Ant should have just kept the show at the compound.

14  2016-02-01 by joonyourmnt

Yeah it was a little rough around the edges and had the usual guns/2nd amendment/black people filler, but it seemed like he was attempting to improve the show each day. Right off the bat he did an AMA, most offensive song contest, had some decent bits with bobo and tried to keep his guests diverse. Since moving to the NYC studio? Same shit every single day. The rants are worse than ever, the guest diversity now consists of bob levy, dave smith, and joe devito. And the "studio audience"? I don't think I've seen more than 5 people that aren't Keith, rat, or garret since the first NYC episode. I used to be an every day listener, but it's to the point where I -maybe- catch 1 episode a month. Pretty close to just dropping my sub altogether.


i remember him bringing up there would sometimes be a friday show and I dont think there has been a single one. Hes obviously not motivated enough to make it really work and thats why his show is such shit

He also promised to bring back the 55 gallon drum challenge and other hacky 90's shock jock bits. I hope he delivers once he gets a studio in NY.

Anthony doesn't give a shit. Luckily the other shows on his platform seem to want to put effort into their work.

What he shouldve done is gotten his ass in gear and brainstorm some fucking new ideas to make good use of the studio. The two guys who are only on once a week are the ones actually doing it right.

Yeah, that's absolutely what he needs. I get the impression there isn't much thought going into anything, and the result is him winging it day after day. I think that kind of pre-planning is what carried Stern through the shittier eras in his show.

How about getting a co-host before his reputation had been damaged further with this domestic violence case looming? Maybe he tried, but I would think that he could have at least gotten Nick Dipalo. Maybe even poaching Sam Roberts. Sam is clearly unhappy with his gig at Sirius. Maybe before the Dani thing he could have offered something tempting. Sam would keep Anthony from just ranting and raving everyday. Little less intense of a vibe maybe. I'm just spitballing. Also, Sam legitimetly prepares for his show and takes it seriously.

I miss Sam & Ant shows so fucking much

Do you think Joe Devito and Bob Levy would go all the way to Long Island to be on his show? NYC is where it's at.

Bob Levy would go all the way to Anchorage to perform in an Elks lodge with the payment being a plate of linguine.

Is there blue cheese in Anchorage?

No. He uses maple syrup as a substitute.

no shit.

Did you guys consider Anthony's current legal problem, accused of beating a barely legal daughter of a comedian? Anthony can't even get Jim Norton on his show!!! The worm who said he's leaving Opie Radio in 10 months....cancelled his appearance. Anthony can't do a good show when the guests refuse to show up. He got a charity appearance from Rony B, and Bob Kelly was already booked the day after it happened. The show is struggling, and I would love to see Anthony cancel the whole thing, and start a new show with humor, and zero black people talk. His twitter is an advertising tool that turns off a large percentage of old fans, aND gains him zero new fans. His idiocy is infuriating.

it's too late to reinvent himself. sadly, he's gonna squeak by with scorch-level talent on his network for the rest of his life.

Since when is 26 "barely legal"?

BUT BUT BUT.....Back in the good ole days George Carlin wasn't held to the same standard as Walter Cronkite......yeck.

Just do what I do, and stick with Scorch's PFG-TV.

I dont sub for TACS anymore. I will watch a few minutes of it but usually end up getting bored with it. I do like Gavins show, NYCCR just keeps getting better, and LOS can be pretty good on most nights. ESD doesn't do much for me. I'm still supportive of what they are trying to do with the network concept. As far as TACS goes I can take it or leave it.

Same here. But I think I'll sign up for a year because there are a couple shows that are consistently good.

I like how you say you listen to less than one episode a month yet you're only slightly considering unsubscribing.

Protip: Ant isn't going to change until the money is gone. Remember when people were still subbed because they didn't mind giving him money that would go to the NYC studio? How'd that turn out?

The dude isn't going to make good content because the fans are supporting him. He's going to make good content when people stop treating him with kid gloves.

He's gone Johnny

I've never subscribed to TACS but holy fuck does that sound terrible. I use to love Legion of Skanks, but as I've listened more and more, Dave Smith has become fucking unbearable. He's that shows Opie. Talks way more then he should, is never funny, and has one of the most annoying fucking voices on the planet. He doesn't bring a goddamn thing to the table and I can only imagine he talks incessantly with his boring horse-shit politics on Anth's show.

Daves not that bad hes "not steering the ship".

I think we might have broke him with the pedophile stuff. He probably feels spotlighted and it's hard to be funny when people think you molest children.

Agreed. The show was good at the compound. Lighting seems too bright at the studio. Could have just skyped the guests. Every show is a 2 hour chat of nothing. It's an internet show but can't find anything positive online about it. What's the end game? His outburts on reddit were at least interesting. Since going dark who cares?

Joe Devito looks like a grown up version of that Lionel nut Ant used to put on.

Hey back in his day phones used to have WIRES in them!


Ant should have just kept his mouth shut thus / then his job at SiriusXM.

what happens when Joe Devito and "Reverend" Bob Levy stop showing up?

The prison sentence starts.

It would have devolved to that no matter where it was

His master plan was that he was going to be a somewhat legitimate show and get decent guests in the city. It might actually have headed in that direction if he hadn't have strangled that stupid cunt. Now, with his charges public, Devito and Levy are about all he's gonna get at this point. Nobody with anything to lose wants their name even remotely associated with him. If he gets cleared of the charges, that may slowly change, but not for quite a while.

Shit it would actually improve if Dave smith was the guest every week which is sad


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I miss Sam & Ant shows so fucking much