Anthony saying Jim is too 'busy' to go on his show. Uh huh

38  2016-02-01 by Dennyislife


everything's going to be different once they move to the nyc prison studio

As soon as possible = if Anthony is acquitted on all charges

I'd love to see Anthy go to prison just as much as the next guy, but the thought of not listening to the J&A combo no mo' is such a high price to pay :(

Just think of how depressed you'll be when Anthony's one prison call will be to Opie and Jimmy in the morning.

"So Anthony, where are you at with the prison life? sniff"

"Opie I need to get out of here, there's this black guy who threatened to-..."

[dial tone]

"Let's go to Snowy in Michigan, SNOWAYYYYY!"

That would be incredible, it would be his version of Lady Di's last call.

"Hey, Ope, love you, love the show..."


I believe him. It's not like Jim has time to travel to long island. there's a lot of traffic going there and coming back. Once the NYC studio is up and running...

No you don't understand, the NYC studio is where he broadcasts out of - TheLiteralPearl

No you don't understand the NYC Studio has been running for awhile now. - LiteralBigMattSon

It's never going back to the way it was between them, unless Dani really gets painted as a drug addled gold digger, and Vinnie Brand and Anthony come to some sort of understanding. Norton isn't going to risk his relationship with the Brand family being really palsy walsy with Anthony.

Best Anthony can hope for is a retweet here and there, and maybe a phoner or awkward short visit. I doubt we'll see any long happy visits anymore.

It's never going back to the way it was between them, unless Dani...

It's never going back to the way it was even if Dani doesn't exist. It stopped being "what it was" when Ant got fired. He and Jim are no longer co-workers, they've lost that vibe. They can still be funny together, but it's never been close to what their chemistry (brothaman) used to be.

Yeh it's always been an anti-climax whenever Jim's gone on TACS. .at this point I'd rather see a morning/afternoon Jam with Jim & Sam, in the comfort of Sirius HQ

That would actually be a good show, not great but better than the depressing messes we have with TACS and O&J.

Die Sam

The Jim, Sam and Jamie Hatebreed show was one of my favorite things that ever happened. Fuck I wish that would be daily.

For all of their protestations otherwise, they've never really been friends outside of work. Anthony used to talk about going to see Jimmy's shows whenever he was at performing at a casino, but then never actually saw Jimmy. He just spent the weekend gambling. I think Jimmy has always had a better off-air relationship with Opie.

Jimmy and Anthony will never get their chemistry back with all of the shit that's gone on since July 2014.


Yeah, I agree with you and it's very disappointing. In all honesty I've enjoyed the episodes of TACS with Ronnie B much more than the ones with Jimmy. Sucks KtC jumped the shark and blew any chance of the The Ron & Anthony Show ever becoming a thing with his lack of business savvy.

I agree, they were good in tacs together but it wasn't even close to the old show level. a few chip-isms and uncle paul's while staring awkwardly at the cameras

Don't say that. It breaks my heart :(

It's true though, the amount of motherfuckering Anthony's going to do of the Brand family once the legal stuff is done is probably going to be tremendous. I can't imagine Jim sitting through that, even if he secretly sides with him. The worm in him is just too great.

If Ant's not in jail you mean.

I can't believe there are people dumb enough to think this is even possible. He'll take a plea if anything, he won't see a jail cell. one's ever gone to jail for choking a chick out.

And right....Anthony's always been known to be smart and swallow his pride, accept his responsibilities and not let things unravel to the point where he's lost all control of situation and made matters 1,000 times worse for himself.

I see him taking a plea deal, no problem.

Nobody with money, if it was a poor dude with these exact charges he would definitely see jailtime. No sheckels, no freedom

Once again. My point was, this idiot in the past could've made his life much simpler if he apologized, served a short suspension then went back on the air at Sirius.

Instead he refused to apologize, double downed on his racist tweets...and now runs the abortion that is TACS.

So, what makes you 100% sure he'll take a plea bargain?

Oh I must've missed the part where there was evidence he choked her. You know that would have to be proven right?

Dude, he hasn't even had his first day in court. No evidence has been laid out yet proving he did or did not do anything criminal yet.

I didn't say, "He's 100% going to be sentenced to prison." I said its a possibility. Which it is.

Doesn't have to prove he didn't do it. State has to prove he did. Makes a plea far more likely if he knows he did it

Even if they can somehow prove Ant did any of that shit (I didn't see any bruises on her neck) he still won't do time. You don't do time on a first offense like this one. He'll have to go to anger management classes and if the judge thinks alcohol was involved maybe a program. I doubt any of the charges are going to stick

What do you mean you didn't see bruises on her neck? Were you one of the responding officers?

