[Survey] Hey gang! Let's learn more about each other!

0  2016-02-02 by NicNacAttack


The weight box is too small

Isn't it just you learning about us ?

Not really:

  1. Participants can view the raw data after completing the survey
  2. Once enough people have filled it out, I'm gonna report the stats back to the sub

So relax, you're in on the bit!

As long as u keep your answers like this in a list... I like a good list. Sniff.

You've left out transgender and/or gender fluid. I'm so triggered.


This shit has been tried 100 times and always fails. If this chick can't pull it off, it's time to retire this bit.


Why isn't my ethnicity represented? I'm a classy man whose parents came from the Punjab region of India to Canada with their families at a very young age. I will not select the middle easern savage box,pal.

Doesn't Indian = Asian? I'll create a new category.

Yes,technically but we all know we think of chinks when we say Asian. Ppl from Afghanistan are asain also,so I would prefer to check my own box away from those ppl. Thank u

I created a new category just for you. Just. For. You.

Now I feel obligated to complete the survey.....

Aww shucks, and you did. :)

Yes,I'm the 6'2" 240lbs Indian,high school drop out

I might be jumping the gun here, but I think you'll be our token Indian.

I've seen another on here,but who knows if he has stuck it out as long as me. Or maybe he actually got a life.....loser

Nuzzling up to the savage, goddamn coalburner.

Excuse me. That was hurtful and uncalled for

Indian savage?


This is weird, but that bus you were on that hit the woman; was that the metrobus route 13? I saw pretty much the same situation you described in the paper the next day or the one after. If so, peckahs.

No, mine was a shuttle bus. But damn.

Fucks no I will not tell you my dicksize in some survey!

I'll only tell her in a private message.

I'm waiting...

Edit: he has a fawkin peckah alright

Nobody wants you to bear the shame of holding a tape measure up to your swollen clitoris. Friends don't make friends do that.

Long aryan dick, yesss this I do have.

I can't do this survey, it doesn't have centimeters. I don't understand inches. Someone convert 19.5 cm to inches for me.