Do you think tits knows these people are bald opie fans?

24  2016-02-03 by JoeCumiaSr


I didn't know Rogan followed him, that's funny. Luis J. Gomez does too

Bald Opie follows me, im very proud of that. Hows that feel fucker?

follows me as well.


ESD and Luis follow him too




Lmao is that for real sherrod? That's amazing

makes me hate the black bastard less for sure

That face is even more hateable than Anthony's Tyson picture face.

sherrod will follow kkk acounts as long as they follow him. that pathetic fuck just wants his followers numbers up.

HAHAHA That's so fucking great! Love BaldOpie!

Unfortunately Tits could get the page shut down since it has the blue check in the avatar.

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