Ants producer Rat quits TACS

41  2016-02-02 by Lilcumia


Rats always flee sinking ships.

C'mon. Too easy.

tssssss yeah hopefully ant will noah guy who can build an ark or sumthin

That's a little too clever for Chip

tssss i guess thats why you never retard on a full stomach... juss riff-fin with ya..


That's better.

Not so. "He's gonna be da bounty hunter like the real quicker picker upper, you know what I'm sayin?"


I wanna see da boat movie

Thank you!, I knew there was a joke in there.

The kid was such an annoying twat. He had the personality of a retarded slug. He brought less than zero to every show. He was not interesting, he was not quick-witted. Why he was ever there in the first place is beyond me. And he was utterly terrible at Googling clips.

You didn't like it when he'd say memes out loud? "You had one job!" LOL!!!!!

fucking YUCK

I like how he would use the green screen to put Anthony or a guest into a wacky picture or video on every episode.

Fucking Keith..... "I got a guy who does all that computer stuff"

I believe he was hired solely so Ant could do Damone impressions.

He was hired solely because he was cheap and willing to work out of a 50 year old man's man cave.

Rat never tried to be funny. I think he just wanted to do the job behind the scenes but Ant wanted to pump it up & tried to turn Rat into Sam & it failed miserably!

Rat was shit behind the scenes too. He's terrible. Good riddance. I always hated that Jew.

I would guess they hired him because he was young/inexperienced and therefore cheap. He also interned for Conan which made his resume look a little fancier.

That's all well and good. I don't hate the guy and wish him all the best as long as it's on a show I don't listen to. He was seemingly incapable of having a conversation. He was like some kind of A.I. retard. Broadcasting is not for him. He's an A/V internet tech type of guy. It was a mistake even having him on air at all.

Then why could he never figure out something as basic as high resolution backgrounds on the green screen? Or more advanced (but not super difficult) issues like color matching. Gavin's logo was inconsistently colored, and it was out of laziness or incompetence, he just didn't give a shit.

Anthony should just hire on Luis, if LJG understands how to run the electronic/audio parts. Luis has a solid work ethic, has an in with comedy, and isn't that afraid to call people out/crack the whip.

Also, there is a bababooey like element to him, were when he screws up, it's hilarious, and can add hours of filler to the show.

It would also do good for diversity

It's a nice thought, but I don't think Ant will ever capture the retarded homosexual market, even if he does get LJG.


He can run a show and he takes his beatings like a champ

He's about to buy his own subreddit!

I've been busy the last couple weeks so I haven't been following this sub, so are you talking about the same cry baby pussy Luis who can't take an insult?

Have you never listened to LOS? He gets shit on constantly and never gets pissy

Really, I just got down voted? Last time I was on here everyone seem to hate him over the thing with him trying to buy this sub.

I can't speak for anyone else but I listened to a bunch of LOS and suddenly and weirdly started liking him. He's like Vos, either he is funny, or its funny when they pile on him. He tried to go to war with the sub but it was harmless and kinda funny.

I just don't like you

Wow, how weird is it that Kosmo Kumia's basement intern didn't last? Was it throwing a giant ball of oil from Anthony's hair out onto the street that did him in?

<angry Chip> That's from Seinfeld! You fuckin' stole that from Seinfeld!

You're good Chip.

I know

I know it sounds pretty glamorous, but it’s business as usual at Kramerica.


Hahaha. I never made this parallel. It's fucking great.

"And we're going to get that chicken"

for the next producer, who do you have your money on? An ex-cop or a fanboy?

I hear its between Fred Cum Brooklyn and Big A


Urrr... I dink it's time to do a ball cream live read, alroight?


So rat quit and doesn't have anything else lined up. What a Fuck You to Ant and Keith.

Or he doesn't want to let anyone know so that any harassment won't follow him around to the new job.

He's not as dumb as I thought.

Where are the links?

I say, hows a man s'posed to make do with so few links?

"How am I supposed to feed a family with a 8 ounce package of sausage?" "I have a wife and daughter that are bigger women "

Sositch. All damn day.

PHHHHHHNT. word play yooma

I'll be here all week, folks!

seriously, my life is empty

I wish my life was empty for now it's filled with rape

People still watch TACS?

No, most are just letting their subscriptions run out.


Joe Pietaro quietly applies for the job.

yah kiddin???

Did he quit already or is he quitting?

I'd think it would "odd" if he is already gone and there wasn't any notice. That would lead me to believe that there is some type of chicanery afoot!

Rat wasn't a bad guy and I get the impression he did pretty well under what are probably trying circumstances. Hopefully it's a positive parting of the ways and Rat does well in the future.

Lets not be sensible here did you forget where you are posting?

Point taken... I'll show myself the door now.

Go suck Lamar's feet, peckah lickah!

That's your mother's job you little fruit.

I heard Opie's putting in for the job. He is a master at the board after all.

He promises to wear a bra to prevent any board op issues.

For a kid fresh out of college, he was decent.

It was enraging every time I watched the show, though. He was a solid 10-20 seconds behind the topics Anthony + guest were discussing.

Most recently, TACS with Ronnie B (The Intervention.) Anthony started a " Tell us your favorite "movie asshole." People were calling in with suggestions, Rat was completely lost. He couldn't YouTube Actor X, Movie Y on a consistent basis.

