Metzger has completely kicked your asses. Amy's best defense was to unleash her pitbull on you and he's absolutely mauled all of you unfuckable peckaz and you're all too dumb to know it.

0  2016-02-02 by [deleted]



Well, I guess thats it everyone, this guy says we lost, so lets just shut it down now and spare ourselves the future embarrassment

Brand new user. His first post. Lol

Was Metzger a sacrificial lamb for Schumer, sent to draw away the fire from this sub?


I, for one, welcome our new Cuck Overlord.

If what you're saying is true why did you create a brand new account to make this shitpost.

Did he now?

He is upset that we don't go all cuckwild with the photoshops.

should I care ?


You guys ignored the lame bait, I'm proud of you.

People still think Amy is a unoriginal hack joke thief, and now everyone knows Kurt is a butt-hurt man child. How has he won exactly?

Who are you