Is Ant growing his network only to fade in the background? I say he is.

10  2016-02-02 by SteveTech74


growing his network wth who, exactly? it's a bunch of no-names and losers.

But maybe if he gets enough of them, then some people besides old O&A fans might subscribe!

Oh, TACS fans aren't all old O&A fans.

You don't think Ant recruited any subscriptions from his old Niggermania pals? I think you'd be surprised.

Oh I know. Its not like they hide themselves very well. They're just here to turn everything into a political argument and then call you gay when you don't respond to everything with frothing at the mouth hatred.

You're right. That is totally their move.

Call anyone who won't engage them in a tiring, pointless political argument faggot, nigger, kike or liberal Obama lover.

They are more predictable than my dad's crusty old alcoholic friends...

Oh, wait. They basically are my dad's crusty old alcoholic friends with an internet connection.

Is that where they come from? I thought they were like comedically advanced 10 year olds or something.

I think the two are more similar than you realize.

Still, ranting in caps and screamming CUCK! CUCK! like Kramer shouting "Look! It's a nigger!" Is either Kaufman-esque humor or a child. An adult who does shit like that couldn't figure out how to use the internet. I have to believe this or I must leave this country for my own safety sooner than I had planned.

I hate to say it, pal, but I think it's the latter.


My first assumption with anything on the Internet is that people are trolling when they are being ridiculous. But knowing how Anthony's fans are, I don't think this is some attempt at humor or trolling. I legitimately think this is how they are in real life. They never liked O&A and were never fans until Anthony went "all in" with the wild eyed "Everyone's out to get me!" mentality several years ago. Just in the same way that it is shocking that there are actual Opie fans out there, or that people like Bobo and Stalker Pattie were fans of the show somehow, it's not hard to believe that Anthony has his own following of insane retards who didn't like what the actual show built its name on and just like it because they see Anthony as some messiah of the white race. At least Opie's diehards are just boring old people. They're not even interesting enough to hate. Anthony's fans ruin this fucking place.

messiah of the white race

Ironic, because Ant isn't white.



It is obvious he's trying to set up a lineup that could continue his brand without his visual presence.

Gavin Show - politics and irreverence

Legion of Skanks - old school O&A "hang out" radio

Bob Levy - shit, but appeals to older people and hatewatchers

East Side Dave - another appeal to pests (plus sports, which is actually not a usual Ant topic so that was a smart hire)

NYC Crime Report - this is probably the closest Anthony has done to branching out, but really, they used to do these types of stories on O&A all the time so it's another pest appeal.

Granted, yes, the majority of subscribers are old pests, but you can see how Ant is trying to set up the network as a compliment to his persona and perhaps a legacy at one point down the road (not to say it will work, but just to say that Ant's trying).

Then he needs to change the name of the network, because he's the weak spot, at this point.

He is the most well-known on the network, though. That could change if Big Jay's special really hits or if Gavin follows in Ant's steps and enjoys an episode of Seinfeld on Periscope.

I doubt that Big Jay or Gavin will be around in 6 months. Maybe Gavin because he has a man crush on ant, but if Big Jay's special takes off, he won't need and - he doesn't need him now.

I've never gotten the sense that Jay is doing LoS because he needs it, though. I could see him sticking around, especially if he stays in NYC to do The Bonfire.

he probably likes doing it and decided to let luis and dave make some money by signing onto TACS network, but I think an association with ant will only hurt jay, in the long run and he probably knows that too.

Yeah, NYC Crime Report is surprising good.

Though the TACS episodes are sometimes a bit lackluster.

Let's hope so.

Is it really growing your network if your audience doesn't increase too?

If he disappears and uses only his initials people might mistake it for adam carolla's network and he'll get 100 times as many subscribers

Dude youre a business genius.

Its growing like a tumor.

He was fired from his cake job for being a creep on twitter. He then roughed up his ugly gf on periscope. He stalked kids on instagram.

I wish this old man would get off social media like a grown up and focus on making the network good.

Is the network profitable (looking for solid answers, not just "I don't like it so they must be hemorrhaging money")?

I thought los was leaving network soon?




Still, ranting in caps and screamming CUCK! CUCK! like Kramer shouting "Look! It's a nigger!" Is either Kaufman-esque humor or a child. An adult who does shit like that couldn't figure out how to use the internet. I have to believe this or I must leave this country for my own safety sooner than I had planned.