Gavin thought he could make comedy look easy and he blew it

3  2016-01-31 by [deleted]



Pulling his dick out in the first 3 mins was where I knew he was fucked... He was desperate for a laugh.

Chris Rock doesn't open with Black people vs. Niggas

Gavin didn't open with funny, either.

Exactly dude! If he was smart he would have gotten a comic like Zac Amico to write his jokes for him. It would have made it waaay funnier!

It would have been much worse to bomb a set and in a last ditch effort to win back the crowd pull his dick out.

Luis said he's on Gavin tomorrow and they'll be doing a very detailed breakdown of the video. Should be fun.

you would think he would have something written down, he just bullshitted that entire time. very few people can rif well

He called it easy and said he wouldn't need to do any of that and he would slay. If he had said he wanted a week to dust off old bits and done practice sets it completely defeats the entire argument that he made to get him into this in the first place



This is however the only scenario in that mix where he looks like and was a loser