Scoop that negativity out of your life

13  2016-02-02 by KirkCinammon


I can actually feel cancer cells dividing in my body when he does this character.

I absolutely love this character of his, just solely because of how infuriated I get.

Does Jim really think raisins are going to make him fat?

No wonder he looks like a malnourished Benjamin Button.

yeah totally. he also believes in scooping negativity out of his life.

Well, I don't blame him for that. That's just smart.

just jacking off and eating salad, sounds like the life

Well, when you put it that way.

Was it part of the character that he thinks he needs to scoop raisins out of a salad because of fat content or was that the eating disorder talking?

Its not fun or cute anymore. I want a truck bomb to scoop out the side of "kirk's" building.

i love him because you hate him

The old Tim McVey, eh?


I want to scrape at his throat with my nails until I puncture his jugular.

I feel an urge to fuck this guy to death, real hateful like.

Blood makes great lube.

No it doesn't!!!!!!

Save for the ending, the video wasn't as bad as the other ones.


i can't stand the way that his hat rests just so on his head. it's not curving around his head, just resting on it. it's infuriating.

Have the feeling Kurt is going to snap and go on a school shooting