Where did it all go wrong?

0  2016-02-03 by throughthisironsky

So I found O&A whilst going through Louis C.K. stuff on Youtube. Watched all of his appearances on the show, and I really digged the vibe of the show. Just hours of pure fun. The chemistry, the vulgarity, all of it just golden to me.

So then I turn my attention to the present, and it's like whaaat. How the fuck did these guys who seemed like kings of not giving any fucks, how the fuck did they end up like this? I listen to Opie and Jim and it's sterile as fuck. And so much people politics. Too many fucks are being given.

Anyway I'm going off on one here, so I'll end by asking - is there a modern day equivalent of golden times O&A? I require good patter , doctors orders


No. There's nothing like it out there. O&A and Stern were both one offs. We'll never see anything like them again. We can only hope that podcasts will get better.

Where did it all go wrong? Well let's just say that black people and photography don't mix.

It was going downhill well before then.

No way, bruh.

Oh really? Fucking cronuts. That's all I have to say.

No way, bruh TBH SMDH

You're thinking of black people and magic.

Their strength diminishes with their friendship. That even goes for the comedians they helped. A broadcasted Cellar she was.

why don't u just listen to all of the Patrice Oneal appearances on O&A when it was still good

I don't like his manner. He's not cool and collected. He's shouty and annoying.

WTF did you just say.

Not a popular opinion around here sir, how dare you

Just my opinion yo. The only episode with Patrice on that I listened to was on where Louie was also on, and I couldn't listen the whole way through.

well then there's like 150 more for you to listen to then.


When Opie was born.

The Bonfire is great


Until Opie gets his solo podcast up and running there will never be anything as good as that old time a' Opie and Anthony

I listen to about 8-9 hours of O&A everyday and have done so for the last 3-4 years.

Allthough im mostly checking out shows from 2002-2011.

So who the fuck cares if the show sucks now, its 20 years old. 20 fucking years old. Just download the year of 2004(also exists on youtube) and watch from there.

I havent listened to O&A more recent than 2014 except some shows here and there, why? Cause its dogshit, theyre old folks. So yeah, just listen to the older shows wtf

I listen to about 8-9 hours of O&A everyday and have done so for the last 3-4 years.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Terribly boring work and commuting! To be honest, it havent been 100% O&A. Audiobooks, podcasts, documentaries, standups etc.

First year/job I was working 10 hour night shifts alone on some powder coating industry where you had to have earmuffs/headphones cus it was so noisy.

what went wrong ? It is better than ever


Just my opinion yo. The only episode with Patrice on that I listened to was on where Louie was also on, and I couldn't listen the whole way through.