It's Sad That Colin Quinn Now Tweets Less Ever Since Jimmy Stole His Twitter Personality Bit

71  2016-01-29 by runnerroad9

Looks like Amy's joke thievery is contagious. That sucks because Colin's twitter was one of the few things that was funny on a daily basis. Now, obviously depressed that his hard work has been taken, he's been reduced to mainly retweeting compliments from fans.


I hope Colin confronts him.

His last confrontation with Jimmy over Twitter was fucking great. That was really when we first began to see the teenage girlishness of Jimmy

Is that when Jim unfollowed all comedians. What a queer

Jim unfollowed everyone because he was upset that no one would do a comedy thing with him. He asked, no one responded. He subsequently unfollowed everyone but Patrice I believe.

and Ozzy


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Great shit post.

That's an oxy, moron.

Can I have one?



I wanted an OXY, not a moron. :)

Yeah so are you!


I am SO sorry. I didn't mean it.


Jim's character is not particularly similar to Colin's. In any case, Colin's character isn't exactly original.

Yeah. It's just parallel thinking!

Thanks Kurt

Good one.

The people who do the whole 'thanks, so-and-so' are literally the human garbage of this sub.

Everyone on this sub is human garbage. Shut the fuck up.

Thanks, Kurt!

Thanks Opie

Thanks freshmozz.

Are... are you sure I'm not actually OPIE??

Are you a professional comedian bro? Because you don't know what you're talking about otherwise.

Why do people keep saying this? They're nothing alike. Would Kirk Cinnamon say something like this?


2016-01-13 14:51 UTC

Tuesday is for jerkoffs and has beens and Thursday is for wannabes and losers . #wednesdaywisdom

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He was tweeting about hanging out with Jimmy the other day and the character

It's just parallel thinking gang

I came here to post this very thing but I see you getting downvoted, so Im glad you beat me. You were the canary in my comedy coal mine for this morn'.

you have to see the abyss, to have a drive to make it to the top

I was reading some of his tweets the past week and I was laughing so fucking hard. I might have to create a Twitter account just to follow him.

We steal Jimmy's jokes every day. When is someone going to make a post on all of us?!


Honestly a lot of people do similar twitter characters, Colin just does it the best.

He's busy as hell performing his one man show.


2016-01-29 15:13 UTC

@iamcolinquinn my better half asked me to explain the constitution....

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Did he really? Yuck. Fucking pussy worm.


Holy shit you faggots are so fucking embarrassing.

Jim Norton and Colin's characters are completely different. They're not even the same concept.

Colin plays a narcissistic, falsely modest, D-list celebrity who pretends he's an A list celebrity, and whose bitterness and hatred is often revealed subtly and gets expressed in weird passive aggressive ways. He's being "pretentious performer guy" who acts wise and sentimental and gives people advice or tries to philosophise about his "craft" and how important it is to people.

Jimmy is playing a super positive, dainty, queer, nebbish faggot who tells everyone to have a wonderful day.

One is supposed to make you mad by being a cheesy hack, the other is supposed to make you sick by being a creepy touchy-feely weirdo.

They could not be more different. To say they are the same character, all you are saying is "Hi, I am a stupid, unaware faggot who doesn't get jokes"

Colin has RETWEETED some of Jims funnier tweets as this character, e.g. Wearing a cute monster hat

The way you wrote this is so embarrassing. Like you know. Like you have confirmed insider information that Colin HAS stopped tweeting, and know it's because of Jim.

I've been reading his Twitter for three years. He isn't tweeting less, he has always been inconsistent.

Can you imagine how fucking embarrassed you would be if Colin read your fan fiction post about how he's not tweeting anymore because one of his best friends is stealing from him???? The reality of how much of a stupid, gossiping hen you're being would set in pretty quickly, wouldn't it? HAHAHAHAHA shut your mouth before I use it as a pussy you embarrassing faggot

kirk cinnamon reminds me a lot of kirk cameron the bible thumper guy

see you're alright for a while and then you go and do this

this is embarrassing


Jesus Christ, yeah we know, it's a joke you retard.

Oh and hi Jimmy

Jimmys character is richard simmons

Thanks, Kurt!

I came here to post this very thing but I see you getting downvoted, so Im glad you beat me. You were the canary in my comedy coal mine for this morn'.

you have to see the abyss, to have a drive to make it to the top