Good Natured Jimmy is all in with the Trump

25  2016-01-28 by ShitdickJunior


I would watch him play a serial killer in this character. It's scary as hell.

That's a damn good idea. I totally see it too. A soft spoken guy with a big smile who kills people when angered.

Let's pitch him a screenplay!

Exactly! It's something inhuman trying to pass itself off as human.

He's got lifeless eyes, like a doll's eyes.

What do you think this is, it's his demo reel.

his name is kirk cinnamon

Mother of God, I laughed so hard I farted.

Lil Yimmy has a pathetic amount of subscribers

I think he is trying to build up his youtube channel for when he leaves tits.

Curt/Kurt Cinnamon (or Sinomon), is a fine man and cares about others. Aaaaand everyone have a pleasant evening and kisses to you all, tee hee.

It's Kirk.

I knowwww i knowww, sorry sniff

This is hilarious and infuriating all at the same time

I wish CQ still went on the show, he'd definitely call out earthworm Jim on stealing his bit.

That's what I thought as well. Playing a chirpy character that's suppose to be irritating on purpose.

can't help laughing at the weedy cunt

Jimmy is so hilariously weird.

He comes off like Chris Walken in The Continental.

So Chip is Opie, Unle Paul is Ant, who is this supposed to be, Justin Stangle maybe?

This is the guy who actually literally molested Jimmy when he was a baby

Chip almost came out with that "or sumthin"

I hate this character more than anything I've ever encountered in life.

Not funny but god damn jimmy has great characters