I can't remember what he did but I think Rat worked a huge show before Tacs.

I watched the episode again and around 1:09:00 Gavin makes some kind of comment about Rat growing some balls since he announced he is quitting. So if he has indeed decided to move on, he has at least given notice. I guess we'll no more if it's true, or maybe Gavin is just blowing something Rat said off camera out of context.

He saw everything and he can't be forced to testify if he doesn't work there anymore. He's going into hiding above an attic somewhere on LI....because that's what Jews do

Hans Landa disagrees with that statement

Could get Sam Roberts, I hear Sirius is now paying him in the form of less beatings.

This made me laugh in a conference call at work!

Yelling at ur mother to make u lunch isn't a conference call

AMA request?...nah

Tough break pock face.

thank god. rat sucked balls.

Why do you say this?

Apparently gavin announced on his show ang Gomez confirm on Twitter.

Thank fucking God, probably couldn't handle the pressure of fucking up almost every single day

Hm wonder what Anthony will do.

Have shows that run considerably smoother?

Yeah, because if there is one thing TACS and Ant live by, it's providing the highest standard of excellence in broadcasting.

The next guy will be "shit" to most here in no time...

No mention of it anywhere.

How about a link shithead?


Why did he quit?

He probably makes 4 dollars an hour and got it cut after Anthony realized he can't support a podcast network


For real?

Has Gavin been tearing into him lately?

Are you sure? If so, thank god. He's the reason TACS is amateur hour. Get someone in there that's a little less green.

You don't think that the content might have something to do with the show sucking? He moved to NYC expecting that to bring more guests and the guests never came. Now he can't even get "friends" of the show to come on because of the Dani situation and he is stuck bringing on Bob Levy and Joe DeVito multiple times per week. I mean, there seems to be very little show prep and I don't think that's Rat's fault. Ant spends half an hour per show talking about tweets he sent. Then he takes shitty calls for another half an hour. Rat isn't responsible for the host not being funny/not having good guests.

Right on. If the show was actually entertaining, it wouldn't matter if it was mono audio, 480p resolution, with a 60-watt incandescent light bulb for lighting.

Nobody's dropping their subscription because of the production. The goddamn content is everything.

Rat isn't responsible for the host not being funny/not having good guests.

I believe that honor resides with the blacks.

Don't forget the liberals, they also play a big part in that mechanic.

He was a poor producer for even allowing Ant to bring on those guys. I think most people would rather Ant and Gavin shoot the shit than have Ant bring on Stern rejects.

Rat wasn't a producer... he's just a tech guy.

I was referring to Keith thinking himself as a producer.

Lets face it having the Anthony Cumia show on your tv is a bad career move for someone just into the industry.

Paging Dannyfromtheshow?

he doesn't know shit, and include the /u/ tag so that his phone rudely wakes up the ugly kike when you do

I mean for him to work as the new producer so he doesnt have to beg for money on here.

Oh, right. Yeah, it'd be nice if he got a job. Good call.

/u/Dannyfromtheshow there you go old man

That or Ant is trying to trim the fat as he can't afford to pay even Rat's salary. Keith probably had Rat set everything up, train him on a few things and will most likely take the reigns. Hey before you think this is crazy, Keith also thinks he himself can be a producer!

EDIT: Some confusion with my post. I meant to say that Keith thinks of himself as a producer. Rat is just a tech guy and honestly can't take all the blame for TACS being shitty these past few months. Ant was probably better off with just podcasting and building from there.

That's what I was thinking. How long before the show goes off the rails and Keith puts up Ant's underage porn collection on the greenscreen?

Who and what?

Hire Sammy Branmuffinz

Incompetent blunderer loses job.

So far the only thing I have seen is this :

I doubt keith fired him.

He didn't. It's quite sad he put this out to save face.

yeah, keith is a joke

Old news by now.. but no.. Rat is quitting.

ya' kidding

Confirmed on TACS

Maybe now he can get an actual producer instead of a 13 year old boy. Did Anthony think Rat was going to help him with the younger crowd? Oof

I think he was attempting a Sam Roberts 2.0 but we all know there is only one.

Nah it was only because his name was Rat.

rats hire was a goof.

It won't make me listen to that show again but it is a tiny step in the right direction.

Who will make the ants now?

Ayy nayy

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone

He was not a producer, he was the board op. And fucking useless at it too. A trained monkey with a stick to push the far away buttons would be a more than adequate replacement.

Think he's quitting to work on the campaign of his fellow tribesmen?

I'm kinda sad to see Rat go. He was a strange cog in my favorite podcast, and I know he took a beating for always fucking up, but I thought it was mostly overblown. So Rat, I wish u well.

That said, he was the corniest fucking nerd on the planet and infuriated me with his cunty Jewy attitude. Wore being a virgin like it was a fucking badge of honor. YECK!


way to put some new spin on an old classic... hack.

How would the king's horses be of any help; they don't even have thumbs.

Well, Humpty was a racist. Fuck him.

Hans Landa disagrees with that statement

Then why could he never figure out something as basic as high resolution backgrounds on the green screen? Or more advanced (but not super difficult) issues like color matching. Gavin's logo was inconsistently colored, and it was out of laziness or incompetence, he just didn't give a shit.