This Is All The Proof Global Warming Believers Need To Know It's Happening. Someone Get This To Anthony, He Needs To See The Proof.

0  2016-02-03 by LK3000and1


Oh no, it's ManBearPig!

Can someone please explain to me how this is funny?

I've never seen a thread where all the comments are Downvoted. We truly hate everything

You should have seen the thread I made criticising the mods the other day. Even people who said literally nothing insulting got downvoted... People round here are touchy.

... sigh

The earth is 6000 years old also

I heard Global warming was caused by Fox News and the Kochs spilling THERMITE into oceans.

The government is covering up the ManBearPig Conspiracy theory!

ManBearPig is not left wing hysteria, paranoia, and anti-science nonsense that is proven wrong, over and over.



I wont mock you because skepticism should be encouraged. All i can say is i HATE politicians. I love science. When i first heard about "an inconviniant truth" i said oh shit... gore is going to exaggerate and make people distrust science. He did. Its good you dont believe him, but please read about it for a while. ( not through 2nd hand sources). Im close to the scientific community and one thing is clear... research grants mean a hell of a lot less to scientists than upholding the scientific method. It lead us out of the dark ages. We dont need to tear down capitalism or any dumb kid idea... just start switching to nuclear power as a start (its not the 50s, there are safe ideas for reactors that use uranium salts or thorium that produce a tiny fraction of waste).

The data is completely corrupted. They have all been caught cooking the books. AGW is not real, we are not having a significant affect on the earths atmosphere, it is total horseshit.

You ecofascists nuts obsess over CO2(which is not even what causes Manbearpig) and completely neglect millions of gallons of radioactive material is still leaking into the ocean, via Fukushima.

Pollution does not equal ManBearPig.

And yeah....Money has NOTHING to do with why these scientists say this KNOWN LIE is real. Do you understand how naive you are?

You dont know any scientists.i didnt say money has nothing to do with it. And cooking the books it a misinterpretation of how data is collected. If you measure co2 from a volcano you have to discount the co2 generated by nearby industry. That can look like fudging data to non-scientists. Dont call me an eco fascist. I dont believe in forcing any industry to change and man comes first to me not the animals. People dont get into science cause they want to get rich. They do it because like my 2 cousins and sister they get a rush from research and finding the truth.

You don't seem to be understanding...NOAA,NASA,IPCC have all be caught INTENTIONALLY corrupting the data because their projections were as haphazard and baseless as the claims made against Marijuana, since it was made illegal.

This is about cartels not science. Carbon trading will not only build great wealth, but great power. It's no coincidence Gore will make billions off carbon trading.

This is not a simple error, or mistake, intentionally corruption of data has been occurring.

In the 70's it was 'global cooling' that they used to scare everyone with. Then it became know as global warming. Then climate change. Then they stared throwing out "polar vortex.'

"People dont get into science cause they want to get rich."

Who gives a shit WHY they got into science...Wheel barrels of money, promotions, and awards can change someones mind, and thats what is happening.

Are you really sitting here and saying science is not corrupted by cartels?

Science has ALWAYS been about agendas. Nothing has changed since Galileo, other than the agendas being promoted, but the psuedo-science is still prevelant throughout society.

After DSM-3 was released, physciatry was bought and paid for. Pharma buys seats on panels that advice the FDA, and the idea that drugging someone can cure being molested is total voodoo horseshit.

This post helps explain you and your 50 reddit accounts per day.

Rrrrright.... theyre controling our minds with pills... you have an anti science bias. I explaind the "fudging". You're basically denying statistical math now also.

You are retarded.

Volcanoes have nothing to do with scientists making up fake temperatures from decades ago to peddle the lie of the planet warming.

You are really, really stupid.

Making up temps? Do you know what ice cores are? Or simple Farmers Evaporation tests. Cores go back MILLIONS of years... farmer evaporation data since the 1700.

All Ice Core samples do is show the climate has always changed, and will always change.

You are now making my point for me.

The CO2 levels of the past put what it currently is now, and projected to be to shame. Proving, your paranoia is conspiracy, as there were no humans around to influence this.

Ice cores have nothing to do with someone intentionally entering falsified data in a computer.

Are you slow?

We wernt here millions of yea4s ago dude. Once AGAIN i explained to you how its not fudging data.

Its about how we live now. We didnt need the atmosphere to be perfect when we didnt exist. You are us8ng Rush Limbaugh arguements

Ice cores show a LOT. It shows that normal fluctuations dont acount for the sharp rise in co2 after 1880. It shows rhythms and the regulating factors behind them

CO2 is not as relevant to global warming as you are making it out to be.

Either you know that and don't want to admit it. Or you treat global warming like a religion and refuse to accept the facts.

Those very same fluctuations have been happening since the earth has existed. The sharp rises in CO2, planetary warming, have happened prior to humans being on the planet.

The thing about that is, THE PLANET IS NOT WARMING SIGNIFICANTLY, and has not warmed in 15 years.

The scientists know this, hence why they enter false data to give the illusion the planet is warming. Do you not understand what that means?

All the numbers you are claiming as 'fact' have been shown to be corrupted.

And EVEN if the planet was, you have zero proof it is humans causing it ESPECIALLY since sharp rises in CO2 have been happening since before humans were on the planet.

Lovelock said it best when he said you people treat this whole thing like a damn religion.

You are ignoring everything ive said. Science isnt an ideology. It disproves and proves thing everyday. Co2 that comes from natural sources is understood. Thats why this is man made. Vulcanism isnt on the rise, solar cycles dont have enough lasting aggregate effect, the carbon cycle isnt magically releasing co2. You are an idealogue . P.s. bernie sanders and hippies are the flip side of your coin. They blindly believe... and you blindly disbelieve. You are biased against science so you wont accept anything other than folksy wisdom. If science somehow disproves this in 10 years would you believe them then? Or would you become a climate change accepter?

Are you a religious person yourself?

Youre calling me stupid and i havent heard one arguement that isnt fallacious from you.

P.s. because of your fukishima comment i know now you dont have an understanding of how radiation works... and probably not physics or chemistry. The amount of radiation you could get from fukishima now is less than a plane ride at 30000ft. You get more radiation going into a coal mine

You dont know any scientists.i didnt say money has nothing to do with it. And cooking the books it a misinterpretation of how data is collected. If you measure co2 from a volcano you have to discount the co2 generated by nearby industry. That can look like fudging data to non-scientists. Dont call me an eco fascist. I dont believe in forcing any industry to change and man comes first to me not the animals. People dont get into science cause they want to get rich. They do it because like my 2 cousins and sister they get a rush from research and finding the truth.

P.s. because of your fukishima comment i know now you dont have an understanding of how radiation works... and probably not physics or chemistry. The amount of radiation you could get from fukishima now is less than a plane ride at 30000ft. You get more radiation going into a coal mine

Its about how we live now. We didnt need the atmosphere to be perfect when we didnt exist. You are us8ng Rush Limbaugh arguements