Big Ol' Jim Norton

135  2016-01-31 by Feliq


I can't tell if this is a BaldOpie

I don't think I even know what Opie really looks like at this point.


ME: that's the beauty of it

every bad thing jim has ever done will be redeemed if he has a secret plan to get swole as fuck and then beat the shit out of opie on his last day of work in october

Make my words, Jim will re-sign in October. He can't make it on the road.

"Ohh, hi Mark"... My words.

Rick and morty style with x gonna give it to Ya style

I don't care what anyone says, Big Jimmy makes me laugh every time.

I love Big Jim Norton so much.


Name names.

he looks like a giant muscular baby that's aged.

I'm seeing a bit of the body on the right, with the baby's head on the left.

i still find that baby head weirdly disturbing

Everything else about that scene is completely normal

I disagree, it's very creepy.

I'm at the point where it took a triple take to figure out if Bald Opie worked his magic on Opie or not.

Absolutely fantastic! Bald Opie if you lurk here. Thank you for your service.

Is BigJm also Shrinking Stature, Growing Paunch Opie?

If AIDS was a skinhead he'd look like Jim.

The hills have eyes

" to the sounds of music "

Irish Accent "Just goin to the gym. Just goin to the gym and eating better."


Big Jim Norton on twitter is the Daddy of Big Jim photoshops. My attempt is splash in his ocean.

rank them in order of who would win in a fight

Serra, Dana, Jim, Chris, Erock, Travis, Mars, Jenny Hut, Dr Steve, Opie

Erock has that retard strength power-up thou

and they call him the hawk


he took down a french guy underwater though.. the opester can hold his own!!

Shark eyes

Doll smile.

Those are some of the weirdest looking men Ive ever seen.

Look at men often do ya?

You like movies about gladiators, do ya?


Big Jim Norton is just my favorite

Nope, he's also my favorite.

Stop being selfish.




chris distefano obviously looking at Big Jim

this is just creepy all around...

This is weird. I don't feel comfortable.

Opie's beard makes his head all big and his Tintin at 55 hair look like a little island far away.

Poor Opie, he looks happy and contented in these photos but it's just an act.

b...bald opie?

I can't tell

Can someone link the other Big Jimmy pics? Thanks sweeties

aw, look at that jimmy's illness is keeping him from standing up without help. I really hope the little guy pulls through....

Why is Jimmy wearing an Atari t shirt?

Hipster faggot.

I think jimmy wears the Atari Tshirt because as a younger sweet boy he was an Atari champ and in his local paper because of his achievement

Maybe one of Jim's escort pals finally gave him the HIV, but he got lucky and got the Magic Johnson kind.

Opie's face is creepily symmetrical.

I love how all of the Big Jim Norton photoshops give him a bigger chin and jawline.

Make my words, Jim will re-sign in October. He can't make it on the road.

Rick and morty style with x gonna give it to Ya style