Listen to Sherrod (apparently a black guy) get shut down on Race Wars by a black woman who didn't like being called "bitch" or hearing "nigga" over and over aaaandd over. (1:16:30)

1  2016-02-04 by QuantumTabby


If you want more of Sherrod's nonsense then you can listen to the previous 2 podcasts where he calls out all the whiteys because they won't admit that Cleopatra was a black woman. If people start getting back on board with the Sherrod then I can go find the Cleopatra argument. It's painfully obnoxious.

Ugh that was so terrible. They'd be like Sherrod scientists used facial reconstruction technology to make her face and she wasn't black. "OH LIKE IMA LET SOME WHITEYS TELL ME BOUT BLACK PEOPLE, CLEOPATRA WAS BLACK NIGGA"

If your initial preposition wasn't funny you need to double down on it

  • Horatio Nelson

King tut wuzza black man!

You heard of Alexander the Great? BLACK! Jesus...Black! George Washington was black. Lincoln was black, that's why he freed the slaves. All you whiteys is rewriting histry. it aint His-story, it's white-story. It should be whitestory, dats right money!


Not coincidentally I just removed RW from my podcast app because I looked at the 'unlistened episodes' list and just groaned. Like it's too much effort to put it on in the background.

Nothing would make me happier than Sherrod melting down, taking RW off XMS and going back to obscurity. Kurt's pretty funny on his own (Amy bullshit aside), but RW turned into unlistenable dreck once it hit XMS and Sherrod was allowed to adjust his own mic volume.

Edit: Fucking idiot sherrod does not know how to handle a woman with self respect and dignity.

Sherrod: How did you break using it?

Guest: I just decided in college that I'm better than that.

Sherrod: ..................... LOVE DAT CHICKEN FROM POPEYES

Haha exactly. I was hearing that Popeyes jingle in my head the whole time. Sherrod is used to being able to just do and say whatever he wants because the white people aren't allowed to tell the black guy that they don't want to hear the N word a dozen times in ten minutes. But that Eboni woman just told Sherrod exactly why she didn't like it, because it sounds ignorant.

That shocked the fuck out of Sherrod. As a white guy i'm always ready for anyone to pull that, "hey could you not say that, I don't like that word/language." But Sherrod had no idea what to think about that. Finally he gets a taste of what it's like to not get away with saying whatever you want to whoever you want.

If your initial preposition wasn't funny you need to double down on it

  • Horatio Nelson