Joe DeVito on TACS today...again

21  2016-02-01 by PaterLafleur

Isn't this the 3rd time in two weeks this guys been on? Fuck, I suppose we'll get another Levy show this week. Ant's guest pickins must be slim.


TACS Subscribers: Save your time, money & patience and JUST UNSUBSCRIBE already.

Jesus Christ...nobody can blame you for not trying. Enough already.

It's good background noise.

I actually have enjoyed Joe Devito. I wouldn't mind if he's a standing guest for Mondays.

Can't spare $7?

We're not the Anthony and Brother Joe welfare fund, piss off.

Not for a piece of shit racist pedophile who threw his funny bone to the dogs.


So we're donating to this selfish prick now? And people bitch about the fucking Patrice benefit, christ.


No, it isn't.

How would you know? You aren't subscribed.

Certainly not.

No. I can't.

Just give up

made me laugh.

really hope ant reads it

I like Anthony but fuck its been a rough year and a half. He must just sit there everyday and look at that Goosebumps book cover character that is Bob Levy or... I dont even fucking know what Joe Devito looks like, and calculate all the money hes sunken into that NYC studio and lawyer fees and NYC apartment rent he has to continue to pay to a place he doesn't live at, and tax season is here, right now and think "Fuck, I wish I had access to my guns to shoot myself"

i think he was doing pretty good b4 he fucked it up yet again with the dani shit, he was putting out some entertaining show and the skanks was happy

That nyc studio has been a fucking waste of money

I don't mind the dude but there's nothing particularly exciting about him either. I get the feeling Ant is jockeying him for permanent co host maybe.

He's Ant's Sherrod Small--A Black Comedian of sorts.

Devito is ok. But TACS is going to be horrible long after this whole Dani thing is over. Last week he mentioned Mike Vecchione coming in this week, and perhaps that's the way to go, getting sloppy seconds from LOS. But even those are painful, cause most of these young guys don't care about decades old movie references, and recycled Norton call backs.

seeing a Chip fall flat in front of people who have no idea what he's doing is so painful

Guess Devito is not in line to play the Stress Factory

I really hope Ant can bounce back, but it aint looking good.

Anthony hasn't bounced back since his knuckles went off Danielle Brand's face.

Even better, Bob Levy is getting is own goddamn show.

Holy fucking yuck. That's more than enough of a testament to the quality of the TACS Network to deter any and all potentially new subscribers.

he's getting paid mad commission. enter the promo code "jew" for discount

That bad, huh?

DeVito is a good match up, maybe not fireworks but good, id prefer him to pretty much any random: porn chicks, fox/gun guys...etc... and with a lot of comedians I feel like ant is 'interviewing' them and that's a bit of a drag

Agreed. I enjoy them not interviewing and just talking and riffing on things.

he said he was gonna do the next few mondays. i like him he's very good riffing with Ant.

but it leads to a repetitive show and DeVito is not going to press Ant if he feels like talking about guns and blacks again.

What should Anthony talk about, maybe how great Bernie Sanders is? Would you stop being such a whiny faggot then?

I wish he would talk more about systemic racism being the root cause of any crime commited by a PoC. He seems to gloss right over that one! That really gets my panties in a twist.

Did your LK3000 account get banned sweetie?

That isn't my account, pumpkintits. I do appreciate your concern, though! Muah!

I wish they would torture and burn undesirables like yourself.

You seem upset.

I'm not a libtard you faggot. I just don't like him preaching to a choir/making the same point again, even if it's right. It's even worse if there isn't any counter points. Why doesn't he have Andrew Anglin or weev on to talk about the jews? That would be interesting, and new.

Imagine.. not Artie Lange or Jim Norton, but we'll get Joe DeVito as co-host after all our whining.

Life is cruel.

searching for "Joe Devito" just made me sad. he's already on Long Island.


Oh it’s got caché baby! It’s got caché up the yin-yang!

He's the new Patrice IMO

Oh man!

I'll take the A and J show over O and J any day, especially with the formats and topics Opie has transitioned to. I try to listen but it's just really boring.

That said, I think the fact Devito is a no namer makes for some good jokes on this sub, kinda like if Frank Stallone was an only child.

"I'm white ya'll and I'm white ya'll". - Joe Devito

if you still pay the 7 dollars a month this is one you for caring. What are you expecting?


I am starting to realize that fame and power was the downfall of O&A. If you listen to them years ago Opie actually tries and Anthony tones down the racism because they want to get to the next level. Once they got to the top Opie just resented Jim for being funnier than him because he thought he was hot shit. And Anthony thought everyone must love him being racist. I'm fairly racist and his rants even make me uncomfortable.

Now due to stubbornness and ego they are where they ended up. Jimmy is still hungry at least and plays ball for money. Opie and Anthony will have to get knocked down many more pegs before they even try to change what they're doing: I doubt Opie has any hope though.

made me laugh.

really hope ant reads it

I wish they would torture and burn undesirables like yourself.