The Opie & Anthony show is now a reality show and we are the producers

3  2016-01-30 by [deleted]



The Opie and Anthony Sub is delusional and you are retarded.

how do we differ from reality show producers then?

Reality show producers have done something with their lives. Barely.

we have considerably dented Amy Schumer's career BY defending oppressed female comedians. reality is crazier than fiction.

Trust me.. you haven't. Amy will be just fine.

i only trust in peckaz #somehomo

You and me both brotherman. Peckaz 4 Lyfe.

can we stop with the weird prideful shout outs? "Opie and Anthony are the puppets and we're the masters..." it looks gay as shit.

opie and anthony are the DJs and we are the rappers

Opie and Anthony are the flowers and we're the vase! Fuck yeah! Dvv dvv!


That's how you executive produce

I wish most of the people around here would follow in Steve's lack of footsteps.

What do you mean? By sitting down? Ok, done.

Now what?

Edge for nine hours.

But I have to get up to get the hat and guitar!

Damn your orders!



...some of you self-indulgent douches around here would benefit from a police beating, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Not like Rodney King brutality, but maybe like fat rural Texas deputies roughing up a hippie.

Why did Anthony start posting on Reddit again after his meltdown six months ago anyway? Did he lose like 30 of his 2,000 subs and get cold feet about how little reddit means to him? Did he realize that online communities were like the #1 thing he cared about when he was relevant, and start to miss it? So many possibilities.


You're in my fucking house!


People here strongly underestimate how much of their response to the fans comes from twitter. The Amy video got big but joke stealing videos are gonna go viral no matter who started them. No one actually linked it to this website in particular. There were even threads priding themself on how many new visitors would be coming here with all the schumer controversy. There was not one visitor.

So our destiny is to go out swinging?

Management here.
Loving the new direction of the sub.

Its crazy i wouldnt even know most of these comedians if it wasnt for this sub, its weird i get my world news from this fucked up place

We are producing a show for ourselves because we are also the audience

I hope we don't end up the same way Steve C. did.

Bald Opie is our Stan Winston/ Dennis Muren.

With the magic of special effects, our imaginations can become our reality.

we are lejun xD