Marc Maron stands up for Amy Schumer: "This isn’t about justice, it’s about hate."

6  2016-01-31 by crookedmile


I don't hate women, I don't hate black people or gay people... I love jokes and I love the chance to make people uncomfortable and laugh at the same time.

I'd like to think the same about this sub, how are we so misunderstood? We follow so many mean fucking comedians and when we criticize them they just call us out for the same types of jokes they've told in the past? It's thin skinned and I'm sick of being misrepresented, because I think we tend to understand comedy better than 99% of the rest of those PC faggots. We are the ones who buy tickets to see these comedians they should be kissing our fucking balls instead of pussing out to the general public, who wouldn't normally buy comedy tickets.

What is his evidence for calling her critics woman-haters? You can just call any "hater" a racist or sexist without any reason or defense now.

If it's because she's called a "cunt", then that's actually this sub's practice of equality when you consider what men are referred to as.

If she called herself a cunt in front of a crowd of SJWs she would get a standing ovation like it was a fucking TED talk, but when we do it we are women hating losers? It's starting to be a stereotype that really if you think about it has no merit.

PC losers just use shaming language to shut down discourse. Don't fall for it.

If they call you a racist or a sexist or whatever, just call them an asshole and move on with your point. Once you show these losers you're not scared of their labels they're fucking powerless

In an age of retweets, a fan is just a follower that happens to be agreeing with you at the moment. Everyone else is just a hater and a signal to double down on whatever you're in disagreement about.

It's insanely disgusting to hide everything you don't agree with behind the "hate" banner. Yes, there is real hate, for women and for blacks and minorities. Someone going after a fat chick for stealing jokes doesn't qualify.

When you use that "card" for something completely unrelated it's basically the same as a woman reporting a rape on someone months later because she decided he was an asshole.

Maron is a complete fucking piece of shit.

Yes, there is real hate, for women and for blacks and minorities.

Is there?

That's a bit hard to deny. It's one thing to defend a comedian. It's another to act as if nobody hates certain groups of people for reasons that are completely out of their control.


if anyone knows hate it's, Marc 'I hate Everything' Maron

There is a video with several examples of her stealing jokes. Even if you think the video is unconvincing, there is no room to assert insidious intent. These accusations are not so preposterous that a defender can argue against them simply by musing about the ulterior motives of those that agree with the video. The video and the accusers make points, give an argument, and give examples. At most, someone disagreeing with us can say that we are perhaps ignorant to the way jokes are made, or that the jokes in question are somehow different enough not to be stolen. If someone thinks the earth is flat, a baseless claim, then you can speculate on ulterior motives. Here we are not just saying "Amy is a theif", we are making an argument and backing it up. And without refuting the evidence, without challenging the logic, people like Marc Maron jump instantly to "unfuckable, hateful, nerds" without sparing with the merit of our claims. It is a clear attempt to shrug off the arguments as soooo ludicrous that the people making them must be somehow deficient. I just hope that Maron chokes on a big juicy fawkin pekah n gets fawkin aids uh sumthin and waxes his mustache with it muhmuhmuh. Dvv Dvv. It's underhanded and cowardly to do something like that. And considering how beat for beat Amy ripped him off, he should not be taking anyone's word for it. Her excuse to him was literally "parallel thinking" and if he really thinks that's true then "parallel" must be the only way she thinks because the example are overwhelming..

These accusations are not so preposterous that a defender can argue against them simply by musing about the ulterior motives of those that agree with the video.

That would be true, but the thing is, we do have ulterior motives. Extremely obvious ones. We weren't all huge Amy Schumer fans before we discovered these clips and started holding her feet to the fire for justice's sake. We've been itching to see her go down for months at this point.

I get it's annoying that people are overlooking the substance of the arguments, but it's frankly bizarre how offended this sub gets when someone accurately challenges our integrity.

Imagine if someone you knew had a serious personal vendetta against someone else and had expressed their intent to find a way to bring them down on multiple occasions. A few months later, that person comes up with some mildly compelling but circumstantial evidence that their nemesis is a pedophile. Can that person really get offended when their motives are questioned?

but it's frankly bizarre how offended this sub gets when someone accurately challenges our integrity

It's not bizarre. We aren't actual hate nerds. We are all people very passionate about standup comedy. I really don't have ulterior motives, I don't care about Amy Schumer's success in and of itself.

We aren't actual hate nerds.

That's just not true. This sub is wholly based on hate. The majority of the threads on the front page have been shitting on someone since at least 2014: usually Opie, occasionally Jimmy, increasingly Anthony, but now this paroxysm of Amy hatred. I believe that you personally may not have ulterior motives, but you can't possibly have been on this sub for very long if you don't think that unreasonably hating things is part of our MO.

That's just not true. This sub is wholly based on hate. The majority of the threads on the front page have been shitting on someone since at least 2014

I think you're mistaking cruel humor for actual hatred. In reality I don't hate Opie but I really like to make fun of him.

Why would he lie like that?

I love how none of these articles will mention this sub specifically. Maron obviously was talking about his place being behind releasing the video. How many big name comics and radio hosts have we annoyed thus far? Love it

Outing a kid for making a joke tweet based her comedy is a prime example of misandry. These reporters fail to see the hypocrisy in trying to pin this all on misogyny after seeing what she is capable of.

Misandry? No, it's just a woman being kind of a classless cunt.

Yeah, i gotta agree. She's a thief and a chameleon. I don't think she genuinely gives a shit about feminism.

Even if she did, her yelling at some kid isn't misandrist unless his being a man (well, boy) had something to do with it, which I don't see.

Pr team? And how lazy is this journalist that they don't take the time to research and see all the other videos that came out? I suppose the harassment angle sells better.


It's like Maron thinks this entire "witch hunt" is because of the one joke she stole from him. Like that's it. That's all the evidence he's seen

I agree with Marc, it was pretty hateful for Amy to steal jokes from all of those people.

This isn't about hate, it's about justice and love. Justice for the trampled upon, love of the art. I, and many others, don't want to live in a world where even a single child goes hungry because a routine about how bra straps should be slightly wider was stolen from a struggling single mother. Not on my watch!

Wow the flaming libtard went with the classic libtard defense? How shocking. If you can't argue, misdirect. Faggot. And I'm not saying that cause I think you're gay. I'm saying it cause I think you're a faggot.


Fucking disgusting kike.

Do us a favor and inhale some Zyklon B gas.

I am in complete agreement with Maron on the issue of misogyny within the comedy world. Were one to conduct a Reddit survey upon Whitney, Chelsea and Amy. They'd learn that they are all cunts who fucked, sucked and stole their way to the top. While the jury is out on whether any of this is true. These opinions have less to do with reality and more to with these ladies successfully navigating careers within a mostly male dominated culture. Please also keep in mind that women can be as brutal and misogynist as men when it comes to female comics.

That's because the 3 you listed are fucking hacks and most likely did suck and fuck their way up.