Just a friendly reminder gang: D list celebrities (least profitable people in the Hollywood film industry) spending days tweeting and referencing this sub is a huge victory

73  2016-02-01 by HerpesLipStrangler

6 months ago we barely thought they knew reddit existed


I think Kurt still thinks our sub is the entirety of reddit. I don't think he knows there's other subs.

I hope during one of his coke fueled online rampages he ends up going to the front page and posts multi paragraph rants about us on some r/news post.

or in a Qalamoun mountains-specific Syria sub. then he could get targeted by ISIS.

Kurt hates us because of our freedom, and our way of life. We won't negotiate with Kurt, because we dont negotiate with terrorists. Freedom, Merica, Bald Eagles.

Bald opies*


They'll see his picture and try to recruit him as their leader

everyone on here's time is pretty much worthless, so the idea that the head writer for a CC show spending hours angrily thumb punching his phone is terrific, just terrific

Honestly, from being aware of how Kurt was before all of this, he just likes this shit. If it weren't this sub he was losing it on it would be some other group he'd be focusing his hate towards.

I remember the whole feminist blogger thing he was going crazy over. Every single god damn podcast/interview he had he would talk about those people non stop and in between be tweeting about it. He can bitch about these things as much as he wants but it is obvious he enjoys it

thumb punching, I like it

Pretty kind of you to promote him to the D list. We definitely occupy real estate in his head.

He's not even a D-list celebrity, he's a D-list comedian.

i don't even think he headlines

its a testament to how isolated modern societys become, even to "famous" entertainers who have it all supposedly, their only window into what "society" or at the very least what their fans think is through social media, so when u see a Photoshop of ur actual GF suckin a dick, it must sting a bit.

when he has trouble selling out on the road thats the ONLY thing that will effect them

can i see this pic?

When some fundamentally damaged idiot in NYC who worked with Comedy Central once years ago is reduced to a babbling nutjob because of my mean words on the internet, it brings me a deep sense of pride and accomplishment. I don't have much going for me irl, but I will take this with enthusiasm

he works with them now...haha, I dont even like the guy i just think the unrealistic things some people are saying are weird. why not at least try to be credible?

It seems like being a good stand up requires a certain amount of credible self righteousness. This whole saga isn't helping a lot of these guys.

D list is too generous, Kurt wouldn't even be allowed to star in commercials or have one line in a movie or tv show.

Kurt would be "party dude #3" if he was cast in a movie

You sure about that? I saw him play a child molester on a vice show


Oh wait you are right, that vice show was a web series...face to me

We have fought the good fights against all things hacky. Here we sit in a state of regrouping. Waiting for another target to present itself.

why do we keep winning? what are we doing?

I'd request to bring down Screech from Saved by the Bell next, but it seems like he's doing well on his own.

light em up if you got them', they were exposed as hipocrites and reacted by being over the top defensive, Schumer had to go on Norton's show (he should be thanking us) and try to defend herself. Fuck it, whatever this whole mess was I loved every second of it, seeing these pussies expose themselves

you're a regular Kipling

Hahaha holy fuck

Is Anthony D-list?

He's A-list to sjw bloggers, every fuck up is the shot heard around the world.

the fire rises

or in a Qalamoun mountains-specific Syria sub. then he could get targeted by ISIS.

i don't even think he headlines