Luis embarrasses himself

69  2016-01-29 by MyDicksAllShitty


Just in case this hack deletes his tweets:

He did. You're doing Gods work.

So did The Stand.

are u @AhGoosh? ur cute :3 show us ur boobies <3

But they're having a lazy Saturday!

How's this instead?


I love luis

He did delete it. You think he's embarrassed?

so Del Taco Gomez banned the venue on twitter he's booked to play at?

Yeah, but why was the venue being a dick?

I know the guy who is an owner there at The Stand. He can be a real dick. It's his thing.

He should stop making it his thing. I am immediately turned off by him.

A lot of people are. Especially women.

TheStand sure is a dick eh?

for real why the fuck are they talking shit to a comedian!!! its one thing for us, the fan to do it, BUT these comedians are making you (the stand) money.

To be fair, they did fluff him up later.


2016-01-30 02:27 UTC

No need to take money from Luis he is a comedic beast come out and see him some time.

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One of the owners used to run Cringe Humor if that explains anything. Patty cakes is who I'm talking about.

This kind of shit is why I'm a fan of Luis.

When he tries to be funny it usually falls flat, but when he doesn't intend to be funny it's a fucking homerun (cocksuckah).

They call that "Vos-itis."

Have you ever watched Vos' standup or Vos at a roast? I know it's fun to make fun of him, but he is legitimately funny as fuck.

I know, sir. Relax. I was being facetious/quoting an oft-mentioned jocular description of Rich from the show.

oting an oft-mentioned jocular descriptio

remember youre just a fan, you have no right to make fun of these COMEDIANS!! You dont know how!!

Damn it! Is this Kurt??

Well I do think Im better and smarter than everybody.

He killsch on schtage guysch

He's the opposite of most people. Lightning quick with wit, but a complete moron if he gets more than 3 seconds to think about anything.

Oh no, he's fucking Peurto Rican Vos

His one kinda redeeming quality is that he usually sees the humor in the situation in retrospect (unlike a certain board op with c cups).

He is the Rich Vos of the 21st century.

Fucking Gavin's response. This is the best content Luis has EVER produced.

Would have happily accepted this challenge if Puerto Ricans could work iCal.


This was a stupid battle for Luis anyways. Gavin isn't a keyboard activist. He is a professional talker and he is funny (whether you agree with him politically or not) and he has no shame. He could very easily get onto a stage and make people laugh. There's a damn good chance he could get onto a stage and do as good a job if not a better job than Gomez (I only hedge my bets because I never saw Luis do standup so maybe he is better than I think). This retarded argument that comics have where "if you aren't making a living doing standup then you don't know anything about being funny" is obnoxious. Some of the funniest people I know aren't stand up comics. They are normal people. They just aren't damaged attention seekers and they happen to also have real jobs. Just because people don't want to make a living cracking jokes on a stage doesn't mean that they don't know anything about being funny.

He is a professional talker and he is funny (whether you agree with him politically or not) and he has no shame. He could very easily get onto a stage and make people laugh.

In fairness, I would have said the same thing about Ant around June of last year. It turns out that being a funny person does not translate to being able to command a stage at all.

In fairness, Ant's abilty to be humorous has been rotting away more and more as alzheimer's takes root.

You would have been making a huge mistake last year then. Ant stopped being funny and was just bitter/angry for months before that roast. Ant at the old O&A roasts (like the one where Opie said "take some advice from us and lose weight"), Ant was funny at that event. He was very comic-like. He can do it. New Ant was just a drunken angry mess of race "jokes." Also Gavin has done standup before and was reportedly good at it.


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Even better is he attempts to save it and they just bitchslap him again. And Rat laughed at him.

Poor Luis. Really thought he had a zinger there

He should do a kickstarter to buy and shut down the club for 10 grand.

This is the best thing that happened today.

Ben can't help but stick his nose in......because it's big and Jewy.

Ouch...I physically cringed reading that.

I'm on tonight.

No you're not.

Oh, right I got mixed up it's tomorrow.

No, it isn't.

Poor Luis, going nowhere in breaking PR stereotypes re time-keeping. Or in a comedy career.

Can someone explain what the fuck is going on here and why Gavin is mentioned in every tweet? I can't follow any conversation on Twitter.

On gavin's show yesterday luis challenged him to try and follow him on stage and be funnier than him. Gavin said it would not be a problem.

I can't follow any conversation on Twitter.

srsly, it's the most counter intuitive, ass backwards presentation of people interacting I've ever seen.

That is fucking hilarious.

This guy lacks pride or integrity.

Luis "the show" J Gomez hits another one out of the park.

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

Hahaha Luis deleted it? That's the topper.

Annnnnd he deleted it.

Those are maybe the 5 funniest tweet in a row I've ever seen. I should not be laughing this hard.

yeah .....its mildly funny at best

Oof lol


Hahaha this is amazing

What a dolt.

what did it say?

Basically what McGowan9 wrote. Luis goofed up

Luis Spic Vos


I really don't see why this is anything. Luis had the wrong time.....OH NO LUIS HAD THE WRONG TIME!!! LETS KILL HIM WITH SHANKS!!!

can someone explain to me why this is so high up on the O&A page?

I would be pissed if I am him the owners of the stand are his managers

Luis summed up: . I agree with /u/PigsArePunished , that's why I love him though.

In fairness, Ant's abilty to be humorous has been rotting away more and more as alzheimer's takes root.

You would have been making a huge mistake last year then. Ant stopped being funny and was just bitter/angry for months before that roast. Ant at the old O&A roasts (like the one where Opie said "take some advice from us and lose weight"), Ant was funny at that event. He was very comic-like. He can do it. New Ant was just a drunken angry mess of race "jokes." Also Gavin has done standup before and was reportedly good at it.