Where is the joke Amy stole from Anthony Jeselnik?

6  2016-01-30 by zfront

I read Amy stole from Anthony Jeselnik...

"...the joke from her album Cutting that goes "I finally slept with my high school crush, now he expects me to go to his graduation" that Anthony Jeselnik, her ex, told on Shakespeare"

I listened and can't find the similar joke on his "Shakespeare" album, does anyone know which track it is or if it is from an interview or different set of his?


The worst thing that Greg Giraldo's Aryan replacement did was introduce me to Amy Schumer, the second worst thing was that he dated a fat chick.

He probably dumped her because she got fat


Well it's a lock they "wrote together" i.e. he wrote all her shit and she changed it to a women's perspective