Request: Whoever made the Kurt sucking Gavin's dick pic.....

14  2016-01-30 by TheDarkFezRises

Can you please make one with his girlfriend sucking Gavin's dick instead?

I think that would get to him more.


Gay porn Photoshops? I wouldn't even know where to get the base photo from like do you just Google something, what would you even Google to get that going I wouldn't even know what to type or do you just go about your internet and one day stumble on it, it's just so weeiiiird to me. But wouldn't it be funny to just Google it out of nowhere how funny would that be?

Did my photoshop threaten your sexuality?

If you answer me you might reinforce it, get it?

I just typed gay into google images, it's really not hard.....tsss


Oh, Litteral LK3000and1!!!

What I hate most about Kurt is that he forces a twitter rant to try and get people to go "Whoa, this guy talks tough and doesn't afraid of anybody"

Was that Gavin's actual penis? I figured it be more petite

Or have a tiny beard on the tip

He never stops showing his dick.

I only listen via audio.

I meant in his movies, I dont follow his show

Are his movies any good? I like funny Gavin, and even serious Gavin, but I can't stand serious, politically inconsistent, uninformed Gavin.

How To Be A Man was good but a few parts were a little self indulgent.

Well, Gavin's intense love for himself is part of his charm. At first I thought he was doing a Stephen Colbert-type character, but now I don't what to think. His shouting match with CopperCab was the funniest he's been in a long time.

Kurt probably already has that pic

I just found evidence Metzger really is a cuck. The photo is quite damning.

It'll get to him alright, in the pants - that cuck.

Doesn't he have a sister? We could find pics of her

I don't think anything photoshopped will actually get to him :/

How often do you think he pins her down and beats her when he's cracked out?

oh fuck! did anyone send that too him? that would piss me off

Hi Yes im the one who made the pic. But I will not Photoshop Kurts gf in thats just rude. Originally I found a pic of gavin with a scottish tartan hat on, and thought there must be gay pics of a guy in a kilt fucking another male, which would make the gavin tartan hat fit in place. Maye someone wants to take the batten -

Gavin sucking Ant's dick would be the most true-to-life, but one washing his ball sack would suffice.

Did you want one of you sucking a trannies dick? I am sure he will work to order if you pay.