Stolen Jokes

0  2016-02-04 by [deleted]

I steal jokes. At least a few times a day I say or post something that is a rip off of something I saw somewhere else. I assume everyone does this. My entire sense of humor was formed while listening to Stern in my teens so everything I come up with is going to be derivative. The difference between being influenced and being a joke thief is in the method of delivery. Amy deliberately reworded other comics jokes/sketches and passed them off as her own. The way she did it is the evidence and so is the reaction to us noticing. Just saying.


Whatever BRUH, you stole this post from someone on 4chan, you thief.

4chan!!?? You sir, must be a raqist!


Hoo Hoo I invented sex jokes Robin hoo Hoo


Ok, now what?


Replying to my own post: What I mean is that there should be a new standard by which we judge comics. Material is being used by everyone simultaneously. So joke theft needs to be a more nuanced thing. But Amy fits the bill of a joke thief however you want to describe it.

You're not a professional, it's not really relevant. Don't be stupid you moron.

Everyone enjoys to tell jokes. There is not a day I go into a topic and people are repeating something from the shows, if it's something from chip, Opie or Anthony, I get the giggles. ;)