish producers are like that, the Cohen brothers does great stuff. It's more Adam Sandler, Judd and alot of the television writers. Chuck Lorry being one of those guys

Hmmm that sounds vaguely familiar.

What are Judd's thoughts on Mencia? I bet he didn't stick up for him. Because Amy is the star of his film, it's a different story.

There's such a huge difference with Mencia. He would do bits from comics who were going on right after him, he stole from Cosby's albums. His explanations basically make him sound mentally ill.

Amy's excuses make her sound mentally ill too

People with that mental illness are sometimes said to have a "mind of Mencia"

Judd's too busy plucking 4's out of obscurity and stamping them with his feminist lib crest of approval and giving them development deals so I wouldn't even take what he says as gospel

The Hollywood people will be the last to turn on Schumer. Judd thinks she is going to be his movie version of Lena Dunham.

Honestly even beyond that his attitude isn't surprising. This is the way things have always seemed to have been. Everyone brings up Carlos Mencia and why no one has publicly confronted Schumer like Rogan did with Mencia.

Schumer is everybody's friend. Mencia's biggest mistake was alienating the comedy world and trying to further hurt the career's of the people he was stealing from. The confrontation with Rogan only happened by chance at the store. Mencia thought Rogan left the building and took the microphone on stage, in the middle of someone's act, and started bashing Rogan. Rogan was at the store still and went to the stage and it all happened from there. Before that it was more of an open resentment but with nobody challenging him, at least not to the level that Rogan wound up doing and Mencia had even stolen from Joe apparently. It was chance that Redban was there and recorded the whole thing.

Schumer will never get confronted on the level of Mencia. But all you need to do is look at the reaction of guys like Jimmy and Rogan. They were completely on Amy's side and two of her biggest vocal supporters. Now you can tell how uncomfortable Rogan is while talking about her. He stared down at his phone the whole time when the topic came up on his podcast with Redban this week. Even Jimmy isn't talking big shit and trolling anymore like he was. All the nansayers who were shitting on the fans have shut their mouths especially since the sketches have come out.

Rogan was actually standing in the back of the room and went to the stage and it went from there. Before that it was more of a silent resentment with nobody stepping forward, at least not to the level that Rogan did and Mencia had even stolen from Joe apparently. It was only chance that Brian Redban was there and caught it on video for Joe.

You're right, it was total chance that all those things happened in one night and to get it on film.

I dont think Amy would ever put herself in a situation where someone could go after her on stage like that.

You fuckers NEED to DO this! Kip Kipperson tweeting at Jim with minor changes is brilliant

I like Judd professionally or as an ah-tist, but personally (I need to stop following him on Twitter) he's a typical jew crybaby pc Hollywood pussy. No famous woman can do ANY wrong in his eyes. They're all completely persecuted and suffer daily injustices from all the horrible men and the misogynistic Mad Men culture they're subjected to every second of every day. I'm so tired of it, it's a caricature at this point with these people.

We should start our own ruby ridge, get out of this madness now. I'll bring the claymores

I'll bring the Playboys.

Take my wife, alright!

Oh my god I hope those monsters are happy with the world they've made!!!!!!!!

No, joke theft will not become "acceptable."

Joke theft has been acceptable, and will remain acceptable, as long as its a famous person stealing from nobodies. The only reason Carlos Mencia got popped is because he was stealing from nobodies AND other famous people, including famous people (Ari Shaffir) that had bigger famous people (Joe Rogan) who had their backs.

If some nobody started stealing from Amy Schumer you can bet your ass the comedy community would be going after them with a vengeance.

If some nobody started stealing from Amy Schumer you can bet your ass the comedy community would be going after them with a vengeance.

Like that person on youtube who was stealing from patrice for no profit. I mean the black guy, not Amy. Everybody jumped down his throat.

to be fair, a lot of his fans were excusing it by saying that he gave patrice credit (way after the fact) and that he has other stuff thats even better.

To add a little he said that him and Dante came to good terms about the whole thing over the phone but Dante choose to go after him anyway in a very public manner. Even Von talks about it like it was something really serious. They went after a guy on youtube, not because they really care but because they could do it and gain some followers while doing it. Amy did double that, on stage and made money of others shit and they all said nothing. Celebrities are just disgusting fame hungry assholes. What a pathetic bunch of people

I think what Judd means is that stealing material isn't acceptable unless you are one of his cow comic actresses.

Yeah that sounds about right, people wonder why people him and his inne circle of assholes

Slippery slope guy

I find amy as annoying as most people here, but this crusade against alleged joke theft is an embarrassment. They are hack, obvious, shitty jokes, that's it. It's like you expect a comedian to take ownership of a fucking knock knock joke. Who gives a shit. at the end of the day, amy is going to only increase in net worth exponentially and you'll be on here crying about something no one gives a fuck about


She stole all those jokes. That was pretty memorable.

Your metric for whether or not a comic is washed up is if you personally know their bits?

The "I'm a pig cunt whore that likes miller light" bit is what she'll always be to me

She's is nearing her peak. It's not comedy fans that like her, it's the mainstream media. And as Patrice said, when they shit you out you have to go to the back of the line and wait for another turn.

I get posts on here where we're shitty to each other or when we hate on O, J or A but these posts where you try to start some sort of paradigm shift? The fuck is the point? Are you expecting comics to come here, read this and rally against Judd Apatow?

No they aren't. They aren't condoning joke theft. Jesus how dimwitted do you have to be? Learn nuance, kid.



Friggin' triple bangs, Kippahson!

that dont appear to be cogent



yeah or like my muddah is fuckin a bunch of niggers or somethin tffff

Hey! You're just stealing the irreverent Tippy character of SNL fame!


fawkin touchdown kippah

ssssst dem hoes can suk muh weeenah!


Fuckin double parallel thinkin, mothersucker.