Bonnie McFarlane offers her real, unabashed, non-filtered, no-holds-barred opinion on the whole Amy Schumer debacle...

23  2016-02-04 by [deleted]


I knew if I stuck around here long enough, I would get to hear the Twitter opinion of the woman who's sucked Rich Vos' dick for over a decade.

Now I finally have closure with this ordeal.

I will only be entertaining opinions from the woman who gave Perry Caravello a rimjob from this point forth. No exceptions.

Blue Iris?

It is legitimately frightening how quickly and accurately you had her name. You are one of those people I'd like to party with, but never be alone in a room with.

Scaremaster 2016!


He blew Randy 20 years ago. Blue Iris was later. The guy gets around.

the same lady who thought christopher hitchens was just some idiot.

She said that? Hitchens is the best.

edit: Oh, probably because he said women aren't funny. She can be funny, but is guilty of being a hole when she's on with Vos.

the entire documentary is a response to hitchens' article and to adam carolla's rant from a while back. she misquotes and misinterprets both of them, but only could have adam actually on the movie because hitchens died before they made it. I'm not sure he'd have been on it if he hadn't, though. christopher hitchens on a rich vos production?

That's a lynsi Hughes production!

its funny because if you watch the last half of the video from hitchens that they responded to, he stated he thinks individual women can be funny, its just as a gender they arent. a whole documentary because they couldnt finish a vid; and i thought vos was the dumb one in the relationship

She was the one that told Louis CK to "shut the fuck up" on her podcast when he got all holy high and mighty about leaving twitter. It was funny and it was honest; while O&J just sat their kissing his high horses ass about this issue. He's still #2 in my standup power rankings though

He's still #2 in my standup power rankings though


I'm just saying he's still funny as hell despite being a pompous ass at times.."regardless"

Yes but why do you have Stand Up Power Rankings? Are you a columnist for Who Gives A Shit Quarterly?

Who's #1?

Billy Red Face of course


What does Bonnie have to gain from seriously speaking about the issue to some anonymous person on Twittter? NOTHING.

she's a fucking bitch too


Tbh af fam



lol brb jk ttyl ;)

don't kid about that, please

Ew, Shoemacher 'liked' the tweet.

1 like- Amy Schumer

Of course she said no. Being on that channel is the only thing she's got going on. BE HONEST, have you heard her name more than once outside the world of opieradio?

when you google her name almost all of the results are for the red dead redemption game, lmao


Of course.

I want to fuck the stupidity out of her.

bonnie has always been a dumb cunt. shes gotten a pass because she makes fun of vos but it never made sense to me, i mean she drinks vos' cum, any quip she makes can't make up for that

Even those cunts who do the guys we fucked podcast wouldn't touch it when I broached the subject to them:


2016-01-27 19:20 UTC

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She won't even expand on her point. SHe's saying "no" so she can still defend women comedians, without getting into how she really feels.