Miss Schumer making Seth Rogen look slim in the new Bud Light ad

27  2016-01-31 by [deleted]



I think its in poor taste that a beer company is using a pregnant girl in their ads

Line of the day

ME: Ugh, we may as well not do line of the day today, we know that's gonna win.

That's what my wife said the first time we saw it.

Where is Amy? All I see is Seth Rogen standing next to a keg.

Jesus. I wonder if Amy feels guilty about something, and is eating it away.

She's been stealing food from other comics. That's why Jimmy is so skinny now.

Nice use of foreground and background.

They had to use the ol Hobbit trick to make her look like a passable female.

I thought that was Jonah Hill.

So she feels responsible that two people were shot at her show that was purely random, but she has no problem doing an ad for alcohol?

Typical SJW. Take an active stance against something you'll never consider owning in the first place. Make excuses for the thing that kills more but you personally enjoy.

A few years back on redeye, she lost her shit on Stephan Crowder for suggesting abstenance before marriage was a fulfilling life choice. He was not proposing banning sex. But she lost her head and started screaming at him, taking it as if he called her a whore personally. Total lefty hippocrat.

Holy shit that was awkward. Every time she opens her mouth about anything political she sounds fucking retarded. Keep your fat, Jew mouth shut about politics and stick to your hack slut/pussy jokes.


I'm no statistics hound but id bet alcohol kills more than guns

Approximately 88,000 Americans die from alcohol-related causes each year. Homicide by firearms kills 11,200, suicide by firearms kills another 21,200, firearms-related accidents kill 500, and "discharge of firearms, undetermined intent" kills 300, so if you consider all of those to be valid reasons for gun control, that's a grand total of a little over 33,000. The more you know.

Well there you go

She really let herself go huh. Gone has, the Amy Schumer that Ant remembers as "Hot". Say hello to miss piggy who has to blame it on the world when she feels uncomfortable with her body, oh and of course she has to go to feminism now since she's fat.

She looks like the girl Freddy Krueger fed until she exploded.

she looks like a girl Freddy Krueger fingered

I kinda feel bad for her now, I just get this feeling she's so beyond overwhelmed by everything, by the instant rise to fame, the shit hollywood culture, probably 11ty people telling her to buy into hollywood and pretend she's something she's not. She just strikes me as someone easily influenced by the ones in power around her and it's leading to some major meltdown.

There is no way she chose to gain bunch of weight, not with movies on the table, not with hanging out with jennifer lawrence at awards, even the feminist horseshit of "you go girl! be the way you want to be!" would do that, it has to be insane amount of stress in her life.

I kinda feel bad for her now

lmao you gay bruh

There's a point in your life where if you drink too much, it just starts putting on pounds. I think she's reached that point.

she prolly got millions from all those tho

I'd rather fuck anything else than that pig in blue

What a rotund piece of shit

Jew Brew.

In the commercial, it is pretty clear that Amy is also guilty of stealing someone else's waist.

holy fuck

Two fat people drinking beer really doesn't make me thirsty.



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Anheuser Busch needs to know what type of lying pig they have working for them.

Fatty pig fatty?

That's a shame.

dats Chips mudda Dolores, shes voluptuous. just missing the skinny black BF

Its like Chris Farley got AIDS