Amy's Parellel Thinking reaches across oceans, even British comedians aren't safe.

55  2016-01-30 by OpiesMammogramResult

Here's British Comedian, Sean Locke, discussing that Madonna's choreography is based upon "Milk Milk Lemonade"

Here's Amy Schumer, with a music video parodying current female popstars' choreography.



These are all interesting but which one would be best to use to showcase the theft?

Use both to make her look like an unoriginal complete hack.

Use these for a "Schumer is A Joke Hack" video.

With all the joke theft allegations that have been going down lately both of those videos make her look hacky and theevy.

It's both.

wow she is a fuckin hack

Hopefully a cure for autism is found some day so we never have to see a post like this again

also comments like these. why is someone autistic because theyve seen a youtube video? You know that word is ridiculously overused, if you want to use it so badly why not let it retain at least a little meaning and only use it when its appropriate?

You also clearly have autism.

Yep, I'm a cuck, too. Everyone but you.

What an autistic response.

Actually your obsession with repeating the word is more of a sign of autism than anything else. And the real kind of autism, not the generic word internet retards like you have turned it into.

Nah, I've simply noticed you have autism. I'm not going to make up some other word for your condition. I understand this is a touchy subject for you, but try not to spaz out about online.

I bet you notice it about a lot of things. I'm sorry you've ruined your favorite word. Maybe you'll find a new one to fixate on. Cuck has been pretty popular lately.

You bet I notice autism about a lot of things? Even for a known autist like yourself that's a pretty shockingly autistic thing to say.

I'm saying that retards made that word meaningless by obsessively calling EVERYTHING autistic, as you are proving.

I'm only calling you autistic because you clearly are. Your spastic fantasies notwithstanding.

"That's autistic"


"You're autistic"


"Only an autistic person would say that"

We get it, everything is autistic. Maybe sometimes it's you.

Yes, having imaginary conversations in the middle of real conversations isn't autistic at all.

If you really couldnt see that I was describing your thought process youre when making these generic comments youre even more stupid than I thought. Which was already pretty bad. Not looking too good for you.

Yes I understand that as an autist that's what you thought you were doing, but as someone with a functioning brain you were clearly doing what I said.

If you could learn to read you'd see I've only been saying that you're autistic. Which you are. Your idea that someone would say things are autistic is something only an autist could imagine.

If you interpreted it the autistic way until I told you otherwise, would that mean...could it be? Is this need to mindlessly say everything is autistic some kind of projecting? I'm sorry to break it to ya but you might be the autistic one.

The fact that you keep trying to pretend I'm saying everything is autistic, an idea so dumb only an autist could conceive it, instead of the fact that I'm just noticing that you are clearly autistic shows how close to home I've hit. It's all very obvious to a normal person like myself.

I can't imagine the lack of reading comprehension you'd have to suffer to think your reply is logical, haha.

Except the original thing you called autistic. And if youre still using that word that has basically become a parody of an internet comment on something as pointless as this you don't think if you went through your post history you'd find that word more than a few times at things completely unrelated to signs of autism? And you act like you have something on me because you called me autistic first. The only sign of autism here is you giving enough of a fuck to press the down arrow button every single time I comment. What is repetitvely pressing a button online because you don't like my comments other than a sign of autism? If you could come up with an actual reason anything you call autistic is autistic I'd honestly give you credit. Is there a reason you go to "autistic" first for everything? Why not cuck? or just retard?

Except the original thing you called autistic.

Nah, I called the person who wrote that autistic. Which hurt your feelings for obvious reasons.

you don't think if you went through your post history you'd find that word more than a few times at things completely unrelated to signs of autism?

You keep on bringing up imaginary scenarios instead of speaking about the conversation at hand. Because you have no other defence against my assertions of your obvious autism.

You really think it hurt my feelings? I just think it's stupid people are still using that word as a generic for "bad" even after it's been mocked constantly for being dumbly used. And my or anyone elses autism is just as much an imaginary scenario as you being an internet cliche. Except the post history would probably prove that, whereas you have nothing to say that can prove it other than parrotting both the word and that youre normal. You'd think if you were so sure you'd be able to come up with something, but either way I don't even really give a fuck.

Want to take another crack at that reply, champ? I understand that you're an autist, but that's no excuse for also being illiterate.

Just try harder to read it. And if you can't get it, I'm really not as obsessed as you to keep this going.

And my or anyone elses autism is just as much an imaginary scenario as you being an internet cliche. 

An actual sentence you wrote, haha.

I don't makes sense in context...did you try reading it again ? Either way, it's fine, we're all autists, you can have that if you want it so badly.

Not even a little bit.

Who's this "we" you're talking about. You are the autist. You alone.

Nah, I called the person who wrote that autistic.

him. but really. it's ok.

I really don't care what your gender is. Autism as severe as yours doesn't discriminate by sex.

That was you calling someone else autistic, making it every person youve corresponded with in this thread. That's was the "we" I was talking about, in case you weren't following. It's a phrase you obviously love to just parrot. But you can let it go, dude, it'll be okay.

You don't understand what "parrot" means. I'm saying my own thoughts, no one else's. Sorry that your autism has prevented you from understanding this simple fact.

Parrot means to say the same word over and over. You didnt make it up did you?

Haha, no it doesn't. Your autism is far more severe than I thought if you imagine that's the truth. Yikes!

youre saying the same thing over and over without adding anything else based on what youve seen in other internet comments. sounds like parrotting to me. and we get it. you can say "youre autistic" 90 different ways with nothing to back it up. this has obviously gotten pointless.

youre saying the same thing over and over 

90 different ways 

Please donate your brain to science when you die. This strain of nuclear grade autism must be studied!

Yeah,you can reword the same thing differently a bunch of times, like youre doing. Just give up dude, you have nothing.

  1. Sean Lock is actually funny.
  2. Fucking Amy Schumer and that video is not funny. At all. Like, fucking AT ALL. Goddamn man...

nope just two hackky bits which are funny in the school playground

In fairness Locke's actually funny.... That is a shitty bit though.

I don't care what you queers say. I would cum in this alleged plagiarist until my testicles atrophy.

wouldn't your testicles only atrophy from not cumming?

this guy is a thinker

He is our Einstein

Maybe he just knows his way around cock and balls.

Hole shit is this real?

Wow, that is just awful...



So is Amy Schumer an actual joke thief like Carlos Mencia or is she just incredibly hacky?


that saying has been around for ages. this is nothing strong, so brave.

Does this amy schumer joke theft shit affect her career at all or does the world forget about it by next week?

I thought this was gonna be a Loch Ness Monster joke....

she weighs about tree fiddy

"Did you visit the Loch Ness lake?" - Gregg 'Opie' Hughes, Professional Idiot

Joke's on you, he was just explaining for the audience. Opie's good like that.

And what would you know about professional broadcasting huh? Gregg ' Opie ' Hughes has been in radio sin...



Oh there's a monster all right. A fat, Jewish plagiarizing one.

How would they have time to steal this? And if you google milk lemonade chocolate, you just get a bunch of delicious treats and stuff. You unfuckable nerds need to stop.

holy sarcasm batman!

this guy is a thinker

holy sarcasm batman!

I don't makes sense in context...did you try reading it again ? Either way, it's fine, we're all autists, you can have that if you want it so badly.