I didn't think it was possible to be a bigger faggot than Brother Joe

14  2016-02-01 by JimmysLostFat

But goddamn is Kurt Metzger giving him a run for his money


Woah there good buddy, O&A sub villains will come and go, but there is only one ultimate faggot and that is, and will always be, Brother Joe.

As bad as Metzger is he doesnt have his little brother pay his mortgage, he doesnt play in a U2 cover band, and he doesnt think hes a badass because he wears a patch from a fictional biker gang. There is being an annoying douche, then there is the bottomless pit of pathetic that is Brother Joe.

The way they'd verbally roll their eyes whenever he'd call in to the show .... lol "BroJoe" STINKS.

Jesus Christ, let's not be ridiculous here.

Metzger is a hanger-on of faggotry, Joe is a First 8 Man of Gayhem.

Kurt's two comedy albums rule. Brother Joe has given nothing of value to the world.


at least kurt is employed

I like Robin Quivers

I can listen to Brother Joe tell a story. Metzger is just annoying opening his mouth.

You disgust me.

I dont get the Brother Joe hate, seems like a decent guy.
