Kurt Metzger is metzgering while Schumer is out the shooming!

17  2016-02-01 by axeheadroad

This shit is getting old. Where's the latest O&A nervous breakdown? Opie hasn't cried? Ant hasn't shunned reddit or twitter?

Give me something I can feel.


Opie thinks we're over him, but I for one am not.

Nothing is ever over, especially when it comes to Opie

This sub is like WW2, there are many campaigns being fought on several fronts and sometimes we have to make some strange allies for strategic purposes. Also we are roasting Jews if anyone wants a little taaaste

He's the don, these are just hits on his capos

Coming up next: Ant goes back to court. Hopefully that'll lead to something fun.

When is that happening again? February...?

Edit: 4th


Next time on "The Strangler".....

He's just white knighting for her.

She can't take the abuse anymore, so he valiantly donned his armor and put his shield betwixt m'lady and the horde's onslaught. A true nobleman.

I can't think of a new Opie angle. Have the Stangels left yet? I don't listen to the show.

Opie doesn't understand that a model that posts provocative pics to twitter doesn't want to receive dick pics.

Opie is a fucking dope. I was so irritated by him today and his complete lack of critical thinking skills. He has the exact same thinking as those muslim men who see a woman's ankle and decide she must want to get raped, why else would she be trying to turn me on.

Someone needs to send that segment to those feminist bloggers and let them run with it.