Kurt Metzger harassed feminist bloggers and admitted to domestic violence against a woman

3  2016-01-28 by crookedmile

I mean, how could a feminist SJW like America's (beloved) Amy Schumer support a man such as this: The disturbing online trail of Comedy Central writer Kurt Metzger


It's like I've been saying. He's an alright dude, he just wants his money and is willing to sacrifice all shreds of integrity for it.



He lashes out at anyone who does not agree with him 100% on everything. By all accounts he seems like an annoying man baby.

This is Amy Schumer's head writer. Mr. Misogynist. I hope the SJW's don't find out about this...

I see Lindy West commented. She basically made a career complaining about "fat shaming" or some shit.

While Metzger argued on Facebook, "Don't worry about jokes. Rapists don't hide behind rape jokes," the domestic violence in his past—not to mention the threats in his current language—illustrate in a grim way the very real connection between "jokes" and actual assault. Ironically, Metzger is a textbook example of the academic study he mocked and dismissed—the one that explored how men who enjoy jokes about sexual violence are more likely to commit sexual violence. Metzger's admissions, truthful or not, are horrifying enough: He stated that some women "deserve a beating," then he copped to choking his girlfriend because she didn't "fear" him enough.

Oh Kurt...how could you...

The ongoing saga between Kurt and these far-left hogs is fairly amusing. At one point he made some facebook comments implying that it was all a prank and the angry feminist who wrote "The disturbing online trail..." was a character he'd made up. I believe some worthless blogger ran with it and put out some now-deleted articles about how the feminist never existed, which understandably sent her insane.

Later her cronies victoriously bragged about getting him fired when he no longer appeared as a "writer" on the Schume's show, but it later turned out that it was because he'd been promoted to writer/producer complete with a hefty payrise.

Really, you're taking Social Justice Warriors' side over Metzger's? You hate so much that you've become what you hate...