Ummm, no. She periscoped herself right after it happened (because she was soo "terrified") and she didn't have any bruises on her neck nor did she mention anything about her neck.

She's a lying cunt She periscoped herself while the fight was going on.

According to the articles I read the fight went on after that. One even said the police witnessed the domestic violence.

However, that is just an article, I'm not taking it for Gospel Truth. You however, decide to call a woman who may have been battered by a man who its obvious has both anger and alcohol problems a "lying cunt" based on....what exactly?

Like Anthony would actually "batter" some broad in front of cops. Jesus christ that's ridiculous. I can't see Anthony intentionally hurting anyone. It's just not his style. You do know that Dani is hitting herself in that periscope video she just had to put out...right?? She's telling Ant to stop hitting her, when she is clearly hitting herself. That's ONE of the reasons I called her a lying cunt. And that's one of the nicer things I could call her.

No, I don't know that. You can't honestly say that the video shows her hitting herself any more than anyone can say the video shows Anthony hit her.

Yes, I can say honestly say she's hitting herself. Along with 95% of other people that see the same thing. It's beyond obvious.

In the case of Anthony Cumia vs Dani Golightly. Judge Eric Holder presiding

This Dani beating has been a godsend for Jim, finally a reason for him not to have to do TACS.

Yeah he's busy dodging the guy who choked out a club owner's daughter.


Won't see him no more.

love that all of you guys are just ripping him to shit on twitter nonstop. it has to take a toll...good...

Jim still thinks he has a shot of going out to LA, hanging out with Louie and Burr, making movies with the Schooms, and getting invited to industry parties.

He should face reality, and realize he is stuck where he is with Tits for a reason.

Jim, there is a reason your career is stagnating, because you chose security over creativity.

So true, so hurtful

I fucking HAAAATE it when she's referred to as "the Schooms". But yeah, you are completely right on Jimmy.

Schumes. Is that better?

And maybe trannies will be totally mainstream, AIDS will be cured and being a paycheck whoring worm will be an adorable trait.

Jim is loyal until the point that it could effect his precious stand up career.

yeah and? why wouldnt you expect anthony (or anyone considered a friend) to respect that?


yes you can. ALL human relationships come with obligations. What you're asking for is servitude. how old are you to not realize that?


anthony has to reciprocate loyalty by not being a total fuckup. why should he expect jimmy to jeopardise his career for him? that's the attitude of someone who only cares about themselves. anyone with a shred of decency in them realises that you don't demand absolute obedience from people you care about; loyalty is something that they have to give in confidence willfully.




Jim did not say he was going to stop by that week, I'm not sure why you are so adamant on blaming him or trying to victimize Anthony, a man who is not a victim, what you're doing is white knighting, most men do this for a woman, you do it for another man, which is weird

Jim did not say he was going to stop by that week at any point. Keith tried to piggyback him on to Bobby's appearance and he was already booked that afternoon with Sam. If you don't follow this stuff and you don't know what's going on, why do you make things up to pretend you do? That's a little weird

I think you want me to give it a rest because you don't have an argument. Jim's not to blame for this no matter how much you want him to be (for whatever reason I can tell you have emotions tied into this because you're making up things that didn't happen to try to prove some kind of point here)

I don't know why people think Jimmy will help his show. Jimmy turned into an unfunny, hypocritical little worm over the last two years. Also, he is too busy white knighting Instagram whores that he will never fuck.

That's because of the show he's on.

"Norton is shaped like whatever container you pour him in." - Patrice

You do know the context of that quote right? When and where it was said? How and why?

Sure, it was making fun of his squishy body back during the roast of his early standup. Jimmy tried to soften it and pile on with the criticism of his material, so Patrice smashed him. But it's consistent with his personality.

Personality? Minghia da kakkity keekity personalllle-ah

Vinnie Brand still has some stroke in the comedy world. Anthony has no power or celebrity clout whatsoever.

Norton is doing the smart thing.

Dunno what you're talking about. Ant just landed super mega comedy superstar Bob Levy.

It's the smart move. Jimmy was always smarter.

It's not just vinnie brand - who wants to be associated with someone who is thought of as a racist pedo and maybe someone who beats women up, no matter who they are?

Agreed. I honestly don't know how the guy expects people to not completely turn their back on him at this point. Not just on a professional level...but just on a personal one.

