Heh... @9:04

7  2016-01-30 by Luuvstewspewg


how about you just give me whats promised in the thumbnail and nobody gets hurt

Alexandra A from met-art if anyone cares

You always were a good kid, even as a boy i could tell he was different


i will never fuck a woman like that. what a stark realisation

get rich son

opie is so cool maan


cool caddie. like happy gilmore, minus the funny.


Best comment on that video:

JayGlo1111 4 months ago God damn it this is the first time that opie made me FUCKING RAGE. Shut the FUCK UP while your friend/coworker is telling a more entertaining anecdote than you ever will because you can't break free of your asshole persona for fear of losing your job which you hold in higher regard than anyone or anything. Pretentious, greedy , cockshmeister. God damn it.