Stupid fucking chode desk doesn't even work half the time

0  2016-02-02 by [deleted]


Another boring ass topic. Show us the desk that you broadcast from? You fucking zilch...

why you following my topics faggot go fuck your dog up the ass

i have feelings for my father

that why you cuck for him?

Yeah, say cuck more times dick head. You sound like an unpopular school girl who has learnt a new little word that the popular kids sometimes use.

angry cuck is angry

Tee hee hee, I'm fitting in, Tee hee hee

you're still here cunt? you must be one lonely cuck. cant help you there

Says the guy who posts a boring ass topic every 30 minutes. Dude, know one gives a shit about what you are writing. Cuck!! hahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahhahahahahahahhaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

"know one gives a shit".. you're a smart cuck I see.

can someone grab a crowbar and pry this annoying cuck off my dick? thanks

I see you have wasted peoples time by posting another topic irrelevant to O and A. I'm dying of boredom with all ya shitty posts you lonely attention seeker. Stop posting shit topics.

yeah because sherrod smalls fat nigger head is more relevant to O&A. You probably learned about this show from 4chan or some faggot site

Fuck 4chan...You should go there and bore those cocksuckers to death instead of posting here.

I'm not here to entertain you, dumb fucking cuck

Well can you try and entertain someone if you are going to post so much shitty topics? Zzz Zzz Zzz Zzz....