I don't give a fuck about Amy Schumer, here's 10 links to classic O&A bits.

204  2016-01-30 by Faded99


Amy Schumer stuff is tedious

Its fucking boring

It's our very own SJW witch-hunt. People are just getting a hard dick knowing they have power over a legit A-lister. The joke stealing was somewhat interesting, but the pitchfork fest that followed wasn't unless you are an insecure, empty fag.

People in here hate on him now, but Maron absolutely wrecked those faggots

You must have loved every minute of it.

That struck a nerve with a guy who posts 90 angry, confrontational comments a day. Shocker.

Perhaps less than that.

Noticing you're lame doesn't make me angry, it makes me laugh. Only a real sadsack would interpret it your way.

Nah fuck her, she's guilty for what she's done

Yeah, but you are missing whats important here; I dont give a fuck either way.

That's not the point.

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It's a robot. It doesn't know you are complimenting it

How dare you even suggest that bots don't have feelings. R.I.P. /u/PhillyCrewBot

My nigga! :,(

Ill never foget how you did it.



I ain't playin link roulette with my data usage, description nigga

Good thing you didnt. Its a Soprano clip of Tony telling Paulie "remember when" is the most boring form of conversation.

I love the segment right before when they were talking about how capitalism is failing. Great stuff

Opster on his A game in this one I really enjoyed all that content Opie contributed here. He definitely brought the funny with all his hilarious questions, and the way he kept Rummy on the phone by acting as the straight man? Classic steering of the ship. He developed this show, y'know?

In a later appearance, Louie admitted that the only reason he came in to sabotage the interview was because one of his Borgota shows had only sold something like 50% of the tickets. He figured calling Rumsfeld a lizard from outer space would boost the sales.

It was because he had sold out the show, but the venue didn't want to run a second. He had got them to run the second show at his cost (IE he only gets paid if they sell enough tickets to pay him).

Link? Good for him if that's why he did it.

Sorry, it was just a side mention.

I love how Opie thought he was going to make Mustard some star and Anthony just shit all over it.

Iuummmmaaa creeeeeeeppp

Id give my left nut, right nut, penis, anus and urertha for new content like this.

I'd really like it too

the bonfire

It's good but not this good. I've listened since day 1 and the only thing as good was Chet Hanx

It's me ur brother

How would you guys rate tequila and donut day? It's one of my personal faves.


Up there with Lady Di's Internship.

Thank you. I don't care anymore, either. It was funny for a few days, now it's just obnoxious.

I hadn't heard a few of these, so thanks a lot!



Breaking bobos heart

Thank god, I'm so sick of Amy Schumer.

You're doing the lord's work sir.

Anthony going after mustard is gold. Shut it! Go fight over a heating grate.

Thank you.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POCeop5tXEU - Ant and Jim talking about motivational office videos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VOUw9xjKTY - Joe Piscopo saga

my stomach turns everytime i think of the name 'piscopo'

God I miss Patrice.

I love "anthony hates mustard" so much, that fucking impression is dead on it makes me laugh every time

Ron Kind is the WronG Kind!


https://youtu.be/f37wtOoleJ0 Erock is drunk

https://youtu.be/bANQPKS0TH8 Creepy Children

https://youtu.be/UVLP-qurBqU Ants racist line

https://youtu.be/pNfTI3w3IDY Bobo watches magic and talks road trip

https://youtu.be/Syv_t1fS9yw Chip does an entertainment piece

https://youtu.be/JChFT3Vt4V0 O&A fire a mcdonalds employee

The legend himself, Ron Sage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTX2jbPgZAI

You are a compass sir


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And the page turns


FAG SONGS THAT ROCKED https://youtu.be/HHMgjQR2N1w JIMMY'S CHILDHOOD STORIES https://youtu.be/lukWj68hyIs QUINCY https://youtu.be/NlTcpmnpeM0?list=RDNlTcpmnpeM0 COMEUPPANCE (W/ PATRICE) https://youtu.be/24B5SfVwD7Q SHIT STICK https://youtu.be/193IgEG6yKc CHICKEN HOARDER (Hannah w/ Bluto arms) https://youtu.be/yz_daKnXvM0

we need more posts like this


Fuckimg ahem,enough already in the words of Colin Quinn I could give a care!

You don't need to put up old clips that are engraved in our brain.... It's over, Let it go.

All reality shows need someone to hate. The Opie stuff was getting stale and it's hard to top making him cry on air. Derosa had his turn, Amy's just the latest.

After her, there will be someone else.... Get used to it

It's not over!!!! Nothing is over!!!!

Not sure why I wrote the first line I'm constantly rewatching old clips, the rest is true though.

It's more fun if you join in...

You deleted your line about it being "over"

now people who read this won't know what I was talking about.

You're a true scum bag.

Trust me guys, it was way funnier before this pussy edited his post.

But they will see from what I wrote after it and the little edit star that I removed it.

I am a scumbag though, no denying that.

Why'd you edit your post though? It ruined my whole joke

You should edit it back again and make it like it was, cause my joke was awesome. It was a Rambo reference. And you ruined it by editing your post.

I don't get many opprotunities to impress this sub, so when I finally make a good joke, you take it away from me, that makes me mad.

This thread was my chance to become a big name in the O&A subreddit and you ruined it.

I thought it was a shitty thing to say especially since I'd just been watching old clips...

Now I feel bad, I missed the Rambo reference... Hang on..

I think that's how it was, near enough.

yeah that looks about right, thanks.

Now when everyone looks at it they'll laugh! I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and see all the upvotes.

You're gonna be a star.


It's good but not this good. I've listened since day 1 and the only thing as good was Chet Hanx