Dave Smith appreciation thread

0  2016-01-29 by goldstandard32


I appreciate that his kike family use the name "Smith". I can at least look at him as a human somewhat.

He's not as bad as people make him out to be.

Do you wanna like,appreciate like, Dave Smith? Like fuck no

This is not going to be a very long thread!

He's only funny when he's fucking with Luis. Does he even have an act?

I don't think he even does standup but his twitter handle is @ComicDaveSmith. All he does on LoS is get drunk and force his jokes in edge wise. He doesn't even seem happy to riff with the other guys, the guests on the show always outshine him and he's becoming more anxious with each passing episode. I think he might shit himself soon.


His mother raised a nice fella. Not a funny fella, but a nice fella nonetheless.

The Opie of Los

He's aight