Vinnie Brand has been on Artie Lange's podcast a few times recently. He's a really unfunny and uninteresting, self-important twat, and quite possibly gay. He went on and on about this supposedly handsome waiter at his club. He even had pictures of the dude. It was very strange.

I'm not saying he should have been strangled instead, but is it possible that Vinnie and Jimmy are what they call "ass amigos"?

And I doubt Vinnie has much clout beyond who does/doesn't play the Stress Factory. Do you think he could really put a dent in Jimmy's stand-up career, if Jimmy had "betrayed" him by "standing with Ant" (ugh)?

I don't.

Jimmy is a spineless fucking zilch. Make up your mind, either cut him out of your life or stand by your friend through thick and thin.

I've had it with his little pussy boy behavior.

He is standing by his friend. His friend being Vinnie Brand.

If I had 2 friends, and one of them beat up the other's daughter and put her in the hospital....

How's this even a choice? For all the shit Jim deserves, not sure this is one of them.

Yeah right, martyr himself for an idiot who chose to fuck up his life, your juvenile sense of loyalty is astounding, the stuff of Rambo movies.


Have you had it?

He just said he's had it.

When will THEN be NOW.


Too busy shoving his tongue up shoomer's ass

I think Ant genuinely believes this. Jimmy is a three star Michelin worm. He'll have served up a steaming dish of worm so inviting that Ant will have gobbled down and asked for more.

If Ant ever gets a hint that Jim is only a two star worm he will be on his podcast in a flash giving him the Joe DeRosa treatment.

Having any Michelin stars at all is huge for a restaurant. I'll give Jimmy a 3.5 in Zagats.

This is sad.

Ya making those uplifting jim videos really take up his time

"Anthonys too busy to see my apartment. THE GUY DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT MY KIDS LOOK LIKE" sniff

Jimmy is no more busy than he was before the domestic violence charges. He's just scared to go on Anthony's show and piss off Dani's dad and have Vinnie do his best to get Jimmy blackballed at other clubs.

Anthony should just man up and say he doesn't expect Jimmy to do his show while the thing with he and Dani is settled. Admit he put Jimmy in an awkward spot and that he is okay with Jimmy keeping his distance for now.

If he is acquitted or has the charges dropped or receives a slap on the wrist and no jail time I'd still like to see the Anthony and Jimmy show come to fruition. Like someone said, it isn't the same since they don't work together anymore. If Anthony could somehow pull off the Anthony, Jimmy and Benington show that would be great. He'd probably be able to beat Artie Lange's 9,000 subscribers handily. Of course he'd have to pull in 20,000 or more subscribers to be able to offer Jimmy and Ronnie decent enough money for them to jump ship.

How can Jimmy do a show with ant at this point? He does something to blow up his career on a yearly basis. Jim needs stability and even though he hates Opie, the show is stabile, pays well and allows him to meet A-Listers.

Can you imagine Jimmy being on yesterday's TACS with that jackass?

Well Anthony went nearly 20 years in broadcasting without blowing up his career, not including the 2 times he and Opie blew their careers up as a duo, so I think if the writing is on the wall and he might lose the millionaire lifestyle he has grown to love then he could be persuaded to change.

But to do that I think he wouldn't need just Jimmy, he'd also need someone like Ronnie B as I said. A seasoned no nonsense broadcaster who isn't afraid of Anthony and will be willing to tell him to shut up.

I know it's a pipe dream and I won't hold my breath because several things need to happen if there is even a slim chance of that coming to pass. Anthony has to avoid jail time, he has to realize just how badly he is fucking up and seek counselling and he will need to get a lot of subscribers that will give him the luxury of hiring talented people like Jimmy and Ron. And I don't see any of that happening any time soon.

Whiteknighting a joke thief is a full time job these days. Ask Metzger.

Have you psychopaths compiled a list of people who haven't been on since"situation"?

"Uh huh"

You gossiping teenage girl

Don't say "uh huh" like you have personal insight into the years long friendship of two people you've never met

Sorry ant. Your right. Jimmy is so in demand right now.

Jimmy is on the road doing his tour.
They've spoke since the Dani incident, everything's fine.

He's in NYC every monday to wednesday and some thursdays at that time Sir

Having any Michelin stars at all is huge for a restaurant. I'll give Jimmy a 3.5 in Zagats.

So true, so hurtful

I fucking HAAAATE it when she's referred to as "the Schooms". But yeah, you are completely right on Jimmy.

And maybe trannies will be totally mainstream, AIDS will be cured and being a paycheck whoring worm will be an adorable trait.

yes you can. ALL human relationships come with obligations. What you're asking for is servitude. how old are you to not realize that?