I managed to get a picture of the cretin who attempted to steal our subreddit. Help me ID this scoundrel.

53  2016-01-28 by ArkL


The jewgitive?

I'm not loying goy. I didn't steal those jokes awlroight.

the dog just...neeeeeh, the dawg just....


I love a good morning zoo jewgitive bit.

"This is the Reddit fugitive, I've taken control of /r/opieandanthony... Leave Amy alone!"

The hamburgler?

She is more of a Grimace. Get it? She is a fat.


Turn her sideways and it's a barcode for a 200lbs bag of pork rind

fawwk yea and it's kosher too

Looks like a Hamburger.



Louie Anderson really let himself go.

That's Amy Schumer!


calm down.

Whoever it is, they got lazy on the blackface.


It's like if someone made a human out of crisco and let it sit in the sun for a few days.


A pig?

I don't know. Looks a little Photoshopped... or MS Painted, to be more accurate.

Sometimes awful photoshops are funnier than good ones.

Kinda looks like Opie.

Thats a fatty pig fatty

Kurt Metzger.

O&A Reddit; where failed comics go to be funny...