Bonnie and Mark Normand rumours

11  2016-02-03 by Jackthejew

So as you all know there's been some rumors that mark and Bonnie banged. Mark is sitting in for Rich on my wife hates me right now. Should we call in and ask about the veracity of these rumors?


Aaaaaaahhhh ( mark Normand noise)

Best part about Normand on O&J is when Tits starts unconsciously mimicking Normand's mannerisms.

Mimicking Normand's mannerisms mimicking Norm MacDonald's mannerisms

I always thought his mannerisms were more like old timey 40's club comedian or something. I don't hear Norm in his voice at all.

beautiful (in florentine voice)

I feel like when he that other guy that sounds like him do that Tuesday's stories show they're both trying to do a shittier impression of each other.

Yeah List's is put on, Normand's is real.

Joe List? I reckon they both sound about the same.

I love when people say "I reckon"

Hoooooooo wee!

If you wouldn't fuck Bonnie, you're a faggot.

Sometimes you just go too far.




English, why do you ask?

Oh you, oh me!

I wouldn't fuck her so I guess I'll join the faggot train. Bonnie is not a hot woman. She's maybe a 5 if she gets dolled up.

I'd be more about "cucking" dumb Vos.

...I hear cucking is a popular word here.

I've used the word a time or two myself. But I don't think it would be cucking where Rich is involved. Based on some comments he's let slip over the years he'd probably climb up behind you and fuck you in the ass while you fuck Bonnie.

i guess im a faggot. she looks like my mom

You got any family photos I can jack off to then?

of course. id be offended if you didnt jizz on a picture of my mom

Tell you mom I would wreck her holes.

I would rather you left my mothers vaginal canal and anal region intact



Go for it faggot.

You know what I get off work in a few minutes and I'm going to fucko




You're lying

Would someone come on this subreddit and lie to you guys?

A jew would.

You're right. But this happened.

like has it ever been talked about on podcasts? or are you just bullshiting us?

i would assume Bonnie would be faithful to her crackhead husband and that Mark would be too scared of being brutally murdered to try anything.

but sure call in, i bet the reactions will be hilarious

Rich has said before on the air that he'd watch bonnie get fucked by a younger dude. Bobby Kelly said the same about his wife. A bunch a cucks! The lot of em!

i thought bonnie and vos hated normand. they attacked him on their podcast calling his stories made up.

they attacked him on their podcast calling his stories made up.

just because you know his stories are bullshit doesn't mean you hate him

True but the tone of it seemed like they didn't like him. They spoke dismissively of him.

You could have chosen someone more believable than that omega Normand. You fail.

But dude, Normand totally banged 4 hot chicks off Tinder last night. Why don't you believe him?

As we all know?

Yeah remember recently that guy came on who claimed to be friends with Mark Normand and said that they did it. Probably false. Hope it doesn't cause any strain on rich

came on what show? what guy?

he came on bonnie, no show

It might make her funnier.


At this point, is there anyone he didn't fuck?

Himself, I wish he would get around to it real soon.

Please do this. Bonnie said Vos is in Vegas but will probably be listening.


And the award for Most Gossipy Gerdy Schoolmarm Thread goes to...

Mark lies about everything else, why would anyone be surprised if he made up a story that he hooked up with Bonnie?

Fuck that Tucker Max wannabe.

Sometimes you just go too far.

i guess im a faggot. she looks like my mom

I wouldn't fuck her so I guess I'll join the faggot train. Bonnie is not a hot woman. She's maybe a 5 if she gets dolled up.

You're right. But this happened.

Joe List? I reckon they both sound about the same.

Yeah List's is put on, Normand's is real.